'They've scared me': Man who taped Ahmaud Arbery shooting says he's gotten death threats.
RELATED: Updates on the arrests made in Arbery case
William Bryan says he has lost his job and received death threats after the video of Ahmaud Arbery's shooting was made public.
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#arbery #ahmaudarbery
Who’s threatening him?
who cares Why ? He just filmed them like the brothers do,but at least he didn’t do commentary
Black people who didnt wait for the facts to come out
ASIC Aery The crazy bastard grabbed the guys shot gun and was punching him
Uneducated idiots
Read the comments
Yeah kinda weird
More weird than Obama deporting more “dreamers” than George Bush before him? Hmm?
Welllll Ahmaud didn’t either!!!!!!

That’s kind of what happens when you hunt people, sir. What did he expect?
trader1up unlikely. He was dumb enough to share it with the police after participating in a manhunt that ended in murder. These people aren’t the smartest criminals in America.
Richard Forhez so are you saying it’s ok to turn into vigilantes and start harassing everyone involved. Or is it only ok when the goal is revenge? This dude did not commit any act causing the death of this guy. So why go after him?
@Guerilla Gurus I assume you haven’t read the initial police report that mentions Bryan: “Roddy attempted to block him, which was unsuccessful.” Which means Mr. Bryan or “Roddy” was also hunting him. That’s why he’s getting the hate he is getting. He absolutely was involved.
@Richard Forhez Did you see the video of the neighbor yelling at him and then he sprinted out of the house? He had been spotted in that neighborhood multiple times and entering houses that belong to someone else. In the middle of the night. So is he just admiring the construction? I think not. He was up to no good.
I’m sorry but what does this have to do with stimulas
LMAO, I can’t be mad at you, I felt the same way till I got my Stimulas check.
Here’s the thing; I understand people want something legally to happen to this man BUT! We can not forget because of his video we are inching into justice
Don’t tresspass you won’t get shot
He was a thug
@Terry Summers STFU!
@Jared Novak BS. The Black Panther’s aren’t even a thing anymore. WTF are you talking about?
@Terry Summers fall back clown
Is that the reason Bryan looked nervous & mostly kept quiet during the Cuomo interview? His lawyer didn’t help much though with that feisty approach.
You pay lawyers to be feisty, so you don’t have to.
The real question is why did they have guns in the first place. All they had to do was follow him and call the police and wait for them to show up. Look like a plan murder.
Rejea J you were there?
@Terry Summers he didn’t know who Ahmaud was at the time. He would have said his name during the 911 call.
They did call the police. Ahmaud could just explain to them and wait for the 50. But he didn’t and tried to grab a shotgun. Why would he? Why did not he stop? Educated normal people would not run at all.
@COVID-19 Seattle You don’t know someone’s intentions. Some guys in a truck, armed with shotguns, pulls up and tell you to obey their commands…you think you’re going to have a reasonable conversation with those people? The initial introduction was toxic.
Are we suppose to feel sorry for him? Thoughts and prayers
“Roddy attempted to block him, which was unsuccessful.” – Gregory McMichael; verbatim from original police report.
“Roddy” is Mr. Bryan
I don’t know how much clearer that can be that this man was involved…
@sblizzy I’m convinced it will too. But the dwindling coverage by the MSM is not a good sign for you/your case however. The more info that has come out, the less they have covered it. To my eye, that seems to be because the recent info that has come out does not fit their “Racist white men killed innocent jogger in cold blood” narrative. The lack of (or at least dwindling of) coverage is a bad sign for you.
@sblizzy Why 2? Hell let’s make it 3. Even 4. I don’t care how many cars/men with guns there are. My instinct is not going to be to attack the guy with the shotgun
Scott G. If the guy with the shotgun was in your face with it putting you in a life or death situation, chances are you would fight like hell for your life too…I know I would.
@sblizzy “In your face with it”. You mean holding it in front of you? You guys (you and people like you, who I’ve seen make similar arguments) seem to have a need to unnecessarily embellish the facts. First you say Ahmaud was cornered. Not true. Now you’re saying the shotgun was in his face. Not true. We have seen the same video. Stop trying to twist details to make them seem worse. A man was holding a shotgun in front of Ahmaud. Not pointing it at him. Holding it. Ahmaud decided to attack this man, and attempted to wrestle the gun away. A scuffle ensues, and Ahmaud gets shot. In *this* exact scenario (not any of the straw man scenarios you guys are so desperate to create), I simply cannot see myself choosing to charge the man with the shotgun.
Scott G. Even District Attorney Jackie Johnson who helped cover it up called it an embarrassing mistake.
Just a reminder these news outlets LOVVVVVVEEEEE this stuff.. more clicks more $$ sheeep
Dark lo got 20 for bullying wit witness…
This man needs some help
Mr Paul Grimm and good decent haircut
Your going down buddy. YOU will be sorry for YOUR loss very soon.
What does that mean?
The real question is why does my man cut his hair like this?
Getitin 2182 maybe he’s a fan of Dora the explorer
Getitin 2182 Many young folks Globally wear it like that from all races. It’s been a trend for the past couple of years. Some Professionals and students too.
Is a coumaouflage thing
They need to threaten his barber
That is horrible!!! Death threats?!?!? He had a right to film it for the sake of honesty and truth later!!! If the outcome was different they would be giving him praise!!!