Your 2020 Democratic National Convention questions, answered

The 2020 Democratic National Convention kicked off this week, with the Republican National Convention to follow next. These events will look very different than years past due to coronavirus. Chris Cillizza, answered your questions on the conventions.

Be sure to tune into CNN for in depth 2020 DNC coverage from 8pm-2amEST.

About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.

Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil and Allison Gordon
Editor: Steven Sevilla
Producer: Arielle Sacks

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#CNN #Cillizza #DNC20


    1. Obama loves China. He has given so much to China – so much of American Jobs. China’s News Network love him back.
      – Chineese News Network
      – All Broadcasts on China
      – National Broadcasting of China

    2. Why watch fake people on the fake news channel. It’s all evil behind their fake smiles and scripted speeches.


    2. @Mohammed MogajiBiden: Unlike the Black community, Hispanics are an ‘incredibly diverse community’. That about says it all….LOL.

    3. @SAH Mom He said the black community where diverse as well, he was just trying to express his love for the Latino culture.

    4. @Mohammed Mogaji according to old joey except for notable exceptions (which you are not) blacks arent diverse they all think alike unlike the lations

  1. My question is when did Harris stop believing that joe was a racist and a rapist because she definitely went at him hard last year.

    1. @Variant Ways Wow, you are completely clueless, not your fault entirely, you’ve been fed too much propaganda. 😳

    2. @Variant Ways Except Grimm Reaper said he wouldn’t even consider it and except Obama did agree to bail outs to save the economy, a bail out proposed by Bush and the Senate.

    3. @Enrique Ordaz Your point?…Jeff Besos?…He also owns the Washington Post…which is often much more informative than CNN..

  2. I certainly won’t trust your take on the RNC Chris, lol. To even insinuate that i would is ridiculous & laughable.

    1. @Ocasio-Cortez4prez2022 Not to mention telling people that they need to give their houses to BLM protesters.

    1. @Elmosweed So, it’s Trump’s fault the supply was down from 2009? What about 2010? 2011? 2012? 2013? 2014? 2015? 2016? In all those years Obama’s administration failed.

    2. @Elmosweed The issues were from Democrat policy, Cuomo and DeBlasio… Also there was an empty field hospital that was unused…

    3. @Elmosweed The salt post proves it’s on Obama… He had 6 years to fix it, but failed. Thanks for proving my point.

    1. @Gopher Baroque Have you watched any of Trump’s briefings in it’s entirety instead of watching the Leftist media report on it? I think not because he’s offered many condolences.

    2. @Mohammed Mogaji Because we are trying to save people’s lives no matter the politics. If Biden actually knows how to stop covid, he should actually tell people. Fact is, Biden doesn’t have a clue.

    3. @SAH Mom Biden already said everyone should wear masks among crowds. Something Trump only endorsed after his poll numbers crashed. Biden doesn’t have to tell anyone how to prevent stop Covid other than say he’ll listen to the experts. Trump has made the bar so low that’s all Biden needs to say. Look at the countries handling Covid well, to know what works instead of promoting miracle cures.

    4. @Mohammed Mogaji Listen to the experts?

      Experts so far…

      Over 2 million could die in the US… Wrong.

      Either the experts were wrong, or Trump did a good job. Pick one.

      Fauci said not to wear a mask… Wrong.

      He’s changed his mind, although he didn’t wear one when he thinks the camera isn’t on him.

      The World Health Organization, said there was no evidence of human to human transmission… Wrong.

      Those the experts Biden’s going to go to?

  3. We will find a vaccine for covid 19 but how do we protect ourselves from these radical democrats?
    Vote TRUMP 2020

    1. Move to a country were being racist is cool coward. This is America. Democrats built it, and we will still be making it better when you Fascist are on the bad idea pile of history with monarchy, the crusades, derigables.

    2. @Mick E Which one are you related to dumb or dumber ?
      People like you throw the word racist around like confetti greatly diluting its meaning.

    3. @Mick E Which one are you related to dumb or dumber.
      People like you throw the word racist around like confetti making it boring and diluted.

    4. @richies quest The reason you see the word Racist thrown at you all the time is because you are racist. That word is a constant part of your life, not mine. If it hurts your feelings so much you have to whine about it stop being racist, or at least stop doing it in public because people aren’t going to stop calling you out on it you stupid racist.

  4. Why can’t you tell those politicians to go finish the covid-19 relief bill and get some help to the people. And stop worrying about balloons.

    1. @Owen Franck I have a serious question: Is TDS just a naturally occurring ailment or is most of it drug induced? (I kinda already know the answer. Haven’t met a leftist yet that didn’t suffer from at least one painfully obvious mental condition. Add drugs and alcohol to the mix and the results are simply compounded to produce an addled mind…so perfectly displayed by – YOU.)

    2. @Owen Franck Well there’s a load of BS. Newsom with his failed environment policies is what caused those fires to be out of control. No more cleaning up dead brush, no creating of water preserves to hold more water for California’s huge water demand. If you lived in California, you might know these things and know the truth of their problems.

    3. savannah505 well I do live in California in Ventura and I only had to evacuate due to smoke but if you noticed it was out of control there were not enough propel on scene and they don’t use water as a main source to take out water they use a mixture of things kinda like what’s in a fire extinguisher and we didn’t have enough planes loaded with those coming in. And that caused thousands of homes burned and 89 deaths.

  5. Curious when I do a search for Kevin Clinesmith on CNN only one video comes up from 9 months ago. Not important to you to show that FBI lied for a warrant?

    1. Kevin Clinesmith is the first and next is Comey, Rice, Lynch, and then Biden and Barry! TRUMP-PENCE 2020! MAGA-KAG!

    2. @Scott Stewart that’s like getting everything you ask for from Santa.. that only happened once When I was 40..2 × 20 dollar hookers and a pizza 🍕

    3. @Jay Trock – The Highly Biased and Totally Dishonest Liberal Mainstream Media is Complicit in the FISA Abuse of Power Scandal involving Failed Radical CON-MAN Barack Hussein Obama and his Deep State RATS. This Corrupt Liberal Media is protecting all those who are guilty in this plot to overthrow a Duly-elected American President. The time will come when Justice is Served on these people.

  6. Oh shoot ha ha did y’all see the freshly released pictures of Bill Clinton on the Lolita Express getting messages and playing poker with Epstein??? You should all go look at those before he speaks at today’s event in front of all of you.

    1. Expect the same thing at the rnc. Unless you have already seen previous conventions, and this is just a troll question XD

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