Zakaria: Bolton’s book paints a picture of Trump as ignorant

CNN's Fareed Zakaria examines details about President Donald Trump's foreign policy offered in former national security adviser John Bolton's new book.

#CNN #News


  1. Albert Einstein
    “The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything.”

    1. @Hildebeast Clinton
      Well that’s the type of PIZZAGATE lies that helped Trump get in there to begin with. Makes you wonder what is wrong with people who could believe that crap without ever meeting someone. Guess it just makes it easier to justify their hate.

    2. @Hildebeast Clinton Hilary Clinton is living Rent free in that space between your ears, well if you don’t have a brain, best to let the space

    1. @Mark Green I don’t think you need to hear from fried zuccinni. Unless you’re dumber than he is.

    2. @Jock Young ain’t you be gotten a horse to ride. Jockey tongue. Or does the horse ride you. Either way, what you do with your sister is ok with me. Plz don’t post it on u tube

  2. Interesting how Mr Zakaria invokes JFK’s words from his inaugural address at the end of his comment

    1. Trump doesn’t care about Americans, he can only help himself, but with luck 2020 Trump in Cuffs

    2. @Hildebeast Clinton as opposed to you, who keeps telling us that the actual news is fake, 2020 Trump in cuffs

  3. Bolton has some issues starting with he wouldn’t testify and moving right in to he is neo con war monger.

    1. The GOP blocked him from testifying before Congress, and he refused to testify before the House.

      Bolton is as big a traitor as Trump himself is.

    2. @Mars Tru Right, even Republicans admitted Trump was guilty, but claimed ‘he learned his lesson and won’t do it again’. You do that with children, not the POTUS. Republicans have failed America and the American people.

    3. *the Disastrous Effects of Liberalism, Obama, and Hope & Change*

      CONSUMER CONFIDENCE – plummets


      ECONOMIC FREEDOM – plummets

      U.S. Worker Productivity – plummets

      Wages Stagnate

      the Middle-Class shrinks

      Unpopular Health Care Law – forced on Americans

      ACA promised to save $2500 per family, reality a $7450 yearly increase per household

      ACA doubled premiums and tripled deductibles to $12,000

      Health Insurance companies Lost $Billions in the Obama-Care SCAM

      “Subsidized health care creates disincentive to work.” – CBO / spring 2016

      10’s of thousands of businesses closed as a result of the ACA

      Millions laid off and forced into part-time work as a result of the ACA

      Stock Market – Flat in Obama’s last 2 years – No gains

      Crushing Government Regulations – lost Money, Freedoms, and Liberties

      <1.6% GDP growth Obama's last 6 quarters - couldn't wait to get rid of him

      Worst Economic Recovery on Record

      Spiraling Health Care Costs

      New Business Startups - plummet

      Lower Academic Standards

      Taxes - skyrocket

      Job Opportunities - Dry Up and slow to a trickle

      Obama broke a 50 year old record for Poverty

      Unemployment, Poverty, and Homelessness Rise

      Cost of Living goes up, and Buying Power Drops

      Millions Dropout of the Labor Force - unable to find a job and left Destitute

      Blizzard of regulations passed in 2016, draining economy of $2 trillion

      Created ISIS, then couldn't Stop it

      Falsely Blamed GW for the Great Recession Democrats caused

      Falsely Accused Trump Campaign of Colluding with Russians

      Scandal and Corruption Rampant

      Record number of GDP quarters of <2%

      - Barack Obama: an Economic Catastrophe

    4. Bottomline: bolton is a traitor. May his book sales flop. May his book be copied and distributed for free on the internet. And of course, the media will highlight all the significant mentions from the book.

    5. Baking Soda Man, sAY NO to the DEMONIC DEMOCRATS!! Yes, the Barbarians are at the gates, however they don’t realize the Patriots are in the forest and are now coming up behind them very quietly- and then BOOM, BOOM, BOOM. WWG1WGA -now Cheshire smiles

  4. I’m sure Bolton paint’s himself as some sort of voice of reason at the White House. Bolton never saw a problem that couldn’t be fixed simply by bombing it.

    1. Considering the entire administrations’ strategy seems to be to ruin everything, Bolton might have fit in.

    2. Well then thankfully he finally found at target very much deserving of bombing; Presidick TR45H.

    3. Super comment, hard to believe you are on CNN, but I sure appreciate it just the same. War monger with buddies Lindsey Graham and No Name.

    1. ⭐ Men, don’t lose your semen in sex behavior, otherwise,
      ⭐ your body will become weak very fast.
      ⭐ A substance that can create human beings,
      ⭐ there have a lot of energy in it.
      ⭐ Save semen in your body, you will keep strong.
      ⭐ If you have problems with wet dream (spermatorrhea),
      ⭐ you can use 12-15 hours of sitting to take rest without sleep,
      ⭐ instead of 6-8 hours sleep. (I have succeeded in this)
      🏊 Spend more time to swim or run, you will get strong,
      you will improve your health.
      🙏 🚹🚺(Men protect women, better tomorrow🙏


  5. Bolton was hired to become the patron saint of abominables for the masses he’d already proven to be. He became that and more. Wake me when Trump hires an actual human with ethics and morals intact.

