CNN's Anderson Cooper spoke to Mike Lindell, the creator of MyPillow and an avowed supporter of President Trump, regarding the use of oleandrin as a potential therapeutic for coronavirus. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains the dangers of taking the therapeutic.
#CNN #News
If the My Pillow guy says it works, you know it’s gonna kill you
@William H what the hell does that have to do with taking oeleanderin? Must suck to know one of your family members is gay and you still like them. Tough on the ego….
William H

Donald Mccarty

Smothering with a pillow was too low a body count to be proud of so he’s looking for a new nickname.
The pillow guy
. Trump has hit an all time low 
The My Pillow guy smokes crack. You shouldn’t take medical advice from someone who smokes crack
He smokes crack and hits on his daughter
Mr Pillow is an American success story… Democracts support BLM, LGBTQ and defunding the police.
Your solyanka is getting cold GOLUBOI
William H He can be a success but can’t tell citizens unprofessional advice in a pandemic
He can have and try the medication he’s peddling live on tv network.
*”We won with poorly educated, I love the poorly educated!”*
– Trump, 2016
Trump supporters: i dun no wut dat means but make america grate agen 2020!!!1!
Which side is burning down their own neighborhoods again? Lol. “I gots to burn down me city cause da black libes mattuh!”
Sigh. Trump doesn’t want to help the poor and uninformed. He likes them because they are easy to fool.
Contrast this with the Democrats plan to help the poor and uneducated, which consists of saying “ It’s all white peoples fault that you can’t get your act together “ and then allow them to riot, assault, and burn down neighborhoods while constantly parroting the “its a peaceful protest!” Line of complete garbage. Sorry guys, normal, non-mentally Ill voters are wise to your games now. This isn’t 2008, and we don’t have to get our news from CBS anymore. This election is a Trump landslide
@Steven Jackson democrats want to force the ultra rich to actually lay taxes to help fund things like schools, trump demolishes all that by giving endless tax cuts to the ultra rich.
Money dont grow on trees knucklehead.
Trump take oleandrin along w hydrochloroquine, zinc, and bleach…….”what have u got to lose?” Dr pillow guy gives it a thumps up!!
HCQ works mostly on pre-symptomatic patients. In some cases, it makes their condition worse if taken too late after infection.
@Varekai Ascendant Typical Democrat response when losing the argument…..attack the person.
@William H William troll king. Tell Putin there is a party in his mouth and we are all coming. Вы строите замки из песка. Мы, американцы, переломим вашу жизнь. Грядут перемены. Скажите Путину, что он следующий. Он, как и вы, не переживет этого нарушения демократии. Скажи ему.
Further evidence that HCQ works for Covid-19
Early treatment with hydroxychloroquine: a country-based analysis
I like that!
I’m sure there’ll be a flood of calls to the poison control center….again.
@wily wascal Keep ’em coming wily. You gotta put some of this to music — guaranteed hit!
@Sarah Shah ya know…i am NOT a trumpite, but honestly, i do not remember him telling or even suggesting people drink or inject themselves with anything. He did ask those on stage with him if there was something to that…like research going on that could clean or sanitize from inside out. Yes, it was a bit silly to most of us, but he has a child’s mind and asked a sincere child like question. If your 5 year old asked it, you would be glad he had an inquisitive mind, right? I just do not remember him doing what has been attributed to him. Could someone give me a link where he actually advised that people drink or inject bleach? Now, numb skulls i suppose could have misinterpreted his question, but let us not be guilty of what trump and friends do by putting a spin on it until people believe it. Trump and his ites have plenty to wonder about without us making stuff up. Let them sink their own ship.
@Bob James what people do not stop to realize is that there is nothing natural about most stuff called, “natural!” Most of it is manufactured just like any other medication, much also from natural sources, but purified and properly tested, which meds classified as “supplements” do not have those standards due to public outcry and big money. I remember long ago many of my grandmother’s friends dying from taking a bad batch of melatonin. It had not been properly processed and filtered. And you know natural guy pills and weight pills have killed or damaged many. I had temporary liver failure twice due to natural pills and leaves of this and that. Now i take nothing of any kind without great study and start at half a dose. My newest and best doc ever fully supports that choice. But her aids are not up to speed and gave a wrong prescription dose while she was gone. I figured and contacted her online. It won’t happen again. We must pay attention and be good self-advocates.
@L K LOL, and yet companies selling bleach had to immediately put warning labels on their products to advise American customers it’s not to be injested!
@L K – You’re preaching to the choir. There are a lot of reasons to avoid unproven potions and pills. Homeopathic is the least harmful stuff because it’s diluted to a level where there’s probably not one atom of the original substance in a bottle.
Some herbal infusions and tinctures do contain concentrations high enough to be effective, but the problem with that stuff is that the difference between an effective dose and a toxic dose is pretty narrow, and the “texts” about herbals are just collections of anecdotes about how wonderful they are – never a word about potential hazards. There was a case years ago on Toronto island where midwives kept giving a woman doses of blue cohosh to increase the strength of contractions and wound up with a dead baby. They had no idea it was dangerous.
I’ve known some pretty flaky people over the years, but I’ll be damned if I’ll take medical advice from people who also believe in the efficacy of crystals and think they can perform sorcery. I’m willing to tolerate people’s weird beliefs, but I’m not willing to die for them.
Reminder once again: the trump admin is in control of these numbers. Do not trust them. Testing is also down in many states.
Got proof or did you read that on Facebook?
@mister mister
The TV Corporate news media lies. We have 80 years of evidence on film – From the 2800 nuclear detonations around the globe from 1945 to 2009 and the absence of this data in the Climate Science –
You don’t know anything.
Robert Mueller falsely testified before congress that Saddam had WMDs {Weapons of Mass Destruction) in Iraq that were also falsely documented as having existed by each of the “17 intelligence agencies.”
Lies repeated by Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld and repeated by the TV corporate news media. Lies that killed over one million people lies that gave Clinton cronies Bush and Cheney the green light to start 6, 20 year wars.
Robert Mueller lying –
Colin Powell – what’s he doing now?
So – Hillary Clinton’s carelessness with classified information and her destruction of e-mails is not worthy of prosecution, but Donald Trump needs to be impeached for asking Ukraine to investigate a political rival for legitimate evidence of graft.
Lies.. Lies.. and more Lies.
In October 2016, the FBI released their files on the Clintons. People who read these voted for Trump, and Russia had nothing to do with it, but MSNBC and CNN pushed the lies.
mister mister proof that the trump admin is in control of the numbers put out by the us government….? Are you an idiot? As for testing, it was reported on by multiple news agencies including cnn
SaMUel A you should really take your own advice. That report is damning for trump, but Fox News isn’t showing you those parts
Oh good grief, people on all sides of the political spectrum are fudging numbers. Even for simple “I want funding” reasons. So don’t go full TDS. The numbers are always going to be higher than true tests, a county here is doing free testing….probably because they can count them…. Compare the number of corona virus deaths compared to other things, such as car accidents. If we shut down the economy, make people stop everything, I think we need to make those types of comparisons. Don’t go out, why not save 1.25 million and cut down on how many can go out and drive. Maybe only allow people to drive based on the first number in the license? Make that a day of the week, we could save more lives than this. It would have a similar effect on the economy. We just need to let it go wild and get past it. And before you call me a nut or want to see people die….look at Sweden, high death rate per capita, and didn’t shut down. Who was right?
No downward trend, your testings are insufficient, you have too many carriers of the COVID-19 walking about.
@Doug Butler

