MSNBC National Security analyst Jeremy Bash reacts to Trump's pardons and commutations saying he believes there's much more to come. Aired on 02/18/20.
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You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet? Trump May Pardon Stone And Manafort Next | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
May pardon Stone and Manafort?
Is there really a question of it?
Trump Doesn’t Want Rich, Powerful & Connected People in Jail, who Committed Lesser Crimes Then His Crimes.
He’ll get you off & maybe hire you!
How about pardoning the thousands of people who are spending years in jail for a first offence of selling an undercover cop a $10 bag of pot!
They’ll be in the whitehouse soon
Trump Doesn’t Want Rich, Powerful & Connected People in Jail, who Committed Lesser Crimes Then His Crimes.
He’ll get you off & maybe hire you!
How about pardoning the thousands of people who are spending years in jail for a first offence of selling an undercover cop a $10 bag of pot!
America just imagine what the rest of the World thinks of you!
Sadly, we’re aware.
Tony Smith People like you put right off Christian’s!
Tony Smith Help the Kurds? If you call turning your back on them helping!
Tony Smith I won’t be leaving Australia anytime soon,l am enjoying it way too much!
Including pardoning himself.
@Tony Smith stupid people, follow individual one, a very stable genius.
@Kraiguar Smith I FOLLOW JESUS not men but if the men are following his laws then they get my support! Trump’s no Jesus but he is chosen to lead America back into GOD BLESSING AMERICA his laws mean no ABOR-SHUN MURDER
@Tony Smith hi Tony, “re-classify pot” how about making it legal and regulate it the same way they do Alcohol? I totally agree with you about meth heroin etc.
@Ron Caron that’s what I mean I guess pot is less harmful than Legal Booze! It helps Depression, epilepsy & many other positive benefits The Government is over reaching on this matter!
@Tony Smith i have 2 friends that have serious back problems. Both gave up Prescription Painkillers that didn’t work and say pot does the trick, without the side effects. One took painkillers in order to walk across the room, but the side effects, gave him severe depression. He was able to get a job! Before, he had been on Disability and rarely left his home. It was his new Dr. who suggested he try it. IT WORKED
oh the things a corrupt govt can do when the People do nothing..
How is this legal!!!! Wtf
Of course trump wants to get the old gang back together, they have an election to -heist- run
Good one. But really how corrupt are these CLOWNS?
I am a willing voter in fact I would go VOTE with a broken leg nothing will stop my Vote for President TRUMP Amen! What no way to blame Putin?
Haha yr so right! Birds of a feather flock together.
Two things, trump doesn’t know! What the word integrity means and he has no integrity!
He can’t spell it either
@Tony Smith one word for you Tony, troll.
The worlds top criminal pardoning his criminal army… But why… Stay tuned America and God bless us all cause we ain’t seen nothing yet
*Electing Trump was the worst mistake America has ever made. Suicidal, in fact.*
@Tony Smith Evangelical hypocrites unite and vote for the orange Messiah.
He gone into the abyss and pulled some of the despicable criminals on the planet soon to be in the swamp soon how many more can he pull out,the worst us soon to come,,the ghosts of hoover

@Tony Smith what did you suffer?
tRump has to pardon Manafart and Roger Stooge Stoner lest they spill the beans on tRump.
Yep & more are Coming this is Awesome!

Those are HIS Syndicates and they kept quite, time for him to bay back the favor.
Eagle Eyes the world has not thought much of the USA since Donald Trump became President. Donald Trump the WORLD IS LAUGHING AT YOU.
Actually, the world is laughing at the democrats. If you knew anything, besides fake news, u would understand this. I’m sorry for the way the dems have destroyed your mind, and your future. Their game is mind control and child abuse/murder… It’s actually not your fault for being so gullible. But, go ahead and hate our country, but I hope u hate yourself equally. Worse thing that’s gonna happen is that you might end up having to get a job and earn your own money. U might like it.
Meanwhile, the entire country is sitting back and letting this happen !
Have you tried screaming at the sky?
@Harry Newman that’s what teabaggr gaggrz do!
@Dawn Oceanside is that what those deranged liberals are called these days? I don’t follow their language, as it’s irrelevant in the real world. I also haven’t lopped off my genitals, so I’m probably talking out of turn here on MSDNC.
So….vote blue this November.
Outrageous and disturbing! Criminals covering up for trump and pardoned!!!
How can there be 233 likes? Really who is for pardoning crooks?
Other crooks.
Puppet William
Barr, should RESIGN or be Impeached ASAP!
it’s time to invoke the 25th Amendment
The problem is there’s no one left in that cabinet of the character and courage to do it.