A child dies while sledding at Mooney's Bay. City of Ottawa says area was marked closed to toboggans.
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thats a super steep hill and you can build up a lot of speed near the end
I read the title and clicked on it to see about this child, not to look at the hazards of the hill
So the parents can read the sign, and look around and see why, they can see the danger. They ignored the danger and the obvious happened. The city should have been monitoring the parents behaviour, their carelessness, the lack of responsibility and considered the protective barriers well before this happened. It’s hard these days to tell the difference between a 6 yr old, and the parent in looking out for dangers where they play.
if you think about it tobogganing is pretty dangerous.
No it isn’t.
My sincerest prayers and condolences to the family and friends!
Stay safe Angels
That’s so sad. Heart goes out to the family. Never considered this to be a dangerous activity.
My dog hurt his tail playing tug in snow, he’s fine, but we don’t do it anymore, or am very careful. Don’t ever let them start/control a game.
Because it isn’t.
So sad, I’ve gone there many times
Fly high little one
totally the hills fault, should be serving jail time.
My condolences to the family for their loss.
Revelation 21: 3, 4
A law prohibiting sledding is all the responsibility the city had for this. This is on the parents who allowed that law to be broken because of how important fun is.
That’s right !! They also need to ban bike riding, ice skating, swimming and every other activity that can cause harm or death !
@needmoreramsay I’m a parent… if I let this happen… it’s on me. Not the city . Tragic for the family, but parents need to know what their kids are doing .
It seems to me the parents need to be parented here.
Christ we all went sledding as kids and survived. It was a freak accident.
Please be safe, accidents never produce afterlives, and neither does homelessness frostbite.
Kids are going to go sledding on a hill in a park. Wear a damned helmet when you add speed into ANY outdoor activity on land. It’s the equivalent of a pfd in the water.
Enforce helmets. That’s all this would take to almost erase the risk of another incident like this one.
Not a bad idea but doesn’t solve it. What if it’s a neck injury? Or collar bone?
Nobody thought of actually building a couple of safe toboggan runs?
Come on,make the park safe,it’s winter and kids need to have fun healthy activity. Fix the problem,not the easy way by shutting it down
I am sure it will be listed as a COVID death.