CNN's Fareed Zakaria discusses former President Trump's crackdown on immigration before and during the Covid-19 pandemic and the effect it had on the US economy. #CNN #News
Zakaria argues Trump’s moves are still hurting the US economy

CNN's Fareed Zakaria discusses former President Trump's crackdown on immigration before and during the Covid-19 pandemic and the effect it had on the US economy. #CNN #News
$7.25/ hr to deal with rude customers. People are done with it.
@MJB $15 per hour isn’t enough either unless it’s 2 people working together at that wage
I am all for a livable wage. However we got to serve in spite of others attitudes . Good customer service is hard to find them good customers too often
I’m finding in job hunting the to many business want to under pay and therefore causing you to get a second job. Good help is hard to find -but an asset won’t settle for small wages either
As my father always said, “know your worth!”
You are paid based on your qualifications. If you dropped out of high school, it is very easy to replace you
@John Lucas not these days!
Be the boss not the worker! Change your mindset!
Or for no benefits either.
Henry Ford realized that he needed to pay his workers enough to afford the autos they were building. Maybe if American capitalism rediscovered that strategy and shared profits more equitably there would not be a labor shortage.
@John Patrick Yes, there is more than “corporations are greedy” BUT big oil drove this inflation. Walmart profits are indirectly subsidized by food stamps. Both things can be true. A struggling employee might make $50 too much and lose $200 in “benefits” so in order to provide properly he’d have to ask you to let somebody else have the work. If he’s just working the system he was probably stealing from you to .
A franchise owner is not the corporation. McDonalds makes over $2m a year from each location and the small independent business people who own a franchise make about $150k some more some less. Managers make anywhere from 40k-150k.
If you can own more than one franchise, you’re not the guy working 60-70 hours a week to make a go of it so it’s “found money” on your investment – you are paying managers over $100k so you don’t have to work. Ain’t NOBODY owns a mccdonalds franchise making the same as the minimum paid workers if so, they chose the wrong market and I’m surprised McDonalds lead them on 18 months just to stick them with a stre that is sure to fail
@Republican Boogeyman “The trouble with capitalism is that eventually you run out of the working people’s money to give to the rich.”
@Michael Albert I don’t think it would be free. If you don’t either, why do you suggest it as a solution to someone who has already stated that they have no extra money?
@Bob Cob that’s what I asked the person who brought it up. Some people just can’t stay on topic, Bob.
I’m unemployed right now and I’m not in a rush to get back to work – yeah it’s going to be tough but I’m tired of working for rich ingrates.
I was a programmer and said that in 2015…still not working lol… i make a bare living doing a boss is more freedom than a high salary. Maybe I’ll work remote customer service, something brainless from home but I am not giving my brain to anyone else. Its too draining.
Here’s a clue to where the workers went: To jobs with better working conditions, benefits, and a Living Wage.
@Steffi Reitsch That’s called Capitalism, supply and demand!
@Marcus Wardle Get ready to open your wallet.
@Steffi Reitsch
Work for free!
That’s exactly what Trump gave the people.. loads of jobs and cheap gas
.. Legend 
…western economists, always enthralled to the ruling class, never look at the excesses of that class as “in need of addressing” whenever there is a crisis of cost inflation or depressed employment — but large companies and wealthy people are taking too great of a percentage of the economy — because they can, because we have few choices to the 1000 or so corporations that own and operate 90% of the world economy today. Small farmers aren’t making more money in food — and often, what they’re charging hasn’t risen year on year, either — but large corporate looters don’t live in the same universe: their earnings calls over the last 5 sessions tell us they and their shareholders are doing stunningly well.
In one area you address, Trump’s/GOP’s war on migrant workers and immigrants, I whole heartedly agree: small businesses in the food and construction sectors receive a substantial wash of workers from immigration and migration: restraurants barely can function without so-called ‘illegal immigrants’ —
That said, however: “it is THESE VERY BUSINESS PEOPLE who are voting to rid the country of foreign workers, by supporting the political party that abhors foreigners as invaders stealing American jobs and using up all the country’s welfare (somehow).
Global supply chain businesses, too, have enjoyed bringing products to market at low prices to US consumers because much of their componentry was made in countries where wages or labor laws are favorable to manufacturing on the cheap, or with defacto slaves. That toaster 4 years ago cost $12.99 and now costs $39.95 because of Trump imposed Tariffs, and anything build domestically is twice the price simply because we do not allow child labor or slavery in the United States anymore. So much of our issues on inflation are readily resolvable, but not by doubling down on tariffs against Asian producers, or demanding everything be made in the USA, or in the policy of rejecting as many foreign workers and immigrants as possible whose ancestors don’t hail from Europe et al…
All of that and not a single word about shipping jobs overseas? Real rich..
@Dolly Adams You are discounting our low skilled workers already here. They are definetly taking their jobs. They are also lowering their wages at the same time. The guys in the home depot parking lot wont work for much less than 100 bucks a day as it is.
Fareed is clever. Temp (pun) the rich with cheap foreign labor, on thier lot. Most republicans will salivate. About not paying a decent salary.
1 Kurtis Engle Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Higher wages means fewer people will leave for a better paid job elsewhere and continuation is good for business.
Yes really
Well USA must have the best minimum wages n work to since it was founded it seems. So many people come here instead of pick up arms to over throw their government n put better people in office to have a successful county n not want to go else where for work n prosperity
Can’t find enough workers willing to take minimum wage jobs.
I wonder why.
we need robots to take over that part of the working force then
Mexicans will do it.
@Bob Cob

