Timothy Snyder, author of "On Tyranny," explains that a person who is beholden to a lie isn't really free, and how accountability contributes to reinforcing the truth that releases a person from being caught up in a lie like Donald Trump's false claim to have won the 2020 election. Aired on 01/07/2021.
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#TimothySnyder #DonaldTrump #MSNBC
'You Can't Lie Your Way To Freedom': Timothy Snyder On Truth And Accountability | Rachel Maddow
“The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all, but to subvert anything of value in your enemy’s country.” Yuri Bezmenov, former KGB
@TheKoeko Trump did this. Neomcasrthyism is not going ta work this time.
@Håkan Bråkan Kråkan Thankyou.
Yes, for Putin Trump has been the gift that keeps on giving. SMH !
@Håkan Bråkan Kråkan I think you partially supported my claim…
@lennie bostone if I had job and my business was good, I wouldnt care whoever would win this election. Because I would be too busy to care election things. But now it’s different because of the pendamic.
“The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end.”
Quote from the Movie Gladiator
” Are you not Entertained ?! “
When he takes his last breath.
My favorite!!!
Trumpf needs to be held accountable – Impeach NOW and presecute right after!
@Freedom Fighter You take your sore-loser attitude to the next election and stop whining.
@Georges Dupuy Lying on purpose repeatedly should be forbidden, just like holocaust denying or yelling “bomb” on a plane – freedom of speech has limits too
@Freedom Fighter One more thing, GOP had 60+ opportunities to prove fraud in court, but they all failed – are you saying all 60 judges were democratic hacks?
Also expel the congress members who voted to object to the certification of electors. The lie would not have carried as much weight if they had come out with the truth soon after the outcome of the election was reported.
Cruz and Hawley and others in Congress that hyped “the big lie” need to be censured and removed from Congress even if not actually prosecuted.
So why was Trump not charged yesterday? He wants the people he agitated prosecuted but what about him?
it’s impossible to prosecute trump w/o an impeachment. so we’ll see, but i doubt they’ll do it while he’s in office.
@Code Man Treason of course.
@Code Man inciting sedition
@Heather Baker His term ends next friday after the senate votes to impeach
@rcpmac So I’ve heard! Glad to know my hypothetical is becoming realistic
You are so right, arrest them and let the world see America stand by their own word.
@Grailer The problem here is that there are many good republicans out there that would never be a part of the raping of the Capitol Building and our democracy. They can’t all be imprisoned. However, all those that were there or supported/helped them get there? Those I could whole heartedly agree with you about.
@Hi Ho There is a difference between Republicans and Trump supporters. The way one knows they failed at parenting is if your adult child bring home a Trump supporter.
@The Truth Is Out 777 God Almighty Jehovah’s Done with trump. Just like Pharoh Nebukanizer Saul, God Almighty Jehovah’s remove them kings and place David. The Lord Jesus Christ has settled this evil that is in America
@Grailer WTF thats not democracy either.
Big words: Freedom isn’t doing what you feel like doing and saying what you feel like saying without thinking of the consequences…
That’s illusion and that would only bring an end to the republic
Consequences for everyone from trump on down is the only way to (possibly, hopefully) prevent it from happening again. Much can happen in 13 days.
Yeah, and as I recall Trump, last summer during the protests in Oregon, called for anyone damaging federal property to get a sentence of 10 years.
Toh great
T rump and T rump Jr. and Rudy and Cruz and Hawley and all the others that kept repeating the lie to bring the T rump cult pot to a boil need to be charged and prosecuted and jailed.
Wouldnt be surprised if someone magically got into the inauguration and shoots biden
all of this was planned
These people took oaths. It’s not just a question about freedom of speech ..or that anyone can tell a lie. These senators have broken the oath. The president has broken the country. The rioters and terrorists ended up causing harm and lives were lost. And these lies has divided America. Get your sh*t together and start fixing the country!
and FOX, Alex Jones, OAN, Rush Limbaugh, Newsmax……. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lUO9s9t4Vw
The trump cult wants to be oppressed so bad, just like the confederacy.
@HoboMaster deleting history is the best way to remove “blueprints” and evil ideology for any future fascists. Netflix had a program called “How to stage a coup” . Ironically what I saw on the 6th looked like the end scenes of that documentary. Erase evil names from history book and celebrate good people. Get rid of MSM that feed off chaos and terror . A peaceful utopia where everyone is happy and friendly is my dream.
@Grailer it is not erasing history to not want to celebrate evil people. Statues of confederate generals can be put in museums.
they are the confederacy lol
@HoboMaster well in NZ we had a mass murderer and our PM refuses to say his name. I can’t even remember his name either. It’s as if he never existed. He will rot in prison for life.
@Misan Certainly the majority are not saying it, but I have seen interviews, esp. with people the the Proud Boys, were some have said this, esp. about Democrats they consider traitors for not worshiping trumP like they do. Other MAGA folks just listened, probably not approving but not speaking against it either. This is how Hitler started, remember that despite serving a prison term for the failed Munich Putsch [coup], he was later elected by the big minority in a four or five party race and was asked by President Hindenburg to form a government. He quickly manufactured a crisis and things then got politically worse week by week until 6 years later Germany starts WWII and the Holocaust.
Little late to fix it because as a people they have already lost their integrity. And it’s not easily to restore it.
Can’t lose what you never had
@rhonda drop I was just going to say I don’t think they ever had any

