The Washington Post's Philip Rucker reports there is no remorse from Trump or the administration for using the White House in the RNC adding that the president seems to welcome the controversy. Aired on 8/25/2020.
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#PhilipRucker #RNC2020 #RNC #MSNBC
'Zero Remorse' From Trump For Using White House In RNC | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
The same President who wants “Law & Order.”
Tanner Snell watch the video moron. They don’t call Trump Individual-1 for nothing.
Tanner Snell what has Trump fixed that was actually messed up?
@Harold Moore Have you seen the Cornpop video?Very Presidential!!!!!
David Eby Trump can’t even close an umbrella and gets lost on the White House lawn. Struggles to drink a glass of water with one hand. Person. Woman. Man. Camera. Tv.
Tanner Snell because being rich and white he’s never been held accountable for any thing he has ever done in his life.
He’ll enjoy watching his reality show- from exile.
You misspelled federal prison.
If your definition of exile is the Oval Office for another 4 years, than yes we all do agree.
randal gibbons I was going to say the same thing.
He’s beyond stupid if he believes that he won’t pay for all of his crimes… justice matters.
from prison
or from the LOONIE BIN
Republican Goons Convention Circus!…
” A new version of the Jerry Springer Show. 
They’re not even Republicans anymore, they’re all Trumpanzees.
RNC is more inspiring and promoting unity than the DNC
jerry springer is a Communist-Democrat—you didn’t know that?
However this is a lot boring cause there are no teeties only b!tches.
White House infomercial; no longer a place where the people’s business is done – just Trump, Trumps Twump.
Trump has to go there is nothing the Republicans won’t do for this man….
Shows How Dumb You Are…He Is The Only One Working For The People…How Can Democrats Be This Stupid.
@JUDITH MORNEAU Why does Trump have to go? Maximo Alvarez’s amazing speech at the Republican National Convention….
@Ron Wuerch ironic a Trumpian calling other people dumb
“I take no responsibility at all.”
– Orange Hemorrhoid
If Jabba the Hut fell face first into cheap bronzer…
The governors have to lockdown their states. Not the President. Giving you the context in which Trump made that remark
Vote, vote early, and, if safe, vote in person!
Tragicomical that when you are writing “Orange Hemorrhoid”, everybody knows who it is.
Most powerful hemorrhoid in the world needs to go.
I can not wait to see him charged with all his crimes.
@Atheism Kills patience.
Shelley, in January the SDNY will have a car waiting for him when he tries to board Marine One
@NastyNate san BWAHAHAHA… Whats your, Champ? You’re nothing, quit trying to intimidate people cvckboy.
@Atheism Kills absolutely none of what you said is remotely true. He payed to keep someone quite which is bribery, he used campaign money to do it which again is against the law but you keep believing in alternative facts Kelly Ann
@Jason m You are lying again. Trump made a perfectly legal non-disclosure agreement which is quite common among public figures. I realize you are duped by MSNBC/fake news media lies, but facts matter. You failed.
No surprise here. No remorse happens when one takes no responsibility for their own behavior.
LMAO! We are in a pandemic and we can’t have conventions. Why didn’t Joe Biden offer up his basement for the RNC? Do you even realize how MSDNC, a billion dollar corporation, and their viewers are mocked and laughed at around the world for such low-quality race-baiting & globalist propaganda? Don’t worry, MSNBC says Biden will win just like Hillary – and they never lie! LMAO! MAGA!
great point
@Gooey 911 As someone from “around the world ” I can assure you that your dear leader is the most laughed at president in the history of USA. Another bigly win!
@Dumbledore is a Republican A thousand thumbs UP, You!!!!
Smash, and grab as much taxpayer money as you can. Take take take. It’s the new Republican Party.
@Yo Lo the one that mostly benefits the 1%? Yeah what about them?
@Yo Lo yeah there tax cuts are permanent while the rest expire genius.
