1. @randal gibbons
      To Christ I conceded a truly great man, not too closely followed by those who claimed him.

    2. @TClan J Topsom the difference is, we don’t hate them, we disrespect them and feel shame for them. VERY different.

  1. I never understood his followers. All they had to do was look into the way he did business his whole life to know he’s a liar and a fraud. But yet they thought he would be honest with them if he was POTUS. Some people cant think for themselves and are like gullible children.

    1. THIS is why it is so scary!!! They are so uneducated in all levels, that their only sense of security comes from following a tv celebrity full of spin and lies!! 😵😩😔

    1. @Natosha Marzucco No, no, no, its just a bunch of clowns make believing whatever fantasy to make it as bad as possible in hopes of convicting someone based on very little.

    2. No Democrat will ever forget Trump saying he had the best people. No Republican will ever remember. Pence was picked out of a vast supply of eligible, old white guys.

  2. The worst thing about Trump isn’t what we’ve learned about him, it’s what we’ve learned about our family, friends and neighbors that support him.😔

    1. @Belly Dancer Em That’s what I say,,,,, ANYMORE and he’s gonna get to comfortable,,,, and,,we wouldn’t want that,,,,,

  3. A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
    Marcus Tullius Cicero

    1. We desperately need to get Trump back to the White House ASAP. Under his Presidency, our country was in a much better place. The economy was thriving and the world was a much more peaceful place. Come on guys Vote Trump 2024 🇺🇲 MAGA✌🏻

    2. Human nature, sadly, has not improved in 2,000 years. We were even more lucky than we realized that day that this was stopped by the skin of our teeth.

  4. These people never even considered the probability that they could be wrong, even though it would have been easy to discover. WHY did they believe the Lie?

  5. Reality should be shown, not censored. The truth about jan6 must be shown to the people so that the people can understand the seriousness of it all.

  6. Let’s not forget, GOP Rep. Andrew Clyde (Ga.) defended his description of rioters walking through the Capitol on Jan. 6 appearing to look like a “normal tourist visit”

  7. A lot of these people in that footage are so brain washed and deluded, I almost feel sorry for them. All the same though, they are responsible adults, they should accept the consequences.

    1. They weren’t taken anyplace they didn’t already know how to go. They choose their attitude.
      Every day when they wake up, they choose their attitude. They choose to target and whom they will target.
      “Brainwashed”? They had access to all kinds of information to choose from.
      They chose both the words and the speakers they wanted to believe. Their “ignorance” is willful and deliberate.
      There are no victims in this crowd. Just mean people out to do mean things.
      Save your pity for their victims.

  8. That was horrifying. Just awful . The way they talked was so crazy and angry . These people are Americans? OMG, I’m in tears

    1. @SagK “hate”, yup, and what does the Bible they preach from tell them they should behave like, right? Obviously they can’t read or NONE of them would have been there.

    2. Yes, those are Americans. Sorry but Yes! Those are your countrymen. That is what half of your country has become. If you are surprised in any way then you just haven’t been paying attention. I can assure you that no-one outside the U.S. that has been watching since 2016 (or better, since the late ’70’s like I have) is surprised at all. It NEEDS to be dealt with and the first step – as always – is recognizing that there really is a serious problem!

  9. All these people should be called out and absolutely canceled. Their employers should know where they were on Jan 6th. Their communities and neighbors too. Actions have consequences and people died this day because of their actions.

  10. It’s sometimes a hard pill to swallow, the realization that people like this actually exist in this world!! I have lost hope in the future of humanity

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