    1. Fennel Woods – Bush tried to hire him during his administration, but there was outcry by people wjo knew him. Then Trump hired him.

      Just like Michael Flynn, Trump was warned, and hired them anyway.

    2. LOL at liberals talking about morals and ethics. Go riot and and burn some more buildings, losers.

    3. @Finn MacCool You first? btw We’ll go right after YOU, Looters/Losers, that have looted every country since time began, return those things to their rightful owners!!

    4. @J Groovy Bush did hire Bolton with later regrets. Typical of Bush to make the wrong move. Again. And again.

  6. The mighty United States with prestigious institutions like Harvard, MIT, Berkeley…elected this man at the helm?? Quite the comedy premise there.

    1. @Ronald Drumpf She also owns a debt collection agency that harasses students over their student loan debt

    1. He would be voted out, not kicked out. When you say, this phony, that leaves the door pretty wide open. Just who and how many are you thinking need to go?

    2. *the Disastrous Effects of Liberalism, Obama, and Hope & Change*

      CONSUMER CONFIDENCE – plummets


      ECONOMIC FREEDOM – plummets

      U.S. Worker Productivity – plummets

      Wages Stagnate

      the Middle-Class shrinks

      Unpopular Health Care Law – forced on Americans

      ACA promised to save $2500 per family, reality a $7450 yearly increase per household

      ACA doubled premiums and tripled deductibles to $12,000

      Health Insurance companies Lost $Billions in the Obama-Care SCAM

      “Subsidized health care creates disincentive to work.” – CBO / spring 2016

      10’s of thousands of businesses closed as a result of the ACA

      Millions laid off and forced into part-time work as a result of the ACA

      Stock Market – Flat in Obama’s last 2 years – No gains

      Crushing Government Regulations – lost Money, Freedoms, and Liberties

      <1.6% GDP growth Obama's last 6 quarters - couldn't wait to get rid of him

      Worst Economic Recovery on Record

      Spiraling Health Care Costs

      New Business Startups - plummet

      Lower Academic Standards

      Taxes - skyrocket

      Job Opportunities - Dry Up and slow to a trickle

      Obama broke a 50 year old record for Poverty

      Unemployment, Poverty, and Homelessness Rise

      Cost of Living goes up, and Buying Power Drops

      Millions Dropout of the Labor Force - unable to find a job and left Destitute

      Blizzard of regulations passed in 2016, draining economy of $2 trillion

      Created ISIS, then couldn't Stop it

      Falsely Blamed GW for the Great Recession Democrats caused

      Falsely Accused Trump Campaign of Colluding with Russians

      Scandal and Corruption Rampant

      Record number of GDP quarters of <2%

      - Barack Obama: an Economic Catastrophe

    1. Where have you been Lethargic Citizen, were the rioters and looters wearing masks? Somebody sold you a bridge and you are to embarrassed to admit it. I have a sack of hammers (also throw in my two favourite hockey sticks) in the garage that are smarter than you. There you go Lethargic and NBC, you just showed us social distancing and face masks are not required, only a token few who actually maybe sick and are at the Juneteenth rally. Thank you so much NBC, you just proved this (virus is real) Plannedemic is nothing but a hoax!! For once you are actually not showing us fake news, but it may be to late to redeem yourself!!

  7. “To argue with a man as Bolton who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.”

    1. ‘U go school bros’ that’s how we say it in Nigeria when someone makes a fine point ( in pidgin though).

    2. The start to understanding the issues is take a big RED pill. As Diamond and Silk said at the rally vote RED -REMOVE EVERY DEMOCRAT, ya baby.

    1. I think Bolton should donate some of that money
      What he says in the book should have been said earlier

    2. @Doug Butler why are people not allowed on cnn if they support Trump. Cnn is not suppose to be biased, Are you admitting they have a left leaning bias that may make them over extend the truth? Research both side is key to a wise decision

    1. Even if Bolt-on had testified, the Rapepublicunt Klan45 would have never removed Conald. Remember, they just had 8 years of a black man in the “White” House and then nominated the “Birther” spokesman. It will take many terms to heal those racist wounds.

    1. He is not ignorant, he is a Putin agent. Putin wants Finalnd back in Russia like under the tsars … same for Poland ….

  8. Wow, who’d have thought a failed reality show host would be ignorant and in over his head when trying to lead one of the most powerful countries in the world…big shock!!

  9. There is a book called I am Rwandan.

    Those who perpetrated the genocise and the victims are reconciling by putting their nationality and humanity above tribal identity.

    Makes our division seem like Priveleged problem.

  10. *The court of American history and world history is unforgiving. Billionaire and millionaire conservatives can’t buy the verdicts with their wealth and power.*

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