Barack Obama Surprises Teachers With A Message Of Thanks | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Fmr. President Barack Obama joined several surprise teachers in a video chat to thank them during Teacher Appreciation Week as educators across the country adjust to teaching their students with remote learning due to the coronavirus pandemic. Aired on 5/7/2020.
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Barack Obama Surprises Teachers With A Message Of Thanks | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. @ProgrammingFlaw 3489 Yet, the South, which still holds onto “The South will rise in rebellion again” attitude, has been voting Republican for more than half a century.

      Maybe you should ask yourself why?

    2. I read these comments and I’m forced to shake my head at the sheer unwillingness to give Obama his due. When Syria happened, when Ukraine happened, he went to the Republican controlled Congress at that time for permission to do more! They refused…thats right they are the ones who handcuffed Obama.
      As for his golfing Obama never went every weekend to one of his properties. But 5he one that really kills me? Flynn pleaded guilty…TWICE!!! There was no frame or illegal wiretapping. Y’all need to stop with this insane jealousy and look at your own man who has done ten times worse of what you accuse Obama of.

    1. @Marsha Waugh Congratulations! Your comment just made the top 5 of most stupid and ignorant comments ever!!
      The US is number 1 in Corona cases, Corona deaths and military spending (to fight the Corona war), now the US is also number 1 in stupidity. (could there be a connection?)
      So much winning!!!
      Obama removed 1.18 million illegals in his first 3 years in office, Trump only 0.8 million.

    2. The majority of Americans elected a man that’s doesn’t HOPE for change he makes things change . And we’ll do it again.

    3. ZZtop 1700 Obama let military vets go homeless and took away they’re health care. So stfu.

  1. Looking to appreciate everyone and the effort they put in is the difference between Obama and the clown acting as president. This is simply heartwarming

    1. @Too Wun Funny how people split hairs when Obama called himself black and it was understood by EVERYONE but you.

    2. @Johnny D
      He’s not black.
      He’s mixed race.
      I don’t care how he wants to self-identity himself.
      He’s still mixed race.
      And Bruce Jenner is still a man that dresses in a womans outfit. 🥴

      I thought the left believed in science? 🤭

    3. that’s the trouble with Obama bootlickers. Obama does nothing for the people, says thank you and his bootlickers are saying things like, simply heartwarming. lol.

  2. Very nice thing to do Mr. Fmr. President Barack Obama. America misses you, now more than ever!

  3. So presidential. I’m sure tRump called many more teachers and did the same, probably thousands…(sure). Made me smile to see what a real president does.

    1. And I heard all the teachers in the country were calling Trump to thank him for all he has done for a good education.

  4. Trump could never muster up enough humility or humanity to show true appreciation for anyone.

    1. @Eddy Hanson What did Trump do too stop it. Then we can talk.
      Until then. You are not objective in any way.

    2. @Damian Draven You know Barr was passed by 100% verbal vote in the passed right? No problem again this time for Trump huh? Do Commies like you know anything before they vomit half the story they heard wrong from the Mediots on TV and Social Engineering platforms? You guys are as dumb af. You should shut your trap because the adults are trying to fix things!

    3. @a. barker – to stop the virus, Trump had several meetings and communications with the governors and got them up to speed on the plan very quickly and briefed them on the Constitutional law that dealt with pandemics. That plan was very successful.

      I was not surprised to see how many Democrat governors publicly acknowledged that they were ignorant to the law and argued against it saying that Trump was passing the buck. They all finally accepted it and never apologized. I’m still not sure if they knew what they were doing.

      I’m saying you lost because I proved to you that you are projecting the fault of the Democrats onto the nearest Republican. You don’t win debates if you are exposed to that. You didn’t even acknowledge this fact, so until you can get past that, you are stuck.

      Again, the majority of deaths are because Cuomo and De Blasio made many mistakes. This is the same situation as the failed Katrina response in Louisiana.

      How can you say you are being objective? You are cherry picking and moving the goal posts every time I win an argument.

    4. @a. barker – I don’t understand why you think we’re fighting. I don’t. Feelings hurt and belligerence is a symptom of cognitive dissonance

    1. @StealieSteve Those bleach injections you’ve been giving your self are actually doing you a world of good so keep going with them

    2. Runeclaw25 – Obama did nothing but raise taxes, health premiums and passed a law to put men in women’s restrooms

    3. Oh yeah trump is doing an amazing perfect job running this country he is a genius. He has perfect conversation. Thinks windmills or wind turbines causes cancer. Calls for violence and disobedience. Oh boy can’t wait to see what he has planned if he wins again. How much better could he do. According to him we are winning we are winning so much that eventually we will get tired of winning

  5. I don’t care what anyone says – best President ever in my life time award goes to President Obama!!!

    1. @William H: The questionable honor to be the worst President ever, belongs to the traitor in chief Donald bankruptcy Trump.

