Ukrainian forces have pushed toward the occupied city of Kherson and captured the town of Zolota Balka on the western bank of the Dnipro River, according to a regional official and pro-Russian military blogger. CNN’s Fareed Zakaria says he thinks recent gains by the Ukrainian military are turning the tide of the war with Russia. #CNN #News
Zakaria: ‘We are witnessing the turning point’ in the Ukraine war

You can’t ever underestimate someone who is fighting for their love, their land, homes and freedoms. Stay Strong Ukraine.

I’m Back
I support President Putin.
Bobby’s channel
So many errors…but not the place to school you. Imagine supporting Santa Ana! Stick to Ukraine.
@Bobby’s Channel Bows and arrows vs guns. Hunter gather/farmers vs industry. Your analogy doesn’t hold.
Did they lose though? After 500 years of persecution, abuse, prejudice and genocide the Native Americans are still there. They have survived.
Hell Yeah

I have been in Ukraine twice since the beginning of the war and shall be back again this month. One thing that needs to be pointed out is how high moral is in Ukraine, even at a time when it was possible that the enemy could win. On the other hand, the amount of indiscriminate destruction by the enemy is horrendous.
@Michael Linkroum amen.
At the begin of February 2022 no one expected Ukraine to almost hold the lines after over 1 Month, Now, Russia is not retreating. They are simply demonstrating that their troops are superior at running long distance than Ukrainian troops.

@Maya Ram indeed. Afghanistan has never been a “country” in a western sense. Its a bunch of clans and groups that all dislike each other forced together because two hundred years ago, some British guy decided he wanted neat lines on a map, and damn the consequences. Ukraine, though, has hundreds, if not close to a thousand, years of ethnic identity and united culture. Thus the reason you see such a different response.
special retreat operation
I disagree I am a former analyst and I predicted this outcome from the beginning and am on the record before the invasion.
Another poster suggested that it was UKR troops who defeated the Wehrmacht at Stalingrad.
Turns out that Russia wasn’t so much a mighty bear than an ornery little muskrat.
This is the clip u all looking for.:
Unfortunatelly, it is a little muskrat who thinks it is a mighty bear. Those are the most dangerous.
Homeland is not easily won and not easily lost. Salute to all those who want to protect their homeland. Stay strong Ukraine…
@Patrik6920 Yeah, it’s Russia..
Should we suddenly not see Russia as the world biggest threat?
@Matthew Untrue. Ukraine is Rus’ homeland, not Russia. Russia has very little to do with Rus.
@Devo I cant see Rissia winning in any way, it wouldnt matter if thay used nukes or not, thay just cant win.
I dont se russia as athreath, some of the decitiond done by its government perhaps, but as a whole i dont think russian ppl is much different from any1 else…wanting saftety, freedom and live their lifes.
The worlds biggest threat atm i see as the ever increasing greenhouse effect and that so many countries are not doing nearly enugh, the wourld cant just expecta a few countries to solve all of the wourlds problem for them.
@SCZim nothing.
Glory to Ukraine
I just like the sober perspectives which Fareed used to present, and here as well.
Salava Ukraina
They keep referring to them as 300,000 new “troops”….they aren’t troops, they’re civilians who don’t want to be there!
@Andrew Gause …Let’s just say it for what it is. The Russian military is not a professional military. Even if they served in the past they didn’t get a lot of meaningful training.
Tommy gun
It varies. Right now, there is a mad rush to the borders. Unprecedented.
Never start a fight, but always finish it.
1 Psychotoaster Productions Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Always finish it. Always
Even when the lights go out and the heating is no more, I will fight even harder and faster to get back what is rightfully ours!! Slava Ukraine