@Pam Deshane stop spreading more lies. Killing the gullible.
@Lesley Hughes You are an adolescent troll who cannot write or type, because you only use children’s stickers to communicate. It shouldn’t be difficult to expect that adults are using this forum to comment, not a bunch of brats with stickers.
@Lesley Hughes Huggums, save your stickers, I know exactly what your come back is -‘they are not stickers, they are emojis, DAH!
Lesley Hughes Sorry, lost the thread Of the conversation?
We have become the laughing stock of the world. We have become a bad reality TV show with everyone outside watching with popcorn.
@Parrot Lover First blame your local officials and governors for their initial reactions and solutions for slowing down the virus. Ball was in their court for solutions first. It is their responsibility to have procedures and equipment and supplies on hand to handle these types of events. Blaming it all on the Trump is a lazy excuse. We pay our local bureaucrats plenty of money to prepare for things like this when they happen.
@Parrot Lover Some news you can use: US coronavirus cases near 6M with 183K dead, CDC says 94% of deaths had underlying conditions
@Gonzo Kaporal Here is some news you can use: US coronavirus cases near 6M with 183K dead, CDC says 94% of deaths had underlying conditions
@CurbsideChat I’m not surprised most had preexisting conditions. They’re at higher risk just like I am. I’ve been home since the virus first hit. So far I’ve been able to avoid the virus. Just have to ride it out at home. All my Dr.. appoints are by phone. Blood work done wearing masks and disposable gloves. Yes I’m a disabled Senior. I’ll be voting by mail.
But also “the CDC estimates COVID-19 was the underlying cause of 95% of all deaths related to the virus. Only in 5% of deaths has it been listed as a contributing cause.”.
The virus killed these people, not their contributing health Conditions …
I really pity people that believe in trump and are really going to try this plant.
@Dave Baker You are Ma Barker’s kid, I was right the first time. You are not the only ‘Nut Bar’ floating on the pool in ‘Caddy Shack’. Pres. trump just did another end run around you dum cuff Demorats. ‘Q’ was right, you people are stupid!!
Doug Butler


