Zakaria: America’s defense budget is out of control

CNN's Fareed Zakaria examines the Department of Defense spending under the Trump administration, arguing that the Pentagon's budget should not expand with the nation's GDP.


    1. Remember, America’s defense budget of $686 billion dollars is more than seven other nations COMBINED. Where is that money going? It sure in the hell isn’t going to the troops on the ground. They should be running around in Iron Man armor at that price point /s. Seriously, this is an issue that ALL American’s should be concerned about.

  1. Millions can’t afford healthcare, infrastructure is crumbling, households are drowning in debt, etc. while the government wastes billions on weapons and wars.

    1. Billions on weapons and wars, trillions on social security and Medicare.

      No this is not about military budget.

    2. grow up loser! Every state in the Union gets about 1 billion dollars a year from the Feds to take care of roads and bridges in their states. If states would use that money wisely and spend the money they get from the Feds on the the roads and bridges that need be fixed instead of wasting the federal money they get to grind down and repave highways that don’t need it then the Countries infistructure wouldn’t have any issues at all. But no all libtards and Republicans want to waste money and blame it on the Feds. Grow up idiots. Guess what else morons, it’s not the government’s job to bail you out of debtor pay for your healthcare. Here is an idea all you morons stop eating like pigs at McDonald’s, smoking like chimnies, and drinking tons of soda and energy drinks and your health insurance would be cheaper and your healthcare bills would be slot lower.

    3. @discorperted BS! I live in CT and the state is currently repaving a highway in my state that doesn’t need it instead of spending the money to fix the bridges they say need to be fixed.

  2. Agree, it has been too big since the end of the Cold War. Then it’s used as an excused to cut domestic programs that directly help the most in need.

    1. Cuck, Donald Trump is a billionaire…..
      billionaires don’t go bankrupt idiot….
      Just Five ‘chapter 11’ bankruptcy’s is ONLY on the “unprofitable” casinos.
      Donald Trumps other 511 businesses that Donald Trump owns are fabulously successful. I’m here to educate you cucks
      *Trump Tower: $371 million
      *Niketown: $390 million
      *1290 Avenue of the Americas: $409 million
      *Trump Park Avenue: $177 million
      *Trump International Hotel and Tower, Central Park West: $38 million
      *Trump Parc / Trump Parc East: $88 million
      *40 Wall Street: $345 million
      *Trump World Tower: $27 million
      *Spring Creek Towers: $25 million
      *Trump Plaza: $13 million
      *Additionally, Trump owns the Trump Tower Penthouse. Serving as his personal residence, the space is worth $90 million.
      *Trump owns 100 percent of his hotel management and licensing business, which spans the globe.
      net value of $123 million and $0 in debt.
      *Mar-a-Lago~Forbes estimates that the private resort, which doubles as Trump’s home away from home, is worth $150 million.
      *Golf Courses~
      Trump owns a network of golf resorts stretching across the globe. Net worth ~$675 million
      *Trump boasts about two dozen deals across the world, including holdings in Toronto, Hawaii, Istanbul, Mumbai, Dubai and the Philippines. Net worth ~$14 million.

    2. Trump does not spend the money.. The money is allocated by congress- which is currently democratically held

  3. Remember the 8 years of the Obama administration when Mitch McConnell and the Tea Party were SCREAMING about the NATIONAL DEBT. Now it doesn’t matter anymore 😂

    1. @Fahim Ahmad Limbaugh? Gosh man, you ruined my mid-morning cup of coffee. He is one of the most repulsive, repugnant of all 330 million Americans. He, Hannity, Pirro, Ingraham, Carlson and Alex Jones have to be biologically related.

    2. @camping buddy “…the world is waking up to the imminent collapse of the U.S. dollar, and seeking a new basis for international trade.” You are frighteningly right. I can’t recall the source I read so much lately, but I read somewhere that the Europeans…I think…. are looking for a new “dollar”.
      Greed….American greed….has done it. And there’s no way for the average American to stop it. The “bowling ball” has been pushed off the cliff and all we can do is stand by and watch it fall, waiting for it to hit the ground.