Russia can’t break the spirit of the people. Remember early on in the war when Russia was bombing Mariupol, the city was ruined but there are over 40million Ukrainians who are fighting in any way shape or form to regain their city back. Soon the Army will be back in Mariupol. They may shut the lights off but the people with the help of the government will put it back on. They’ve endured a lot and can go a few days without light or power.
@Jean Claude Very easy to say that sitting in your heated home buddy. Thousand miles away.
Met a Russian man yesterday who just got out of Russia to escape conscription. A neighbor from the country of Georgia is hosting him. The interesting thing is that my neighbor speaks Russian at home and hates Putin.
Putin doesn’t realize that Russian speaking is not the same as Russia or Putin loving.
@Bannedone 3ice I’ve been through brutal civil wars before, I’ve seen the worst of humanity. I’ve walked miles as a child with my family under shelling and gunshots. Don’t judge me just because I now live in the west. Ukraine is far more resourceful then where I’m from and they’ve managed to get services back up even after severe Russian bombardment. That’s why I can honestly say what Russia is subjugating Ukraine to is brutal. Many supporters of Russia in the west just don’t know what it is like to live under a dictatorship and having to run for your life and flee your homeland and family. Re establish your life somewhere else and become a productive person. Ukraine is lucky to have friends in the west who will make sure they can rebuild and the government now seem to be up for the immense task ahead.
You can never break the spirit of a nation that wants to be free.
Varied. And he said ‘wants to be free’.
Sadly, that has happened many times and is currently happening around the world.
yes i can
@MARK HADDOW Scotland is totally free, nothings stopping you from leaving. You voted on it less than a decade ago and voted to stay lmao
I love Fareed. He’s so insightful.
I love the NWO, WEF, eating bugs, and Europeans deindustrializing.
I am more confident than ever that Russia has already lost the war.
The progress in kherson has been insanely good news
1 Al McKinney Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I think you’re right.
It’s too late for manpower.
Their logistics can’t cope with the troop numbers they’ve got now.
They will die in their tens of thousands.
And if he conscripts a million men, that’s a million more to mutiny, march on Moscow and string him from a lamppost.
I’m fairly confident that if he ordered a nuclear strike, the order would be disobeyed and he would be eliminated.
The response should be so strong that every dictator must remember that the amount of pain he would have after doing that kind of things in our world.
Fight your own war.
Glory to Ukraine – Glory to the brave Ukrainian soldiers
Salava Ukraina
If there were only “somewhere” to “put” all of them. All of the bad ” ones”.
Only humanity leads to glory.
Thank you so much Lemon and Zakaria for this session on Ukraine. You have really thrown more light on the actual situation on ground. Please do more discourses like this between you both, great media experts. Well done sirs!

you should get out more – try watching France24, or the Times Radio… these two guys are saying things that should not be said to public. and you, Sir, should know the difference.
Lol lemon
@mark pieratt (markyfoto) Lemon is a waste for a reporter. He should have been thrown out when the others were fired or forced to step down.
@Bee Bob he ruins the whole interview. It’s like he delegitimizes the story.
Hats off to all those countries that have stood with Ukrainians especially Poland , USA , Britain etc .

Thank you and stay blessed
Glory to Ukraine
This is the clip u all looking for.:
My country isn’t called Britain.
Scotland, for example, is part of three archipelagos, not just the island of Great Britain. Northern Ireland is part of the island of Ireland.
So please, the UK, the sovereign state the four member nations are members of.
Also all Baltic countries.
And special thank Russia for the biggest donation of military and armored vehicles, weapons and ammo.
Support from Ireland, God bless it’s people,it’s army ,it’s victory.
1 Brendan Behan Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I love that Don barely had to ask any questions. Zakaria was just extremely well-informed, knew what everyone wanted to hear, and just spoke intelligently and coherently w/o the Q&A format.
How can anyone like anything about Don Lemon head?! The guy is a real goof.
@Bruce Davidson Kinda like the other Don, everything is a dog whistle.
That’s because Lemonade intelligence is on par with a house brick.
Credit to Don also, he doesn’t carry on like some other hosts who like hearing the sound of their vòice so much they forget to ask questions and let the expert talk. And Don listens, I love his ĺistening face!
Hats off to the Ukrainian people, army and leaders. They serve as models and it’s amazing to see how they fight for their country and basically the whole Europe. I’m willing to pay for higher prices of daily necessities if it means to help Ukraine.