A Roundtable Discussion On The Times’ 1619 Project | Morning Joe | MSNBC

A virtual roundtable panel including Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones, professors Eddie Glaude Jr. and Leslie M. Harris and Pulitzer-winning columnist Clarence Page discuss the NYT's 1619 Project. Aired on 5/14/2020.
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A Roundtable Discussion On The Times' 1619 Project | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. So 401 years and the 1776 project wants to say that none of the white privilege is true?? Mr page maybe you should look around first.

    1. “White privilege” is simply a reframing of the 99% mantra. It is cynical, and so general, to have been rendered meaningless.

  2. Where are the 40 acres and a mule promised, that is why we need reparation to correct historical injustice

    1. you gonna murder first nations to steal even moor..black man?..you are down bred like your whitey bros..bro ham…

    2. @Bob Enweave Did Will Tecumseh Sherman have the authority to promise/give anybody anything on behalf of the United States? The answer is No.

    3. @Bob Enweave Correct and then I asked a follow up question that never gets asked and answered it, it’s a lesson in truth, on and on we hear about this and yet it is as meaningless as if a General today promised me one of mike bloomberg’s 11 houses.

    4. God will pay them, our oppressors their due. Revelation 13:10 in the Holy Bible. What goes around cometh back around.

  3. I feel like I just ate a nourishing meal after decades of empty junk food. Thank you for this conversation! I am a white Virginian steeped in Virginia history who has struggled deeply with the racial inequality, history and unfortunate racial present. This is like shining a light on the wound that we have hidden for centuries and it was done respectfully so that I could hear it.

    1. marty methuselah <<— This Fake Page Ignorant Coward Racist is Trolling everywhere behind a Fake Page. 🚨😂

    2. @Ice 247 i exist regardless….blacky face
      hate the truth of ORBIS SPIKE 1610
      not me..turkey boy..you moor child

    3. Malley, you are a disgrace to White women, how about you stop pandering and virtue-signaling to people of color you pathetic loser.

  4. This woman is amazing–both beautiful and brilliant. She nails it. Clarence Page…meh.

    1. Yes I agree! The fist female speaker’s opening statement was fire, and nobody could put it out!

    2. michaelmisanthrope why does their beauty matter? If it was men would u say their handsome? Hopefully you can see your flaw

  5. Exceptional panel and looking forward to 1619 historical picture regardless of critics. Thank you MSNBC for airing clarity especially when America’s racism is apparent 400 years later.

    1. “Regardless of critics” – so you’re just going to ignore the fact that this is terrible, shoddy journalism as long as you like the conclusions it draws then.

    1. @marty methuselah lol candace would have to have Charlie Kirk tutor her about African American history first.. dude cmon

  6. This conversation will be a part of African /Black American people forever. And this is one of the main reasons we are divided.

    1. The Black Community will have disagrees amongs themselves like any other community. We are not monolithic. I do agree we will always be stronger together.

    2. when talking about racism, it’s a human flaw that concerns all. i surely hope dialogue does not just remain open to black americans, but also includes whites, asians, latinos, and all races. we all need to do some soul searching.

  7. Healthy debate, I have missed having these in my life. I’ve got to look up this Project I’ve always known how whitewashed US history was but to have a collective like this… it’s so very long over due.

  8. Pulitzer Prize winner Hanna-Nikole Jones definitely does not have time for these petty detractors who want to put POC in a box and butress WS.

  9. I watched this live when it aired. I admit, I took a deep breath and had the remote control close by in case the conversation took a nasty combative tone. I was pleasantly surprised it did not. I relaxed, released the remote control and enjoyed the dialogue. Well done panel. That’s how you agree to disagree without animosity and strife. Bravo 1619 Project! Im looking forward to researching ways to get involved.

    1. Passive conflict is not a bad thing. Every last panel guests is an educated professional. What did you expect of them, a yelling cursing match? They are use to civil debate even when the host is trying to bait them..

    2. @Rene Wilson Yes, based on recent similar panels with “educated professionals” on that was my expectation. Glad that wasn’t the case.

  10. Congratulations to Ms Nikole Hannah-Jones! I saw a video when the The 1619 Project launched and I was amazed and impressed at its success and the challenges I can only imagine it overcame. I am so happy and proud.

