Former Chinese government official Victor Gao gives his perspective on the latest protests and the country's "Zero Covid" policy. #CNN #News
Amanpour pushes former Beijing official on China’s lockdown and vaccine

Former Chinese government official Victor Gao gives his perspective on the latest protests and the country's "Zero Covid" policy. #CNN #News
Dude really speaking from his million dollar home, with his million dollar worth of decor about how other people should be grateful…okay.
@Marlon Lo How can you not see the very expensive piano behind him?
@Carlos Martinez Bruh really you don’t understand the value of the stuff behind him?
I bet on a green screen. The stuff is antiquated and possibly valuable, but living in such a home would be very uncomfortable at best, like living in a museum. Imagine resting your caboose in one of these hardwood unpadded flat seat early-Qing-styled straight yokebacks, or the C-back “bamboo” style chairs!
@Cy “kkm” K’Nelson Hannah.. that’s his living room. Not where he spend most of his time.
I’m sure it’s for display purposes like most living rooms. He probably spend most of his time in his family room or his office which I’m sure is also filled with expensive old stuff.

@[Hashknight Gaming] those are worth 10 cents if xi is forced to step down
What he just said doesn’t make sense the vaccines in the US MRA improving that you do not become hospitalized or die he did not mention it he’s pretty savvy and I love her she’s so hard to hitting she has to questions that everybody wants to ask I’ve always like this lady
and it is time for Biden administration to put a quota on the PCR test raw material made in the US to China to stop this madness
@Mark Hepworth can’t get access to it in China.
Chinese vaccines are just fine. They do the job.
The real reason why China not opened up is because it never imposed a vaccine mandate and most of the elderly did not get vaccinated.
So they are trying to convince and persuade the elderly to get vaccinated, but they are stubborn and don’t want to do it.
Western countries imposed vaccine mandates.
China doesn’t want to do it.
That is the difference.
@Dan Welterweight
You pathetically transparent little Chinese troll clown,have you any idea how ridiculously obvious you are..? 