Rudy Giuliani thinks integrity is a new hair dye
Toh great
Thank you Professor Snyder – drilled to the core of the problem.
Toh great
They should ALL be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, including those who incited this aberration.
Fill the streets America! Lawfully PROTEST and DEMAND trump’s removal! Give your politicians the PUSH they NEED! Get out there! Or let it get worse over the next two weeks!
Then the left should be punished…..as it will come out…
It was Antifa and the left that breached the capital….
@Kimberly Freeman You are an insane cultist.
@[NATTY]Kraus exactly what i was going for…. Lol

Ignorance = freedom from responsibility
Power = freedom from consequence
The most frustrating factor of Trump and his toads is that never in my life have I not been able to lay my hands on persistent douches. Worst case, I could physically remove someone…
The Joe Biden way
Toh great
@Ba Doai Even better… Why it’s pointless to do anything but mock Donald in reply to a Trumper:
You are absolutely right.
“Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect.”
Well said
Yoh great
“I always lie and it is what it is.”
— One Term President Donald J Trump
ALWAYS big and bold letters!!!!!

@Peter-Klaus Nikolaus Hopefully not. The only honest thing to do now must be to remove him fron power at once.
@The Truth Is Out 777, no chance! Trumps days leading the nation are over and when thousands of people realise that he doesn’t give two hoots about their welfare he has feed them BS and used them just as he does everyone in his life except his immediate family. I don’t see American people as that unintelligent however many disenfranchised their voices unheard were very vulnerable and ripe for Trumps cultish rants and promises. The mans intellectual capabilities right now are in pretty bad shape he can’t distinguish between fact and fiction he’s delusional and has just thrown his supporters under the bus without any qualms or responsibility for his role in the entire disgraceful mobs riotous seditious behaviour. Trumps infectious virus has no vaccine however it can be cured with critical thinking, researching and fact checking and generally logically thinking. Trump will never run for President of the Republican Party again I will bet my life on that, his antics have almost destroyed the GOP.
@The Truth Is Out 777 He can’t run again bc he will be serving his sentences in Jail flushing TOILETS…2024 is his prison Cell #..
@Misan thats what i meant if you remove him now it would not have been one term.
Hitler got away with something like this, and the result was that he took over Germany, then the continent and almost the whole world.
@Barbara Guhanick and the rest. At least 30 million, I think, died to stop him
Yoh great
Hitler was imprisoned for many years after attempting an extremely similar coup before coming to power. That didn’t stop him. So can you imagine how much more momentum Trump will have by comparison if he is *not* put in a cell?
@Sue Howie They are about to see justice
@rcpmac Who is they?
USA talks alot, but does little else. Yes you have lost all credibility and respect on the world stage.
So true
Infact , it is sicking. Why keep talking and not doing ..
One problem is all the decent Americans who won’t recognize reality. They think the country is better than this. It isn’t. 57% of white voters and 61% of white males voted for this ridiculous liar, cheat, and bigot.
@Kermit T. Frog Yes, and what is truly crazy is that Trumpsters think that ransacking of the the US Capitol is an acceptable form of protest but taking a knee at a sports event is an unacceptable form of protest. WTF !
Yes the USA has been losing its credibility for awhile, but the last four years has speed up the loss of credibility.
People lie themselves into comfort not freedom. Comfort is an addiction.
So everyone who didn’t support removing him after he was impeached, is not free.
“The truth shall set you free.”
Jesus Christ