Actually at this point I don’t think I pity them
@Brad Mehler At this point, you and Jodes need get your heads out of your rectal passage, shake your ears and get on the Trump Trasin to a better life. Are you watching who just got arrested -‘Steve Bannon’ right after Kevin Clinesmith -Boom Boom -you are next, brown finger.
If you are a veteran and vote trump.. You are enabling his disservice to all men and women who served
@Charles Critchfield I sure know what stupid and dumb is. Its Charlie Critchfield
@ou8124me Epstein was at mara Lago with girls
@ou8124me you traitors can deflect all trumps dirty deeds onto others but in the end, all his buddies are getting arrested and NY prosecuters are coming for trump
@ou8124me better than a picture of trump next to yours… Naked
@ou8124me ouch you really zinged me. I’m not the one chanting lock her up. Or build the wall. Btw how is that working out. Only 3 new miles built and 2 different sections blew down from a little wind. But yeah your right I’m the stupid one. Smdh your absolutely clueless. Your sheep and your Shepard is leading all you morons to a cliff. Have fun falling son.
they plant those bushes, in the middle of freeways…because birds/animals won’t eat it…it’s poison!.
Oleander poisoning occurs when someone eats the flowers or chews the leaves or stems of the oleander plant (Nerium oleander), or its relative, the yellow oleander (Cascabela thevetia). This plant is extremely toxic, and a single leaf may kill an adult.
John Barry