    2. Best President Obama? That is because you are totally asleep and haven’t a clue as of yet. Obama is scum.

  6. Trump: ” Where’s MY appreciation? Where’s my NOBLE prize? 😄

    “Mr. President, I think you meant Nobel Prize.”

    Trump: ” Noble, Nobel…I don’t care, just give me something!!!”

    COVID-19: “I’ll give you something.” 😆

    1. David J Please Covid-19, be generous with Trump. Give until you can’t give any more!

    1. @Darth Ellok Whom are you talking about. If it’s Obama than I demand proof. Not the phoney kind but real proof. This issue is moot in the case of Trump since he admitted to it and his lawyers declared it to be in the best interest of America.

    2. @Leeanne Bishop ???
      More black Americans are moving towards conservative because of Obama and Trump pro American values.

    1. @Ray S You got a response to that comment (that you didn’t like, because you were called out).

      Then you typed about other things not in that comment and pretended you thought the criticism was about those other things.
      Then you repeated your first, incorrect, comment.

      It’s not a complicated exchange, you just don’t have anything to say or a point to make that you can defend.

    2. @Bonnie Nutter “hoax” 😅

      Fun fact: the bi-partisan (that means Democratic and Republican in this case) senate committee concluded just last month that there was indeed a concerted effort by Russia to infiltrate the US and with a view to altering the election outcome.

    3. T Electronix – ok cool.

      Thanks for not proving what I commented as incorrect when we all know its true. There is nothing on my end to defend bc I states facts smh

    4. @T Electronix Sure they did. Here, read the 53 transcripts they based that conclusion on. There is a reason Congress is in hiding. There are indictments and arrests coming. Bombshells are dropping so be ready.
      I don’t care if you are a democrat, independent, of republican. I do care about facts so read the transcripts and inform yourself so you can have an adult conversation over “Facts.”

    1. @Rand Kocher maybe in his younger days he was a great businessman, but now he’s an old and senile, combined with his delusions of self grandeur and his obvious class and racial bias, makes him a ticking time bomb, I’ve never seen this nation more divided in my life time.

    2. @Esteban Garita,
      – Old and senile? I have rarely seen someone of any age more cognitive and sharp minded than President Trump!
      – Delusions of self grandeur? Your supervisor or department manager at work is probably way more psychopathic than President Trump is; most are!
      – Is he egotistical? Because Trump promised to reduce the economic Gravy Train to china, he is the most viciously, horrendously attacked President in American history putting him on defense more than he would be otherwise.
      – Everyone has negative personality traits that can at times interfere with their ability to function healthily to some degree in life, including you, but because Trump is obviously and continuously the most focused, accomplished, busy, hard working President I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen them all since Kennedy), I wouldn’t worry about him at all!
      – Class and Racial bias? Trump is the first President in my life to promise to help those rural and inner city, minority especially, American people who are caught in a perpetual, generational cycle of poverty and unemployment. President Trump accomplished the lowest unemployment numbers in American history for American minorities of all categories!
      – You’re being bamboozled and lied to! What would you or I do with a tax reduction? Start or grow a business and hire a thousand people? No, but that’s exactly what those who were primarily targeted in the President’s tax reduction do!
      – Obama had taxes too high and it was stifling the economy and hurting people. Trump simply lowered them a very small amount to a more Americana level, and the outrage from Trump’s enemies is completely phony baloney!

    3. @kevaug92,
      – All people, everyone on the planet, are born with our brains wired either somewhat Conservative or somewhat Liberal and then we’re, or most of us, nurtured into our local politics. Liberals deduce politics based more on emotion and subjectivity, while Conservatives deduce politics based more on logic and objectivity.
      – Journalism is a profession that attracts many more Liberals possibly because of their emotional thoughts that, “I’m going to change the World for the better or something similar!” But the reason isn’t important, just knowing that virtually all media companies and organizations are bastions of Liberalism is the important part to understand. When the first caveman stood up and started telling everyone what’s going on, he was most likely a Liberal. Google American TV news anchors and you’ll see that from day one when TV first became popular in the 1950’s to present day every single one of them are very Liberal people. Not most of them, ALL of them!
      – What this means is if TV programs, especially, are your primary source of current events, 99% of the time you’re only getting the news from the perspective of one half of the population’s political ideology… the Liberal half.
      – The term ‘Fake News’ refers to anything reported by media that’s being offered as ‘news’, but is, at the very least, subliminally politically biased, which is what they all do and always have, all the way to outright intentionally distorting the truth, even lying and everything in-between. MSNBC and CNN are examples of networks that are extremely fake news!
      – e.g. If the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC is your primary source of what’s going on, you are absolutely a low information person, because her show is not at all news in the least, and instead is an extreme distortion of reality designed to entertain Liberal people!

