A voter at a Bernie Sanders rally recounts how he persuaded his parents to shift from Biden to Sanders in the S. Carolina primary, and how issues of "education and health care together” were crucial, in this segment on The Beat with Ari Melber. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 02/28/20.
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Young Voter Recounts Shifting Parents From Biden To Sanders In S.C. | MSNBC
You can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out
Like how parents have certain conversations with their kids, this is the time for the kids to have a conversation with their parents. Bernie 2020
@Kevin NYC Older parents.
@Hephaestus Famous war criminal. MAybe not a perfect rolemodel.
@Kevin NYC Go look on his website. It all works.
When you cut through the MSM bs, there is only one choice.
@Baxter Powel how is a stalinist purge “funny”?
@Baxter Powel Trump can’t win without votes. Remember that.
@jacen cade social Democrats reject stalinist and marxist ideology. Just the facts look it up
@Baxter Powel haha, dummy.
Medicare for all Americans
Laura Lafauve

@Ameila Singh never is a long time. Don’t count on never
@George Constanza well, you and I a several others know it’s not fake news.
I started leaving these comments months ago. It was after I did a little research and found out “the Bernie blackout” was for real. So I figured I’d try to even things up a bit.
You know what? I’ve been getting more positive comments than when I started.
I know, this list of comments doesn’t seem all that much better. But the ones I used to get? They even insulted my mother and my birth certificate!
It’s getting better.
What’s the percentage of parents who patronize their kids. Most of us have honest discussions.
Yeah. That was an *OK Boomer* moment.
My son invited me into Bernie’s camp in 2015. How cool is it to hang out with America’s ethical thinkers?
Jonathan Capehart should have qualified that he was talking about how his parents treat him because like you, my parents are straightforward with me, as I am with them.
Parents… listen to your kids! It’s their future you’re voting on! Give them their chance to succeed.
Well said Manny!

Manny j by stealing everyone else’s money. I’m not shocked. Weak parents breed weak children. Weak children who think the world should be free oh I mean fair.
@Earth Florida Oh gawd. You need Bernie’s healthcare so that you can get shrink to help you process reality. NO, no one is taking your limited money. Just the 1%.
They’re right because I had to educate my mother and my aunt about Biden
Wish u could highlight their reasons fr Biden, that guy can’t be trusted after always pushing the bad decision on Obama & claim the glory fr the good ones.
i think if the old people win the young people will NEVER forgive them, and if the young people win it will be a bright new future, and one of dread for the rich and powerful
@Kevin NYC i was smarter back then, before the alcohol pickled my brain
@Kevin NYC you trying to be ageist?
@cyberash3000 same here
I have done the same. Mom went to Bloomberg but we talked them into Bernie.
@Earth Florida
Your parents are brother and sister:/ Don’t talk about weak parents.
Earth Florida Lol Troll
@M Bernie beats trump in most polls
Bernie please end it with a win tomorrow No Biden
Young Bernie Bros — turn out your parents for Bernie!
You never hear grandpa complaining about socialism when medicare takes care of him without his having to mortgage his house and declare bankruptcy to pay his insurance premiums and deductibles
Orewellian – I live in Oklahoma, and most people don’t have insurance, myself included. I can go to a walk in clinic and see a doctor for 40 dollars, and if I need a prescription, I can get generic medicine at Wal Mart for 4 dollars. I went to the doctor and got some antibiotics at Wal Mart a few years ago, and it cost me 44 dollars. A guy I know with no insurance, had a heart attack and went to the emergency room where they put a stent in him. The hospital worked out a monthly payment plan with him. By law they have to treat you in an emergency whether you have insurance or not. Instead of everyone having insurance, we should just ban insurance, which would force these doctors and hospitals to come down on their prices where we can pay out of pocket. My mother has Blue Cross insurance and a doctor charged her insurance 70 thousand dollars for a 3 hour hernia surgery. The problem with healthcare is how much these doctors and hospitals are charging. I don’t like government regulations of salaries, but I’d rather do this than to go full commie rat and get socialized medicine. In most states the labor commission regulates how much per hour electricians and plumbers can charge, so lets do the same to these doctors. 100 dollars per hour for doing surgery is more than enough money. For that 3 hour hernia surgery he could have made 300 dollars, and my mother could have paid out of pocket and not even needed insurance.
@Kevin NYC So counter solution if we can’t have Medicare for all the old can give up their Government Healthcare and can live off the meager savings most of them have because we’ve no obligation to take care of the old before taking care of ourselves.
@Kevin NYC Then you already don’t understand his policies.
@Desmond The New Order i dont think its as bad as bernie makes it sound. he really doesnt like America very much.
@Kevin NYC I mean I don’t like America as it currently is either very few people do what’s your point? Do you think disliking the USA as it currently is somehow disqualifies us from talking about how bad it’s gotten?
Nice! Bernie 2020!
Grassroots Solidarity beats status-quo failed-promise pseudo-charity
“I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way…” – Whitney Houston
Hephaestus everyone learned it in 6th grade lmao, im in 9th grade btw
@Juãn Lemus Good! My great grandfather owned 4 privet houses in Socialist Russia. All 4 were taken from him, Demolished and on its place they build a five story building with multiple apartments. Socialism = Theft
Dead of overdose in bathtub.
@Hephaestus And do you think there aren’t people in the good ol’ capitalist USA who don’t have stories of theft and of rich, powerful people taking from the poor?
Sanders is the coming of normal. Biden has nothing to offer
Biden’s VISION is to be elected as senator and appoint the the first African American as a US Senator. When I heard those comments coming out of his mouth, I knew he was not mentally fit to be on the campaign trail not to mention holding office as president.
Stay fair, nice and decent journalist, Ari. You are one of the reasons I still watch the MSNBC news.
I agree
“They want someone who is going to defeat Trump..”
That would be the person with the most voters. Again, it’s still Sanders.
Quit trying to dance around the fact that he brings the largest Angry Voting Mob to the table, and no one else does. Stop pretending that someone with fewer voters will defeat Trump.
@benny pitt Bernie is also clearly the best democratic shot to win the electoral college.
For the good of the party, they are gonna have to give the nomination to a more moderate candidate. Bernie’s bag of socialist goodies will send our country into bankruptcy. If you have a spouse that goes hog wild crazy with a credit card, you have to take that card from them before they bankrupt you. Bernie can’t be given the presidential power to start doling out all his freebies.
@Hi it’s me Bernie’s bag of socialist goodies SAVES the country money over time. Please look into them, Bernie explains how in his own vids rather well (I’m not sure if absolutely necessary but you may need to look further though). You in fact do need to learn and the key thing in this period is that Republicans and corporate democrats must have a primal fear of stepping out of line and sabotaging perfectly good legislation. There is nothing that doesn’t make sense in Bernie’s policy, it is in reality the American centrist neoliberal take that is rubbish and hasn’t worked for 40 years.
Sanders got more than 20% than Nevada polls forecasted – this be the same! #OnlyBernie
I also talked to my parents into voting for Bernie… We HAVE voted and mailed our ballots…
Voting for a communist sad
Cool where do you live, we need to take notes on all the communists so we can shoot them on site. Im serious. Where do you live
@Obsessive Compulsive You belong in prison.
@CrazyWaffle5150 You can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out
Honestly folks, canvass the kitchen table and drag `em to the polls for Bernie!
this got a laugh out of me
darlings.. it’s all about “BERNIE”.. !