C.J. DrakVolken
J Hallin

Ian T

Alpha Bruh Why not Trump, or the myPillow guy, there the ones promoting this poison.
I think Mr. MyPillow Mike Lindell has gone on a Coke Crack and Booze bender.
Oleander is poisionous to biological life. The virus isn’t a life form. Closer to a poison. Chemical reaction
Mike lindell and Trump are taking to adderall.
Justin Hill joe clueless biden did
muscle up, buttercup somebody else said meth…lol…whichever thing makes you sweat, lick your lips, roll your eyes, bounce in your seat like a toddler…also Jesus…
@Dawn Kuzio Tell Putin there is a party in his mouth and we are all coming. Вы строите замки из песка. Мы, американцы, переломим вашу жизнь. Грядут перемены. Скажите Путину, что он следующий. Он, как и вы, не переживет этого нарушения демократии. Скажи ему.
I just finished watching Anderson Cooper’s two-part interview with Mike Lindell. Anderson shredded him. Unfortunately, stupid, gullible people will believe it, especially if Donald Trump endorses this supplement.
The difference between career political epidemiologists like Dr. Fauci setting world policies, desperately trying to remain relevant and in power and the actual honest non-politicized scientists in the world, are worlds apart. listen to what the leading microbiologist’s that make the vaccines are actually saying about a vaccines availability likelihood and effectiveness, How weak the viruses virulence actually is from what is now known from the data and who is at risk and who should be taking precautions, while the rest of the population allow the infection to run its coarse to acquire natural antibody T-Cell immunity to snuff the virus.
stuopid are you to follow the WHO guidelines or the media,, i can see you watch them all day long! lol
@dean mushtuk dont be foolish. We can all pull the numbers. Covid is about 3% fatal, with about 20% requiring a hospital stay.
@nosuchthing8 That’s simply put, is false narrative perpetrated by political media and political scientists.
This is a very basic overview of virology and immunology in relation to this pandemic that for some bizarre reason are not being discussed by the scientific mainstream. There are likely dozens if not hundreds of corona virus antibody immunity’s in all of us right now from historic past pandemic outbreaks. Right now in present time there are 7 corona viruses circulating the globe that nobody really even knows exist by virulence dilution from our internal immune defense mechanisms and antigenic shift (mutations). (This is also precisely the reason why there has never before in history been an effective vaccine for a cor/virus, the virulence is invariably weakened and the spike and surface proteins will have altered multiple times by the Ribosome’s error prone replication system inside the cells nucleus long before any vaccine has time to be developed and tested). Even though SARS-cov-2 is considered a novel virus, our immune system recognize cov19 at least in a partial RNA sequencing and the foreign invader is usually snuffed with relative ease and commonality. In microgenetics terms by definition there are no such things as a totally novel and independently genetically coded virus, they all share similar RNA sequencing and hijacked and borrowed protein micromachinery. This is precisely why Sars-cov-2 goes undetected and is completely benign and harmless in the vast majority of the populations infections because there is partial antibody T-Cell memorization recall recognition occurring with almost everyone across the globe, making the virulence malignancy very weak within the healthy population. The problems only really occur with corona as with flu virus infections when the immune system is damaged or isn’t working properly from immunity degradation in very old people or people with severe chronic comorbidity’s or other immunocomromise diseases.
The numbers in my state have come down because Governor has cut testing way back so they can demand school open. Covid 19 is still rampant but nobody tracking it because testing cut back.
@Alpha Bruh Thanks…
@dean mushtuk thnx man! All I needed to see was when the mayor of atlanta ‘came out’ few weeks ago as “having it”. ie positive.
Joke is that she is a type who wears her mask 24/7 ,has her phone beep to remind her to ash her hands etc etc–a total nut. When she said she was positive, I was like wtf does that tell us? ie that the whole thing is a waste of time. Like the keystone cops running around on the beach trying to keep the sand from blowing away in a windstorm.
And I dont even see it as a big threat but that is another question separate from whether the mask/shutdown even works.
Been on Tindr a lot getting laid –nothing else to do lately man! So far, 5 chicks a week and still alive . Am not requiring masks in bed! Maybe I should ask Fauci if I need to ! (he’d say yes! LOL)
The difference between career political epidemiologists like Dr. Fauci setting world policies, desperately trying to remain relevant and in power and the actual honest non-politicized scientists in the world, are worlds apart. listen to what the leading microbiologist’s that make the vaccines are actually saying about a vaccines availability likelihood and effectiveness, How weak the viruses virulence actually is from what is now known from the data and who is at risk and who should be taking precautions, while the rest of the population allow the infection to run its coarse to acquire natural antibody T-Cell immunity to snuff the virus.
Your governor is a good boy. He’s following direction of his leader, the miscreant dysfunctional trump.
It’s a cult of death
If oleandrin is made from the oleander shrubs. It is highly toxic. Garden centers once sold them but pulled them off the market because of their toxicity and danger to children a couple of decades ago.
@Giveme TheDaily I am allergic to most antibiotics and aspirin and react badly to vaccines. I’m not against vaccines it’s that they don’t do well with me. I use a lot of home remedies taught to me by my grandmother. Before antibiotics they were about all they had. My grandmother was quite good. Her mother was who the doctor picked up in his buggy to help out when needed. She was also half Cherokee and a teacher. I’ve a couple of doctors who approved her remedies. I seldom visit a doctor and they are amazed I take no medicines at my age . It’s my weird body chemistry. Thankfully pain killers have never worked on me so addiction has never been a problem. I’m lucky that what pain I’ve had I’ve been able to manage alternatively.
You’re right I forgot about it. A kid in my elementary school almost died of it
@Not Sure Sanjay Gupta is a practicing MD with peer reviewed papers in major medical journals. so I will take his advice over yours any day
@Not Sure Since you’re Not Sure, you should refrain from posting. After the election we’ll be sending you to a cool offshore camp where you will be made Very Sure.
Bullshit. I can buy an oleander plant tomorrow at Lowe’s.
My 5 year old grandson was sent home after 7 days of school and now he and mom are sick. Yes kids are spreaders.
I’m truly sorry. I hope that they will both be ok.
Ralph’s Place you’re an idiot. You’re using a study that’s older than I am.
what bullshit. Per cdc here have been so far maybe 10 kids in the country who have died. So why does he have , a runny nose? So scary! Sounds like ur more worried about a runny nose than a year of missed school
5 million infected, 170k dead already this year from covid. Flu is a fraction of that. I’m reporting you. I wish you could be attested as a threat to health.
Kids will get sick. There is other things that will get them to not feel well unfortunately. It’s not the C word.
Clearly Mike Lindell’s strategy to get rid of the virus is to eliminate the host
The My Pillow Guy is a Dangerous Shyster and Snake Oil Salesman
My friend bought the pillow and she says that it was crap and returned it.
@Lilac but it’s Made In America?
@Samuel A I agree the Neo corporate democrats need to lose Bill Clinton already but they no longer represent the whole party. That doesn’t change the fact the tRump surrounds himself with shysters.
As is trump. And bannon..
America is officially the new crazy town of the world right now. And it’s sad..
Walter Lichtenberg Walter get you4 facts straight …
the only crazy here are the ones that stil vote democrats…
Anonymous Person he’s a trumptard they don’t understand
The world is laughing at Trump and his supporters!! They DO NOT represent Americans per’se. They are hurting America and their ignorance are the reason why America is slow in their control of the virus.
MaL: C actually most countries are cheering
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” ~ Voltaire
@Pam Deshane how many get permanent organ damage as a complication and will have their lives shortened, despite surviving covid?
@V J so many! i saw a man loosing his fingers after covid!
@Reuben Herrera As long as you get Joe and Hunter to bring Xi Jinping.
@Giveme TheDaily You’d like that troll. Nope.
Goes both ways…