@Yo Lo Yea what about that? What about cost of rent and food increasing every year? What about 3 year 1.3 trillion budget for military?,What about that deficit doubling every year,while nixing 16% off the uber wealthy tax bill and at same time making sure that the deduction allowance included jets,business yachts business retreat playgrounds,and other loopholes that advantage exponentially, the wealthy.How bout that livable wage dream,how bout all that infrastructure being built everywhere?How bout that REpublican sponsered health and pharm.plan that ain’t ACA,but will definately put the Big Ins.Corps.between their profits and your Dr.How come everytime they talk about “trickle down” everybody runs out and gets a pee- proof umbrella.??
@Joe beetz @Joe beetz All I said is Trump passed the largest tax cut in US history (if you look at absolute cut value). I am absolutely against the fiscal irresponsibility of his government. You assume otherwise just because I said that about the taxes… You sound like the new left attributing all kinds of characteristics to someone just because they disagree.
False narrative. Paid for by the RNC, not the taxpayers.
You should know by now. He doesn’t respect the law, the constitution. Nothing. Smh
@Dumbledore is a Republican I find it amazing that people like you exist, who are happy to openly support a sociopathic failure just to ‘own the libs’. It’s kinda pathetic.
@Lucy Loft Exactly!!!
@Lucy Loft Don’t forget that Putin has poisoned his opposition about 2weeks ago for speaking out against him and he will probably get Trump the exact same way if he does too, Putin can get to him and he can do it now if he wants to and hire and pay people to do it it’s just a matter of time!!!!
What a disgrace trump is for the U.S.A.Republicans this will be your legacy…
@Matt Dave I’d say extremely pathetic.
He loves props and a set. Shameless showman
@Gilberts Grape here are some original words for you democrat socoalist traiter: The silenced majority has been subjected to 4 years of globalist media lies, conspiracy theories, slander, and derision of our president. He still has our vote.
The Democrats socialists love to loot steel burn and murder and they like to tear down statues and slander people. Generally speaking Democrats are traitors
@Schuyler Ebbets at what point in my statement that wasnt directed at you, did I say I was a Democrat? I suppose you got that “fact” the same place you get all your “facts”.

Also spending other people’s money. All of us taxpayers are paying for “his” convention.
@Dumbledore is a Republican CTL+v. Have on original comment shith-ead
Bunker baby and his wife, have desecrated the White House, the roles of president and first Lady.
As for the republican elected officials, I think they have almost all lost their minds, they must all be fired
The GOP are literally SHOWING you, America! They are criminals, they will remain criminals and they offer you NOTHING but criminality. It’s that simple. They’re saying, “So what? We’re racists, so we know the racists will put up with it!”
LMAO! We are in a pandemic and we can’t have conventions. Why didn’t Joe Biden offer up his basement for the RNC? Do you even realize how MSDNC, a billion dollar corporation, and their viewers are mocked and laughed at around the world for promoting & velieving such low-quality race-baiting & globalist propaganda? Don’t worry, MSDNC says Biden will win just like Hillary – and they are not biased and never lie! LMAO! MAGA! Is it Mueller Time?
Trump is merely a symptom of the rot that runs deep in American Conservatism.
@K Kendall what a clever trumpette! Did you think up that biting dis all by yourself? Good job! #magaisformorons
Gee, our law-and-order poser President is a criminal desperate to escape justice! Who knew?
Worst president ever! Never thought I’d see one like him in my lifetime.
@AA ZZ .. people’s are dying …
Mary Jan3 Cordova Oh Mary, it is what it is
@D J your EVIL
D Cartellone that you’re evil, and hardly
@AA ZZ no just in our own country. #magaisformorons
Trump has been daring the Congress to stop him from committing crimes and breaking norms. Now the people will stop him, on Nov 3rd!
Yes we will on November 3rd!!!
Ya Think..for us that Feel the need for a Leader..that stands up against the House that needs a good Cleaning out..But we all have our own choices…dont Cry when you make the Wrong One.