  11. Before I even hear what he has to say, I am just going to say I am rolling with Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr. He is one of my heroes!

    1. Ditto to Eddie Glaude’s worthiness. And the minute I saw Clarence Page’s smiling face,

      I knew where he would stand and how annoying he would be.

  12. I enjoyed this conversation. There is a trend there that I see often though and it is a trend among black conservatives and that is a hesitation to lay the full weight of the history of slavery bare. I see it in Mr. Page’s comment where he referred to disliking the project because he wanted them to tell the story of our overcoming. In a way putting that narrative on the story is a way of lessening the sting of what our people endured. It makes the reader more comfortable with what they read in a way by enabling them to marginalize the pain and suffering because there was a happy ending of sorts. I think that this narrative is more present among conservatives because their audience is mostly white and it makes sense that they would be uncomfortable with their audience’s discomfort.

    1. He also regurgitates the fallacy of “history is written by the winners.” I can think of three examples off the bat that were not: 1) The Civil war, vitiating by daughters of the confederacy and other white supremacy groups; 2) The Vietnam war, America has more literature on that than Vietnam; and 3) The Greco-Turkish War (e.g., 1919 -22, and others), were the Greeks lost, then later wrote about the defeat. History is written by survivors not winners.

    2. Amen, brother. Without ruffling any feathers, I feel the need to say something about his success and his Pulitzer being a product of AA (not alcoholics anonymous, LOL).

    3. He was prepared. He just did not have a good argument. The 1619 Project does not paint white people as “the devil”. It does help you understand how your fellow Americans could elect someone like Trump and how systems continued to be flawed (this crisis did that also).

    4. @Rene Wilson Well look, from this excerpt I disagree with all your points, which is all we have in this debate. First, it’s specious to say he was prepared but did not have a good argument. Second, I wasn’t making the argument of tarring all white people as “the devil” or electing an autocrat like Trump. That would be moving the goal posts of this discussion; an argumentative trick you are making as well as NBC. At least the 1619 project is opening the conversation back up to America’s original sin – slavery. Africans are the single largest group of people that were taken against their will and treated as property, this is serious stuff. In fairness, I do agree with Mr. Page concerning the Revolution. In fact, Theodore Draper’s Struggle for Power adumbrates all the steps that led to that war. But, getting back to the task at hand. I was pointed out what was not said, which was the fallacy at 7:45. A rhetorical piece of deception many people use, including our attorney general. So shame on Mr Page for saying that glib piece of nonsense.

    5. @awallner1 Well I don’t agree with you about Mr. Page but I do agree about your comments regarding The project and Black America. I’ll just point out the displacement, murder, and stealing of land from Native Americans was our original sin. The enslavement and denial of African American descendants has been our darkest and most evil sin that I believe continues to hunts us to this day b/c most love to deny and ignore its affects.

  13. 18:22 Speaking as a middle-aged, middle-American white guy, and relying on the public education system that I grew up with in the 80s and 90s… the issue of slavery was largely ignored. Discussed ONCE for a few weeks in regard to Virginia and the evils of the Atlantic slave trade, then once more when it is abolished because of the Civil War. And even then it’s only treated as part of the narrative of the overall war.
    Of course, that is an overly simplified review… but a very fair oversimplification.

    The story of Jefferson’s life highlights the problem. He was able to achieve greatness because he owned slaves.
    So, too, America was able to achieve greatness. It’s not rewriting history to say that.👏
    It needs to be said.

    1. Jefferson wasn’t able to achieve greatness ‘because’ he owned slaves, he would’ve been an *even greater* man had he not. In the same way, the virtue of the American political project was not due to slavery, but in spite of it.

    2. He would have had no money, no food, and no home without them. They afforded him the ability to do those great things.

    3. @Jack Charbonneau What makes you suppose he would have been penniless if he weren’t a slave-owner? Clearly that’s nonsense.

    4. He sold some of his slaves to keep his land. They farmed the land and kept him fed. He benefited greatly from their servitude.

  14. Remember when the brand new president referred to Frederick Douglas like he was a living person? All I could say was, wow.

  15. “Not about slavery”

    States wouldn’t shop up about slavery when writing their own declarations. Some states mentioning it 19+ times.

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