    4. @kevaug92,
      – I’m only assuming that you are aware of what the latest American political news is, but maybe I shouldn’t assume.
      – Everything that 99% of American media has been saying 24/7/365 for the past almost 4 years about President Trump has just absolutely, conclusively been discovered to be completely untrue! Even the indictments and convictions of those in Trump’s inner circles have been discovered to have been conducted illegally and they will have to be exonerated.
      – But the thing is, all of these media outlets knew all of this years ago! If half the country knew it (the Conservative half) than the media companies knew it too!
      – So why did 99% of American media continue to, virtually to this very day, say President Trump is in cahoots with Putin, that Russia hacked the 2016 election, Russia hacked the democrat party’s computers, that there was significant evidence of wrongdoing by President Trump and on and on, when none of this is true not even a little bit.
      – Even though 99% of American media is biased against the Republican political Party, American Conservatism and about half the population to the point of corruption, because many are only casual followers of politics and are pretty much oblivious to it all, media still controls the ‘Court of Public Opinion’ and that’s why, among many other things, your numerical data is skewed and meaningless!
      – Just think how many people who otherwise really don’t pay all that much attention and are hearing everyday how Trump has been working with Russia and how he’s under investigation and other complete lies, and you’re basing your data on how these people vote and poll!

  7. Every now and then I listen to Obama’s old speeches . Obama was a real president,respected worldwide . He is a school, his thoughts should be taught in colleges.

    1. Power corrupts ……shhhhhh…..don’t go pointing out facts to tRump supporters… will only confuse the poor mindless little sheeple….

    2. @MegaKittykat05 😂😂😂 good one . I hope you people think twice before giving Trump another term coz it affects us too..

    3. I do exactly the same. Just to relax and think that there is hope in this crazy world 🙁

  8. President Obama was a very special man, a very special human being ,they don’t come any finer than him..Miss him Dearly…💙

    1. Osh Trump is dirty liar and moron , his followers is dirty imbecile and f’king moron!

    1. Thank God President Trump got us out of the 8 wars Obama had us hopelessly involved in. And stopped fining poor people $ 2000 dollars for not buying Obamas mandated hokey health insurance.

    2. @Roy Rodgers Ha. Well just hang on there Soy Roy. Info on your boy Obama is getting ready to come out and not only will you sheepeople will be drowning in the slime.

  9. trump walks in the shadows of THE GREATEST president. that’s why a day can’t go by without him saying “OBAMA.”

    1. @Jean-Marie Boucherit Obama laughs at Trump, just like all the real rich people in New York did for decades. All the big stuff he’s doing financially is for their benefit. Donald is feather his nest for AFTER he’s President.

      He throws a good rally party though, that’s half of what his voters like, so at least they get something out of it. Ho hum.

    2. Tim Smith i don’t agree because Trump’is dangerous, he is no,laughing matter. People who look down on him,and think he is a clown are very wrong.

    3. @Jean-Marie Boucherit Trump is like a cop. Take away the badge (this November), he’s nothing.

  10. Trump only smiles when he knows he’s conning.
    Barrack’s smile is genuine and welcome.

    1. That’s what makes you leftists so creepy. You take something about Obama and make it about Trump. And then lie about it

    2. @T Boned If you believe Trump is genuine, then you are a moron and part of the problem.

    1. Danny Boy, the death toll for people who died from Coronavirus is not 80,000. It’s a total lie.

    2. @Kevin Roach so you mean a pig ruled for good 8 years? Then you must be an animal to have voted for a pig🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. @Have a nice Dave  Have a nice Dave  probably you are blind scroll up and go through what I wrote. Or is it that you can’t read and understand when someone said close to or almost.


      very near to someone or something; with very little space between.

      That’s the meaning☝️ dullard

    4. @Kevin Roach troll stop all these your nastiness and be more productive okay.
      Let’s argue constructively without been hasty, that’s if you have something meaningful to contribute 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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