CNN's Erin Burnett says President Trump is changing his story about the details that led to the strike on Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.
#CNN #News
CNN's Erin Burnett says President Trump is changing his story about the details that led to the strike on Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.
#CNN #News
Why is the Secretary shaking his head “no” when he’s saying there was an imminent threat and it was going to happen?
Pompeo said that they would have been culpable for any deaths that occurred from attacks if they didn’t takeout Soleimani.
So logic says that they are culpable for the deaths of the 176 people on the Ukrainian airliner that was shot down.
Because if they didn’t takeout Soleimani, Iran wouldn’t have been firing missiles into Iraq.
@Susan Smith Really? You want Italy to step out of the eurozone and go back to its former currency?
It’s slight, but there is a head shake there, and that’s one of the common things lying people do and interrogators watch for.
Thats his “tell”! Thats how you know someone is lying! He body reacting negatively to the lies it knows are coming out of his mouth! MOM 101
This information is only shared with the voices in his Orange Head!
Eagle Eyes
Wanna go for Barbie in arvo? 
Ok, mate
Eagle Eyes
Oh Ok…. I don’t remember you at all…
Joe Moer You need to start taking those meds the Dr. gave you!
William H Music 2020 Here’s one of Your vids!

William H Music 2020 Your a wimpy looking little dude ain’t ya!

My question is, when did this man started to believe or trust our Intelligent Agencies?
Nah! He just called Putin to get permission. the rest is made up.
Ademola Oladeru – My question is why do people who disbelieve him now, NOT believe our intelligence community?
@Carbon Electra No they don’t remember. Drumpftards literally have no memory.
@Joe Moer Hey moron.
Trump sees the world in Movies & TeleVision.
From Evil-Angelical Televangelists having meetings to influence to dismissing Decorated Generals because they didn’t look like stereotype casted generals from the movies.
Trump is an Absolute Moron.
The only people dumber are his support base.
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”
(Sir Walter Scott, 1808).
@Creopl Tily

@Nancy Rocks

owe to them…fact check!
@Joe Moer Yet here you are once again
“Let all quarreling (brawling, clamor, contention) and slander (evil-speaking, abusive or blasphemous language) be banished from you, arrogant godless bias dRAT leftists, with all malice (spite, ill will), and become useful and helpful and kind to one another, understanding, loving-hearted)…”, Eph4:31,32
All this because we had one black potus
Not even a whole black pres !
All of this because you elected a black guy and were about to elect a woman.
The orange one lies about the arms deal with the Saudis because they paid him and Kushner bigly to get that arms deal.
No more briefs, no investigation, stop it he’s lying okay just call it, he has no credibility what so ever, we are dealing with devils in this administration
Amen to that.
From 40000 to over a million sounds like him lying about his crowd size
@Joe Moer And yet fat boy Trump couldn’t get more people to vote for him compared to Hillary Clinton.
@kelperdude lol its funny cuz its true. Just like Ricky Gervais
@kelperdude obvious Ruskie is obvious.
@Charles Darwinson And 63million+ voted for Hillary. Why do you hate democracy?
“Let all quarreling (brawling, clamor, contention) and slander (evil-speaking, abusive or blasphemous language) be banished from you, arrogant godless bias dRAT leftists, with all malice (spite, ill will), and become useful and helpful and kind to one another, understanding, loving-hearted)…”, Eph4:31,32
His hair is so bad that he should be impeached.
Gobli Heli. CNN has the smartest viewers left from their ever dwindling audience .
His hair in ‘peach’ lmbo
Bet his winky(if he has one)is impeached…oh gawd i need…throw up at that thoght bye.xx
The threat isn’t Iran, its our incompetent leadership who doesn’t know how to negotiate and properly compromise.
If his mouth is moving he’s most definitely lying he just can’t help it
Unlike the Pope Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Warren.
Trump Administration: Trust Us, We don’t have a clue.
@143freespeech nobuts you said we ! Like you are not an American ! Who’s we ?,,, in your world ?
@Michael Timely I suppose I could insult the people I disagree with, but that never works. I get angry, I say emotional things and then I get over myself. How about you?
Looking at Trump’s face, specially when he is angry, you will see the face of true EVIL.
@Kamal Emani Actually in reality Democrats support LGBTQ.
Sounds like his actions was based on racism

When Trump says “I believe”, this is like saying “I’m assuming” , It’s like a guess.
No, it’s like ‘i don’t know’.
Mickey Lara “Let all quarreling (brawling, clamor, contention) and slander (evil-speaking, abusive or blasphemous language) be banished from you, arrogant godless bias dRAT leftists, with all malice (spite, ill will), and become useful and helpful and kind to one another, understanding, loving-hearted)…”, Eph4:31,32
Mickey Lara when trump says I know, he doesn’t.
Mickey Lara it’s more than that. It’s the prelude to a lie.
There aren’t actually people who still believe this guy, are there? The lies are endless. Trump is pathetic.
Maybe from his moron base of.imbeciles
@missstellacat me to
God warned us of a man that would come and people would follow him and worship him.
Well….his supporters are an imminent threat to basic comprehension of facts and intelligence.
Yes, there are! They distrust Democrats so much that they believe Trump and his enablers. Also because they only watch Fox News and the like. My family will look at me like I’m the one wrong, since conservatives tell them completely different things and leave out the bad, claiming their lord and savior is being persecuted by the mainstream media. They don’t seem to be able to pick up on Trump’s disordered cognitive decline. I think they don’t pay attention to Trump himself and just believe what they’re told.
The administration could replace him with a chimp, and I don’t think they’d notice! 
If you don’t know when or where it can’t be eminent.
I really can’t believe this dud is President and yes dud
Ricky Nance how can’t you believe that? He has been president for almost 3 years now? He’s pretty good at his job too but as a liberal I wouldn’t expect you to comprehend what I’m saying because liberals are thumb thumbs and yes thumb thumbs from spy kids you uncultured swine
Right. OK believe what you want and cry in 2020
@Diego Rodriguez He’s doing a great job at lying , being immortal but you’re a troll working for Putin the murderous dictator of Russia whose missiles were used to shoot down the Ukrainian jet last week.
Even George Bush was better President than Moscow Trump.
The lies are starting to chase him like a ghost buster.
He’s a dangerous effing disgrace. Get him out. Now.