CNN political commentator and former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang officially endorsed Joe Biden for president live on CNN, calling him "the right man for the job." #CNN #News
Andrew Yang endorses Joe Biden, and delivers message to Bernie Sanders supporters

Another Top 10 Anime Betrayals
MUGEN! The Human Vague racial connotations but I’ll allow it
Bigots and sexists? Bernie bros? NEVER!
Xalpha23 *movie
If the Dems choose Biden they will get Hillary reloaded – with the same outcome!
@mae I’m sorry, what?
@Marco Polo What sloetree said above means nothing in that case too. Because Biden has a chance to win the popular vote and electoral votes. If we all unite as one, we have more of a chance to win than if we are divided.
That’s what they want!!! They would rather lose with Biden then to lose their money and ability to buy there agenda I get the guise of human decency and being for the people.
Let’s take a moment to congratulate Donald Trump on his victory in November
Non of Yang’s supporters are going to rally around Joe
Yang supporter for Biden right here, bud. You’re wrong.
Eric p damn straight
f58534 half the yang gang are democrats…
Yeah because most of them are dumb and they want free crap from Bernie
Joe Biden cannot and will not defeat trump. They’re gonna make the same mistake as when they picked Hilary
I dont vote but if i had to decide ill pick trump instead of these fuckers fucking old fucks fighting for power hope they all get the virus
@Che M Yeah, literally any U.S. citizen can become president. I think it’s in the Constitution, something like that. Blah blah blah
It’s funny cause it’s true
bernie cant even defeat joe
@Zero Cool On purpose of course. They don’t want to change the corrupt system that they benefit from smh
I bet Biden don’t even remember calling you😂😂
MOST of his miss spoken states are due to his Stuttering.
@xxx xxx They debated on the same stage bud. If he doesn’t know who Yang is, he shouldn’t even be running for President.
@Dawg Gawd no, he shouldn’t be running for president – glad you now admit his disability
this is sad
Its best move, Biden won’t win of course…
Well there goes yang down the drain
Yep. Just unfollowed him on Instagram. His career is officially over. Rest in Hell Yang.
@AdvancedVac – It’s not about Bernie or bust. It’s about the fact that there’s still a race and on paper Yang’s policies line up more with Bernie. Had he given his Biden endorsement once Biden was 100% the nominee, I wouldn’t mind, because then it’s simply Biden vs. Trump. I would have much preferred that he stuck with his initial “pro-UBI” standard for endorsement until we 100% had the nominee.
Now they let him have a voice. Smh
He’s going to regret this so hard
Brawn primary’s over though. It’s near impossible for Bernie to win now, so Yang made the obvious choice
@Chris Rowsell they all put their thumbs on the scale for biden instead of letting it play out like Obama is doing.They better hope they don’t regret it. The machine is already set up to smear biden
Yang is just saying there is nothing to gain from criticising your eventual nominee and right now it’s Biden for sure.
@Chris Rowsell no he is a right wing capitalist just like joe, Hillary and the rest of the Democrat party.
@Brawn Yang’s first choice was himself, obviously. Now that we have our nominee, we need to come together to defeat Trump.
I’m officially all the way done with politics.
It’s not done with you hahaha
You are why the fat slob infecting 1600 stinks up the joint!!!
Say it with me kids …
I give you 24hrs at most and you’ll be back.💯%
Ya’ll a bunch of quitters sorry to break your heart that the world doesn’t revolve around your pov. Other people have theirs and if more people like that then that candidate wins. It’s called an election. If you lose pick yourself up and try again next time. For as much as you whine about the DNC being biased towards the establishment (which shows that you don’t understand what a party is, voting in aprimary is a privilege not a right). The truth is that Democrats made EVERY change Bernie asked for and he still is losing. You want to go “Bernie or Bust” fine. It shows the country that you never actually cared about women or minorities or the working class. It just shows that you were a memeber of a personality cult that refuses to listen to any opposing veiws or make compromises, lost because of this attitude and decided to be destructive out of petty revenge. Good Riddence!
At this point, even if Biden catches coronavirus and kicks the bucket, the Democrats would still endorse him for president.
Even then, he would be better than Sanders.
@Josh C Biden isn’t going to beat Trump.
They will run a Neo lib in his stead and that may even be in the plan with this dime it’s stuff.
All these candidates were just rabbits. Dems threw all walks of life in the ring to pick up a broad range of voters then consolidate them behind the establishment guy. We got played.
Spot on.
*”All of life is a charade”, Biden would’ve never gotta into the race if he didn’t know the fix was in the bag this nomination process is nothing more them theater for the masses*
Sold his soul. Glad he dropped out and he doesn’t need to run again.
Yang Gang, take a long hard look. This is what Selling Out looks like.
He made it clear from the very start that he will support who ever the nominee is. Biden has clearly already won
I ain’t voting for joe I don’t care I don’t trust him
The fact I considered driving two hours to go to his rally cause I thought he was different🤧