Zelenskyy ready for talks with US officials on continuing military aid support | USA TODAY

Top Biden officials are set to meet with President Zelenskyy in the highest-ranking visit to Ukraine by a U.S. delegation since the invasion began.
RELATED: Putin blockades hundreds of civilians inside Mariupol steel plant

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    1. @Damon Delgado Well, I didn’t say anything that was extreme in my comments, if you don’t know whats going on I would recommend to not say outlandish, or childish comments.

    1. He Brew “comedian” superstar from one of the poorest, most corrupt countries in eastern Europe who’s net worth is $1.4 Billion with a $14 million estate in Florida… let that sink it….

  1. Did Putin/Russia send weapons and supplies to Iraq or Afghanistan? What would the results of something like that be?

    1. No, Russia helped the US by flying cargo by plane with Russian crews at the time. If they hadn’t done that the US would have had to seize commercial aircraft to do it and the public would not have been onboard with that.

    1. @Tom Vang for being the world’s biggest power maybe? Or do you take it for granted? Offer your government to cut down military budget and see what happens in 20 years.

    2. @Jor Dan this land was build on oil bro. We should be improving ourself, not someone else’s problem

  2. “You don’t actually have to say you’re at war, just send us weapons, and we’ll say that we’re the ones at war. You know, like one of those proxy things.”

  3. Well mr zelensky, from an American citizen, we’re getting kind of tired of funding your war. And make sure if Brandon visits to use slow cadence in your speech and stick to four letters or less per word.

    1. You aren’t anyways, most of the aid is old military stuff that would be cycled out anyways, this stuff would just go to waste if we weren’t sending it, stop falling for Russian propaganda. Wouldn’t you rather an old tank be used to defend the freedom of people who promised security too in Budapest memorandum, people fighting for their self-determination and freedom? A nation that if it falls, we would be next, that’s how appeasing conquests go, it emboldens more conquest. Wouldn’t you rather the old tank be sent to real freedom fighters who are fighting for all the Free World, you included unless you’re a Russian propagandist, rather than just wasting away in our storages. Ukraine could use every tank they can get, they need it, imagine if your homeland was being invaded by someone who wanted to completely dominate you and conquer you. Wouldn’t you want every tank you can get? Don’t you think we should send it to them? Considering if we don’t one by one the free world will fall til it’s too late to stop the empires that conquer them.

    2. @B. Ballooon no. I’d rather the tanks be here in the United States. For us to use. Zelensky had ample opportunity to not allow this to escalate to the point it has. I have no sympathy for him. I hate to see Ukrainian civilians killed. But what is Europe doing? Does Ukraine not have any allies? If they want to join the EU and not NATO then let the EU take care of them. As far as the United States being conquered next, I think you’re living in a fantasy world. Not sure you’ve ever been in the US military. But anyway, maybe we should just write Zelensky a blank check and then look surprised when after the war he ends up selling it all to Russia.

    1. We sent far more to Mid-east for greed wars, trust me, we have the money, we always have, why do you think we’re the richest nation in the world. The fact is, this is actually a good investment, protecting Ukraine protects the US, if you don’t know why, feel free to ask me, but I’m getting sick of explaining basic geo-politics to everyone confused on this. I’ll give you a clue, it has something to do with Dominoes, Containing Radical Empires so one doesn’t dominate Eurasia and is too powerful for us to stop without massive losses, Appeasement, and the fact that if Europe falls, we’re next. If Ukraine falls, Europe is next. Conquerors do this, please study how WW2 started and you will see that Putin is replaying that playbook. Testing the Free world, trying to take what he can, divide and conquer, pick us apart and conquer us one by one til they become too powerful for us to stop. Don’t you like freedom? This isn’t that much money and honestly we should send a lot more, this is finally a good investment, this is what the Arsenal of Democracy is for, it’s finally being used for good again, like in WW2, and here you are. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater, you’re generalizing all American interventionism as bad, but that’s a bad viewpoint that only benefits the nations who wish to conquer this world and see America as standing in their way, because we are. If they do conquer this world, we don’t stand a chance, sure the Oceans are strong, but not strong enough against a combined Afro-Eurasian Empire. Mid-east was the US using its arsenal for greed purposes, Ukrainians are actual freedom fighters using our weapons to fight off an aggressive invader, both the US, but especially the EU, need to send far more in aid. Ukraine is actually using it more effectively than we ever would.

      First of all. You do realize a lot of this military aid is stuff we’ve had in our reserves for a long time, stuff that would go out of date soon and we’d need to replace anyways. We would essentially be letting our equipment rot and waste if we didnt’ send it to them, Ukraine is making more use of the weapons we send than we ever would. Think about that poor old tank wasting away in our storage. Don’t you think Ukraine, which could literally use every tank they can get, would benefit more than us having that old tank that we’ll never use and eventually replace soon?

      There’s literally no logical reason not to send more aid to Ukraine and to dislike this, sending aid only helps the Free World, including Europe and the US especially as it prevents the fight from hitting us and could even add a new member to our alliances/economic unions. The only people who don’t benefit from aid being sent to Ukraine are the Russian and Chinese govornments. While the masses of the free world all benefit from sending aid to Ukraine, for if Ukraine falls, we are next, but if Ukraine wins, our world becomes stronger.

    2. @Mr. Burns just saw tRump coming out of putins bedroom with creame sauce all over his face. Better get him a tissue man!

    1. ​@Mustafa Ali Idk, I’m not from USA and tbh I’m not well familiar with the real economic situation of USA. But they have people like elon, jeff, mr beast, cardone, tai,… they all are great at selling and bringing money into the country, lol

  4. Everyone needs to see on the internet how much tax payment is for weapons per year and understand how evil the world is while people starving, .

  5. How long has this man been in politics..and since when has the world been free, like he reakon he can help it be..

  6. Enough already. Go find funds elsewhere.
    Support the American people first. Something that has not been completed.


  8. Good headline, catches attention so you need to click to see if he is ready for talks to save the lives of civilians or something else

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