1. If you wanted to know what “Selling your Soul” looks like, look no further than TED CRUZ. The same guy whose Father was accused of having a part in the KENNEDY ASSASSINATION, by the man who’s taken SOLE POSSESSION of his Soul.

  2. ……and Putin’s sitting on his chair, leg stretched, laughing…watching his GOP puppets creating havoc in the U.S Congress, the U.S Constitution….and the people..

    1. Ok you Globalist lackey, keep protesting against your own Countrymen & pushing mass poverty. Don’t bother to do any of your own thinking just follow & swallow.

    2. @Drew G. he was talking about the democrats, learn reading comprehension it’ll serve you next time

    3. Kennedy got killed cuz he pissed off people in Texas and drove through downtown in a convertible. Keep pissing off us deplorables and see where it gets you.

    1. Antony stringfellow…. just another parrot for cnn huh? Get your own thoughts and see at the bs cnn and dems feed you.

  3. The Republi-Thugs will be forever remembered in history as the party that helped Russia destroy the US.

    1. @Amethyst oof checked you out, you have no content, no real picture, and fake name. Is that you Soros?

    2. Just like the democrats are remembered as the party that started the KKK and started a war with their own country to keep your slaves. Ouch, history hurts

  4. Remember when being a traitor was found despicable, even criminal in America. Now it is just a day’s work for Republicans.


    2. @A. Murphy don’t fucking patronize me, you’re not smart enough. I can tell from your comments, your knowledge is limited to that of CNN (right now, you’re trying to think of a good “faux news” comeback). You have to engage in shut-up tactics because your arguments lack substance. You just say things and they’re supposed to be true.

    3. @Edwin M With all the discourse Trump has caused, is alone enough for me to lose faith in him as a President. Why the hell would we choose a leader that can only deal with half of the people living in it (less if you go by approval rating)? Or can’t even keep his own staff from being fired, prosecuted, or quitting.

    4. Trump is conditioning them to accept Vladimir Putin, his boss, as the savior of the new fascist publican party. They know they are lost otherwise.

    5. @Edwin M You don’t look into because it has been looked into hundreds of times. Nothing there. Cruz and others are using a well known propaganda technique of repeating a lie often enough that some weaker minded people (looking at you, magatards) will start to question reality. Cruz is a Putin puppet now. And so are you.

  5. *”Ukraine blatantly interfered in our last election, securing us the win – and that’s why our beloved leader asked them to do it again in the next election! And I can’t see anything wrong with that.”*
    _Ted “Jellyspine” Cruz_

    1. @Randonlando – No – Right wing nut jobs just string buzzwords together for shock value without the slightest clue of what they mean…

    2. @Godfrey Daniel um who lost the 2016 election despite record spending and having Obama spy on her opponent?

    3. @Ben Levine – Um – So you’re OK with the candidate with FEWER votes being declared the winner? Don’t care for democracy – eh? And NO ONE has come up with a SHRED of proof about your “spying” delusion. Face it – you’re just a loser idiot Trumpanzee – which is awfully redundant…

    4. @Godfrey Daniel I am for the best representation of America. That isn’t NYC and LA and San Francisco votes. That way your leftists wastelands can’t influence too much of the rest of the country ya dummy. Thank Jesus the Lord for the electoral college

    5. @Ben Levine – Wastelands? The same hick backwaters (you know – the ones that own the bottom rungs of ALL quality-of-life- metrics in the USA generation after generation) that hate the more prosperous blue states also live off the taxes those more prosperous economies pay to keep their chronically depressed and underdeveloped backwaters afloat. That’s called welfare, loser. Typical conservative hypocrisy. And they also hate people with names like yours, loser. Who do you think you’re kidding? Besides yourself, I mean…

  6. This administration is using the “gossip” narrative…. say it often enough to enough fools and it doesn’t matter whether it’s fact or not…. the damage is done and spread among the zombies who are poorly educated, morally and emotionally bankrupt.

    1. The opposite is true. CNN, MSNBC, etc are the ones who have been spewing false propaganda for 3 years and the result is comments like yours…which are not based in reality.

  7. He’s such a spineless weasel. He tried to grow a beard so he didn’t look like such a tool and it just made him look like a bigger one.

    1. @get lost Hahahahahhaha You babies think Trump and Cruz are strong men? What kind of puss puss must your father be.

    2. would you want to look at at a lying cheating weasel ever time you looked in the mirror. He thinks he looks like a big bad bear now. Nope under all that hair is the same lying cheating weasel, ted cruz

    1. @Rick James America is bringing America down…its going to happen whether you like it or not go read about ( Brics) that nobody is talking about and America because of trump fucktard and his cult cant do anything about it

    1. Cameron the people who believe those liars and grifters over actual evidence and facts are calling other people morons? Jesus Christ the cognitive dissonance is strong

  8. Republicans are like that seen from Django were everyone’s fighting about who cut the eye holes in the hoods

    1. @Daniel Su And THAT fact is what is so puzzling. Texans aren’t as dumb as the rest of the country would have you believe. So WHY would they consistently vote against their own best interest? I’ve lived in this state for nearly 30 years and I STILL can’t figure out why this happens.

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