@kirja mato
Chinese vaccine is better than usa mrna, they are safer traditional tech
Victor Gao doesn’t find the protests alarming. He just finds it alarming that they weren’t dealt with, 1989-style. The coordination is remarkable to him because Chinese media censorship is supposed to prevent it.
Buddy, there are hundreds of protests all across China every single day for many different reasons. They just don’t get reported in the Mainstream Western media.
When provincial governments were removing peasants from their lands to make room for developers and new buildings there were vicious protests all over China. Thousands and thousands of them and violent too. Cops used to get beat up all the time.
When it comes to Tianamen Square. The PLA saved China from ending up like the USSR and Yugoslavia did broken up in pieces or in an endless Civil War like it was before the Communists came to power.
If Gorbachev had the balls and the fortitude to do what Deng Xioping did in Tianamen Square in Red Square in 1991 thr lle USSR would have still existed today and the Russian people would not have gone through the terrible misery and humiliation they went through in the 1990s and early 2000s.
Had those students in Tianamen square succeeded China would have collapsed in an endless Civil War like Yugoslavia and broken up in various smaller states all fighting each other like the USSR did.
The PLA saved China that day.
Today the USSR is in the heap of history and China is the richest country in the world by PPP.
Canada’s Trudeau becoming brutal autocrat with his unscientific covid rule, even do terrorism with freedom convoy truckers.
wester media: Trudeau is cute. everybody should worship vaccine and truck drivers are terrorists.
china does the same.
western media: china is bad. protesters are hero.
all the covid vaccine madness, lockdown, three metre fiction is nasty lies, pro vaccine business propaganda.
I was thinking the exact same thing!
@Frogger & Space Invaders He is just a confrontational leftwing idiot in China … Im not even surprise if things turn around against CCP in China, Gao is going to be the last few to abandon ship but still secure favorable position in the new political settings
Check out redacted with Clayton Morris for fair, balanced and factual coverage of the Chinese protests
Well done interview.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Great interview.
My god, China really shouldn’t have let him speak about this..
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
No wonder Victor Gao doesn’t mind the 2-year lockdown, he’s been sewing clothes out of his ugly curtains.
Thanks Christiane Amanpour! Always awesome! Excellent journalism! Thank you so much for this and all fantastic interviews!
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
@Andrea Madden What? What does it mean?
The more tough questions asked, the more BS surface. Works every time.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Gao: The highest measure of human rights is to save lives.
Amanpour: Yes, but the policies is causing deaths.
Gao: We now have two goals, save lives and also restore the economy.
Amanpour: …
One way to save life is 0 Covid?
I don’t believe
@Panubunat least it doesn’t cost more innocent live sacrificed due to western covid 19 policy . Is not hard to think this simple logic . Are u pretending to be dumb or what
And unfortunately, those limited lives wasted due to covid measures, are peanuts compared to the ‘millions’ that have been saved. Plain unfortunate. Please wake up to the ideology of the CCP.
Bull.shi.tter keep bull.shi.tting
@Luke I agree except Germany did a total overhaul in their constitution after the nazi unlike china, every political aspect is much the same
She’s just an incredible journalist
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
One of thee best, honestly. She is direct with her questions but never offensive. An excellent quality.
She’s a global jounalist and has great experience in other countries, I love her.
The main takeaway from this clip is the fact that Victor Gao does not answer the questions.
Just trying very hard to recite what he wrote in his pad before hard.
Isn’t that similar to US and Canadian politicians? They’re usually masters of political spin and dodging questions from media.
He gets payment from CCP
He is good,eh?
This is same guy who said CCP will nuke australia because they have nuclear powered submarines.
Victor Gao is trying very hard to avoid having to answer Christiane’s direct and simple question through obfuscation and giving motherhood statements/answers. He usually succeeds with other more docile and/or sycophantic interviewers. Oh, but Christiane isn’t letting him off the hook so easily ….. Kudos to Christiane
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
And kudos to Victor.
@Luis Rios For managing to go through the whole interview without actually answering a single question or saying anything of substance? It’s not that impressive considering it’s a requirement to be able to speak in any official capacity in China.
What would you expect from an official from Chinese dictatorship government? Indeed, he is in bad faith , but he is playing safe for his own sake! He does not want to end up in isolation.
It all comes down to what is more important to you personally: human life or democracy.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
no, it’s about vaccine nationalism, ccp refuses foreign(better) vaccines
animals in the circus . the owner says if don’t have me you die. animals unable to speak, if they able to speak they will say
* I would be rather die
In the. junkel than in you case ! *
Mr. Gao has no trouble learning that other countries have modified their COVID policies based on science and data, which allows people to live a normal life. Yet he ignored all that and wanted viewers to believe that other governments, U.S. government in particular, were still making bad COVID decisions.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
well, do you know how most American reacted upon Trump’s policies during year 1-2 of covid? now it’s China’s turn. ppl are thinking themselves as smartest on the globe, but actually they only have the right to criticize the decision makers.
Christiana Amanpour is one of the best interviewers ever! Ever!! Very smart woman.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
I pity the Chinese citizens. Such suffering.
I am eternally grateful for the freedom of the country I live in.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
This guy understands what the situation is in China. But he just dares not tell the truth because if he does, he will end up in jail. He has privilege to live happily only if he lies.
You can argue about the scientific effectiveness of this approach and how it saved so many lives, and that may be right or wrong, but the reality is that this policy will be remembered as a catastrophic failure. People won’t remember the lives saved because that’s a hypothesis. They will instead remember the insanity of the lockdowns, the people who died because of these lockdowns and the protests. What gets remembered is what makes history. As a victim of China’s zero covid policy myself, I for one will remember these events for the rest of my life.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
In a society where there is no ventilation for different views there would explode a revolt like a bolt from blue. This is inevitable. The widespread anti ” covid- 19 policy” in China may not pose a danger to Xi & his CCP regime, now.
But it is definitely a sign of things to come in one form or other. 2022 is not 1989. Both the society & the people differ vastly. In 1989 people were struggling more for basic essentials than liberty.
Today’s Chinese has every material comfort which the 89 Chinese could only dream of. In both contexts only absence of human liberty & rights is the common factor.
History is replete with the sudden & unexpected fall of the strongest rulers in strongest regimes bereft of human liberty for their citizens. This is exactly what prevails now in China.
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