'…[Mark] Zuckerberg clearly remains unfazed by warnings over his site's content, even when those raising red flags are nearly 150 scientists funded by his own family's institute,' writes Joe Scarborough in a new Washington Post column. Aired on 06/19/2020.
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Zuckerberg Says He's Disgusted By Trump's Rhetoric, But It's Just Crocodile Tears | MSNBC
This is an easy fix: stop using facebook.
I deleted mine 7 years ago
nathan mckenzie you’re so smart!! That’s exactly the problem, ignorant people will believe it, that’s the problem. Smart people like all here on this replies are safe from the ignorance but many others are not
@Natster Jam You’d also have to include WhatsApp and Instagram in that, as well, since he owns them as well. And though they aren’t owned by Zuckerberg, Twitter isn’t great, either. And Snapchat or TikTok are basically useless.
Amen. Delete Fuc$kbook. Watch how zitzo boy flips.

Yup. Been facebook free for years now.
How many press secretaries has Trump had? This one takes the cake.
Zuckerberg is only disgusted by the companies pulling their ads from Facebook. That’s all.
@00 setsuna I believe he was the director of communications, not sure if that’s different to a press secretary like here in the UK – either way he too came and went like a fart in the wind
every one probably, most likely, knowing trump 666, had to take a screen test on a couch.
Christine She is a younger version of Kellyanne Conway, and as much a Liar as Suckabee Saunders.
@Carine Zitella Remember the Mooch!
I left Facebook a while back and other than missing out on friends and my family’s news; I am greatful I did especially after seeing this.
Taking some time off of fb… 5 months so far…
That’s why Facebook is not used in my home.
Bye boy!
I have never been so disgusted in my entire 62 years old. I have never felt fear about my own country but I’m terrified
What happened to our republic?
sam: rich Republican ogligarchs staring with “Smoke and Mirrors” Ronnie Reagan in 1981.
An interested Aussie here, who has very closely followed all of this since November 2016. History has shown that disaffected masses can be manipulated by usually evil people who have been lurking in wait for such an opportunity. Trump is an effective puppet….but a puppet nonetheless for such evil people. Ironically one major example of such an evil entity is Rupert Murdoch. He understands that it is much easier to profit from division and hate than from unity and love.
Archers Arrow Yes, another Aussie here and you are right about Murdoch, an evil man, through and through. My Dad worked for him here in Oz a while back and he told me then that Murdoch was a little man evil to the bone.
Christopher Galbraith progressives aren’t. They are working to save our democracy
Same feelings here.. Ashamed of how we are perceived globally now too….
Not interested in anything that this punk , Zuckerberg, has to say.
Bye boy go to your daddy Trump and tell him that

Boo hoo

FB and twitter are just the bunkerboy s pawn. This impeached fraud is a stone cold loser.
This is not a
nor is 
I’m anti fascist, just like Winston Churchill…….does that make us terrorists?
@dryhumor foe The winner DOES get to rewrite history, which is why the more simple minded folk, such as yourself, look at him as an honorable man. Read his book “My African Journey” and tell me he wasn’t bigoted, simpleton. I came across that book by accident in high school and even then it left a bad taste in my mouth young as I was. And, fortuitously, he just happens to have been in the news recently, so that idiots like you who can’t be bothered to pick up a book and read for themselves can get the abridged version of the man:
This should go without saying, but anything is possible where your intellectual capacity is concerned, so for your edification, the rewritten history history that I refer to is specifically about Winston and how he is made out to be a noble man. Read up on your history lest you be the one being a dufus, simpleton. I dare you to defend him.
@Kaizaro123 The very fact that you could get hold of this book proves that history wasn´t rewritten
ONLY Communist Country’s Government’s
rewrite history !
Chinese Communist Party
Tianermen Square Massacre
from their history books.
Churchill was a slave owner. you’re rwcist
@Paavo Bergmann Obviously you’re too dense to understand that Churchill is not the noble man he’s made out to be in the history books.
Fact: Churchill was a bigot.
If you are on Facebook, ask yourself why at this point.
excellent question!!
I need it for work
To connect with relatives overseas.
Mark, we have some “Kool AID” for you, meet us at the Tulsa Rally – OH yea bring your wife too!
and don’t forget to sign the waiver!!!
Zuckerberg had even put in new batteries and taken classes on human outrage before his statement.
Zuckerberg needs to do something why is this lizard boy getting away for this.
They’re all lizards, and playing you like a fiddle. It is called the hegelian dialect. Look it up
(THEY control everything
Never had a Facebook account and never will.
same here dude.
He can have all the money in the world …. Zuckerberg is still a loser
I feel the same way, he does not come across well, he should stay out of the press.
Didn’t he steal the idea for facebook from two school mates, Olympic rowers who were in training and Zuckerberg released the facebook information without their approval?
Zuckerberg are not a loser but you are a loser lol
Mark Zuckerberg are not a loser but you and Trump supporter are a loser
What goes up, definitely comes down. Zitzo Fuckbook gotta go
I’ve boycotted Facebook for the past few years. I don’t miss it.
orlandotj1 Me too !!
Well, anyone who owns any social media stock: sell it off. That’ll send a message.
Never been on Fakebook or Twitstorm.
Human race is pathetically shameless. “Look at me, look at me!”, but don’t look at the real me.
LIAR! I have seen your more than 2k posts! You are addicted to FB and Trump’s “great and unmatched wisdom,” you berger eater! You have rancid chicken gravy down the from of your dirty, stained t-shirt!

amen, bro…
Bull Durham ….
“Come on Rook, show us that million dollar arm, cuz I got a good idea about that 5 cent head of yours.”
Thanks my thoughts exactly
@Bull Durham WOW! did your parents have ANY children that survived childbirth?
I didn’t think androids could feel human emotions like “disgust”
I’ve boycotted Facebook for the last 4 years. I haven’t missed it.
The whole Facebook brand is FUBAR as far as I’m concerned.
YouTube is starting to have similar issues.
never have used it. considered it to be THE waster of time for braindeads like MAGAts.
Fubar – easy to recognize those situations.
Zuckerberg was saying nothing but “hand me all your money you suckers!”
@Ronald Armstrong If you have a facebook account, yes.
I thought they were Trump supporters just days ago.