Irma Vera congress has tried to stop him but Mitch’s gop protects him
It’s morally repugnant to see servicemen saluting a draft dodging mythomaniac. This was a scene right out of Putin’s playbook. Google it.
Yes! The staging is identical.
They have to,I bet they would LOVE to give him the finger instead.
It’s just sad someone with so little intelligence flipping the rest of america off and just saying to everyone I will do whatever i want and there is nothing you can do about it. A man that doesn’t care about the law or the country but just cares about himself pathetic and sad
Look on the bright side if Democrats get America out of the gutter Trump put us in, Republicans won’t be a relevant party for years to come.
Just sad and disgusting that he has no respect of any laws! How long is he going to be getting away with this! Nov 3 is too far away for him not to create more damage to our country, he may not care about America but we as Americans do care!! Vote Blue

This almost looked “Hitler-esque” the nationalistic imagery, the gold gilded trim and tall Romanesque columns of the Mellon interior, the over indulgence of flags (the way the flags were perfectly arranged made them look like KKK sheets with the pointy heads), the hero worshipping and praising was almost Saddam-ish, (cult like) the entire thing seemed like a worshipping of a cult leader
lesley wall he’s telling us all he doesn’t plan to go anywhere, because he’s telling us all the election is irrelevant to him.
ALL con men make their sale by saying all the BS that they think need they need to say to fool people. There’s a reason why con men love low IQ people, they’re the easiest to fool. Gullible want to believe in miracle/magic because it doesn’t require any accountability or responsibility, it’s all about blind faith and ALL con men know they just have to stroke and tap into that needing desire.
Snake oil is the miracle/magic cure.
By the time you finish drinking it the con man has already taken your money and moved on to their true intentions of enriching themselves while you keep waiting/hoping the miracle/magic soon cures. Refusing to believe or accept you’ve been conned because that means admitting you were a fool.
ALL con men know people can be fooled by belief and will always refuse to admit they were fooled
@Milo and Alfie Yes, the amount of US flags was appalling. You FN commies.
All the eagle finials on the flags behind him was straight out of the Third Reich. Let’s call it the Turd Reich.
Jim Kilroy yes the entire trump convention was used as a theater backdrop like a trump American third Reich
Jim Kilroy look at these flags. They look like KKK flag suits and I bet it was intentional for both the Nazi look and the kkk look
He’s a narcissist, of course he has no remorse for using “our house” for his political gain. HE DOESN’T CARE. IT’S ALL BOUT HIM!!
@Allan Burns EXACTLY….. matter of FACT …. Republicans would have declared it an IMPEACHABLE crime against the country !!!

@Allan Burns Exactly! If President Obama had pulled this or 5% of what tRump has done, they’d be all over him like ketchup on french fries!
The level of hypocrisy is mind numbing.
David Eby….I’m only stating the obvious. Your entitled to your opinion.
David Eby….By the way, You must have great powers to call me “dummy” since you never met me and you only saw words on a computer. You must be the all great one.
with respect…’s all about him and Russian money/Putin.
Nixon: A President that became a criminal.
Trump: A criminal that became a President.
trump: A criminal that stayed a criminal by stealing the WH.
Nixon, a crooked president who narrowly avoided jail. Trump, a crooked president who was buried under the jail . . .
It’s not his house, it’s OUR house. He’s only temporary.
hope we can get our deposit back.
I’m still trying to figure out how a guy who was impeached, and is currently under investigation for campaign finance fraud, bank and wire fraud, and tax evasion, is able to still continue to run? Not to mention the abuse of power and obstruction of justice for using his office to thwart the investigation.
.. thats the point. Prepare to be hunted down like an evil.
Oh no, it’s forever ,he’s a dictator, it’s forever or he goes to jail.
@David Gray his followers don’t use logic. Just fear, hate and ignorance. Trump tells them what they want to hear.