I have never understood why the government doesn’t put together more programs to process and keep track of migrant work force(s). Major employers have been exploiting the undocumented as long or longer. Yet, they too rarely experience serious consequence. As, well citizens of the US for decades have eschewed physical labor/dirty work– digging ditches being beneath them.
Solutions can be generated if we approach problems rationally and realistically.
And we wonder why we are letting them in by the millions.
@IrishH I

@Linda I
How can not dealing with reality rationally be good for anyone or anything? This country is struggling with a labor shortage. Actually managing the immigrant and migrant work force rationally might be worth the effort. (Some workers want to move here permanently, others only want to be here for seasonal or short term employment.). Heck, it might create jobs Americans would be willing to do while filling those backbreaking physical jobs Americans prefer to avoid. Plus, the authorities might be better able to keep track of who enters the US.
Search ‘us labor shortage 2022’; see what comes up.
Pay a competitive wage. Treat workers decently. They say they cannot find workers. That is a lie.
Whenever they say they can’t find workers they forget to add at a price were willing to pay
@Michael because $15/hour is NOT a liveable wage in America today.
@Jason Sparks … And then you apply and nobody calls you back.
Purposely done ! 4 more years would have completed Putin’s deeds…
1 Crypto & Cannabis Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I agrer
I agree
…or earlier
Aren’t you meant to be Journalist ??? U make no mention of the Covid pandemic that restricted travel for everyone including a flexible workforce, for the best part of 2 years..So beside missing the obvious facts
great political hit piece on Trump..
‘Good help is SO hard to find’
‘You get what you pay for’
devalued labor for 20 years in the U.S. has left a gap of decent skilled labor that does things right the first time… the minimum wage doesn’t allow a person to eat and live indoors in the same month.
Skilled labor doesn’t work for minimum wage.
You’ll never find a tradesman making $7.25/hr.
Unskilled labor, like clerks/cashiers, wait staff (who should be paid at least minimum wage and not have to rely on tips), stockers and such, do work for minimum wage or slightly above it.
But those jobs aren’t meant to be careers, they’re stepping stones.
@John Patrick $7.25? Dunkin Donuts is hiring for $11 near my house and that’s in the rural south. Absolutely NOBODY makes $7.25. I’m fairly sure that’s less than federal minimum wage lol.
@JR Porter Oh, I agree.
Most fast food places hire at about 50% higher than minimum wage. My point was that if you are making minimum wage, you’re not working in a career, your at a job and there’s a huge difference.
@John Patrick you’ve got a point there
@JR Porter I would have to agree with that I am living in a rural community as well and they are paying now $20 to work at McDonald’s and $20 for housekeeping. This is mostly a white community.
If owners/corporations were not so greedy and paid workers more they wouldn’t have a problem finding workers. They don’t have to raise the price of their stuff, they just need to buy fewer Yachts.
Isn’t that the truth!
This situation with not enough workers has happened many times in American history. Those were the times when we opened our doors, offered jobs and cheap land, and our ancestors from other lands arrived to create expansion.
Buck I just want you to get a

Taxpayers also didn’t support those people. They supported themselves from minute one. No welfare, handouts or entertainments. Land was not cheap and never has been. There were programs to encourage people to settle where they normally wouldn’t and claim jumpers.
These ain’t those days.
I’m all for Capitalism but abject greed by companies is killing us. CEO pay and the layers of useless VPs and other upper management that are way overpaid and only worry about their pay, bonuses, stock options, and finding new way to screw customers and lower level employees out of as much money as possible.
1 Mike Mitchell Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
its about time actually. overpopulation and too much competition was making people depressed and suicdal. this was long coming
Yep! …*cough* Boeing and it’s 737 Max
CEO salaries of the biggest corporations have hit record highs in 2021 for the sixth year in a row, with the annual average pay sitting at $14.7 million.
10 Healthcare CEO’s are among those paid top 100 salaries, not one of them paid under 20 million a year. Now you know why your healthcare costs are so obscene!!!!
I agree with the sentiment about large Corporations and their pay structure. If you look at the percentage of CEO Pay plus compensation to the lowest paid employee with no compensation as compared to other countries it is dizzying to think about. That doesn’t even begin to take into account the Tax structure, Exon Mobile earns 80 billion in one quarter and not only pays no tax but gets money back from the government while the average worker makes barely enough to live on and owes the government.
This is a false premise.
The shortage is good jobs and employers that respect their employees.
There are plenty of unemployed potential workers in the US. They just don’t appear on the slanted government statistics.
1 Bill B Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I’m sure it’s been and continues to be a challenge for local small business. There should be a program to help them.

However big business merely needs to avoid raising prices even if that means a smaller profit margin. As long as you have a profit your winning, but raping American consumers to line pockets, otherwise untouched by inflation, just because you can is just wrong. People can distinguish between want and need including big business. Pure greed! Boycotting is a good tool but masses are needed to make progress. They have us by the throat, big oil and energy, big pharma and HMOs, politicians and government. But only if we allow it.
1 Elizabeth Ramey Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Here we go blaming labor again. I can understand small businesses having to pass on higher costs (ie wages) to their customers. But I don’t understand why we’ve simply given in to the belief that all companies must pass on their higher costs to consumers! Huge companies, in all sorts of industries, are making a killing in profits right now & they have been for over a year now. So tell me again why they feel like they can automatically pass on higher costs to us the consumers? The answer is because they can. And that’s because our leaders are allowing them to do so. Our leaders aren’t leading or representing us. They’re representing big businesses & being led by them.
FYI I just want to know if you can