    3. @discorperted Say what? “Obama was at war longer than any modern president and started two new wars to boot”?
      Well good for him!

    1. @Kiritto San bitter please stop with your nonsense. We’re talking about the debt Americans have. You can deport all 11 millions undocumented aliens, yet this debt still will be there. Why always use illegals as the scapegoat? Put your hatred aside for a second.

    2. @Kiritto San bitter you are just z trailerpark hillbilly repeating rhetoric. Well,its YOUR healthcare, not mine.

      50.000 deaths/year dead. Obamacare fixed that quite a bit. And now people are dyinv again, guess why…..

    3. @discorperted are you one of those people who vote on 1 issue? How about deporting them all! Now can we go back to discussing this elephant in the room? The defense spending is out of control. What’s your take on that?

  4. Let me simplify this for you and it’s a historical proven concept (I know try reading a book). Dementia Don is buying fealty.

    He will never go quietly into the night. And now large swaths on the Right will goose step right along with him. Fascinating stuff right before your eyes.

    1. So right, so right. Trump never intends to leave the White House healthy and whole. If he wins in 2020, he’ll try to alter the Constitution so he can just stay there. If he loses in 2020, by the weekend after Election Day, you’ll be hearing that the “election was rigged” and he’ll call for violence from the extremists in his base. If Dementia Don has to go down, he’s go full Hitler and try to burn the house down as he goes.

    2. Trump’s support among active duty military personnel is lower than that of the general public. If he wants fealty from our military, he needs to realize it’s made largely of immigrants.

    3. doc jim, fealty w elements of the brass. It’s not a coincidence that he filled the WH with Flynn, McM, Mattis, and Kelly. He corrupted Flynn, the others left. How about next level? Op for promotion is as old as Alexander. Plus Trump has his own private merc force. That should sound familiar ie SS.

  5. Americans defence budget…..
    It all about supporting your military industrial complex…
    Enemies of America are made by these nasty devils who rule America…

  6. FINALLY!! It’s a crime that this isn’t talked about more. This problem lies at the heart of so much that is plaguing this country.

  7. Bankrupting the nation on the backs of children and families without health care and crumbling infrastructure. What a sad and silly and fragile empire. Might instead of what’s right.

    1. The Army, Navy and Marines each have their own unique aviation needs that would require too much specialization from the Air Force. For example, the Blue Water Navy doesn’t need attack helicopters in the same way that the Army and the Marine Corps do.



    1. @Trumprules Clintondrools LOL he had to be shamed into paying cheerleaders he wouldn’t voluntarily spend a dime if he didn’t need to. A lot of the cost is due to his insistence on staying on and using his properties and the associated cost of lodging.

    1. Why is that issue and robocalls both sides agree on while the citizens don’t. Do you know what we could do with $700 billion we could end poverty, pay for childcare and pay off over 50% of our national debt.

    2. America love it or leave it!! You Democrats should get a job and get out of your mothers Basement!!!

    3. @Vincent Graham I’m retired and run a soup kitchen I’m 31 yes old….. Keep talking cuz I think it’s just you Lol 😂😂😂

  9. I’m a DOD civilian employee and retired military. I have never…never seen such waste as the military budget . What Eisenhower said in his farewell address in now more true than in his time.

    Actually, my Father was partially to blame for this fiasco. He was a military analyst that gave recommendations on targeting nuclear weapons on the old USSR. He said that it would be easy to destroy the Soviet military industrial complex because it was centralized, and the U.S. had enough nuclear weapons leftover to target bridges!!! Later on he wrote a white paper describing how America should decentralize its military fabrication. He didn’t realize that contractors would use this to build parts in many congressional districts all over the country. This is why it is difficult to stop a weapons system since there wouldn’t any member of congress that would say no to jobs in their district.

    The Pentagon and Congress are out of control!!!!

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