CNN's Christiane Amanpour and NYT opinion columnist Kara Swisher discuss Fox News' role in spreading misinformation about the coronavirus. #CNN #News
‘Yikes!’ Amanpour reacts to Fox News montage about virus

CNN's Christiane Amanpour and NYT opinion columnist Kara Swisher discuss Fox News' role in spreading misinformation about the coronavirus. #CNN #News
Amanpour’s nailed it – again. Thank u so much for ur work, Christiane, ur my journalistic hero!
She got caught cheating on her husband and sued for disinformation on Bill Clinton affairs. She was band as a journalist for 5 years in 1999
@Joe Paleface “banned”. And she has never been. Not even from The Partridge Family. I just did the internet search on the topic.
@Leftatalbuquerque Now you gotten a taste of fake news that CNN and Msnbc pushed for 4 years 24-7 Now do a search on Peter Schweizer Obama Clinton’ Biden and fake news if you really want truth
Amazing how these media whores impress the sheeple, one here actually states she’s her fave journalist. You guys deserve everything that’s coming to you, but don’t worry CNN, fox and the rest will tell you to sit tight as everything is OK as long as you believe your hangman.
@Joe Paleface Believe what you will.
Time to re-empower the FCC and AGAIN make it illegal to lie on American airwaves. Also those who want to own US news companies pass a background check-which the Murdoch’s never would pass.
Kay Clark yess. CNN, MSNBC shut down it would be amazing.
@Gary Thompson I love tacos they are so delicious senor
@ttrev007 -Isn’t that happening now? And in normal US government the executive doesn’t interfere with agencies-real leaders don’t have time because they’re leading the country and not screwing it like a porn star.
@Todd Smith -The Russian View-Thanks “Todd” tovarich….
Words matter.Truth matters.
Moderate American And that is funny??? How????!!
justamusta and do you k ow anything else trump did? Other than destroy your 401k.
Alan Lee That’s right
How do they get medical degree when the average college student is smarter????
@Luis Santiago – it’s amazing
If a “side effect” of COVID-19 is the end of Fox News. I’m perfectly okay with that.
Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I am SO sick of debating with people who listen to that trash network!!!
And all the other LIES!!!
They are all trash networks and if you are referring to only one you are just another stupid sheep so go gaze because your mouth needs to be packer full of something.
98% survival rate, hospitals in this state are empty, not overrun like Commie China News portrays it to be
8f that is where they get their “news” their stupidity makes them a worthless pile, much less a USELESS person to debate!
Trash network? You DO realize you’re on CNN, right? Three years of lying to you about the American president secretly being a covert Russian spy and you’re still nodding along obediently with them?Wow…
@Gary Zimmerman it’s funny how angry CNN viewers always are. Although I’d be pissed too if I was constantly fed Anti-American propaganda, out of context clips, and whatever buzzwords Nancy told them to use each day.
These ignorant ppl should be held accountable for spreading false information. None of them is qualified to be on these mainstream networks
Linguine Past absolutely
I agree FOX NEWS should be sued OUT OF EXISTENCE! Just like the flu? Give us a Friggin break from these ASSHATS!
Don’t kill the messengers. These reports all build on the data that came from WHO. That’s the source of this information. This is just more anti trump propaganda, and it is time to stop. Hillary lost. Get over it.
Hi everyone watch the documentary Pandemic on Netflix. It was made 2019 and released in Jan 2020. They warned we would not be ready for a pandemic
eddyvideostar here’s a trailer
There was one (not sure if it was the same) that aired on C SPAN a few days ago. Dr. Fauci was on it. Just google C SPAN/History and you should find it there. Sad to say, I don’t think the FAUX viewers will pay attention until it really hits them at home.
Sheryl Howard Netflix’s Pandemic hit the mark. Worth a watch!
Ester F That was above and beyond.
Shannon T omg right?! I enjoyed it. Very interesting.
The real question is: when is the right time to punish your dog when he pooped indoor, and what should you do about it ? Because this is basically the equivalent of what Fox News is doing..

Dying from a lupus flare cuz all hydroxychloriquine has been seized. I took it for seven years. It kept me alive. Government took it ALL.
All I have heard about the drug is good. Keep spreading the truth as that is one thing media never use.
@DancesInCombatBoots ! I do like egg rolls…. And I’m no more of a troll than anyone with a disagreement, I did call the pharmacy because my sister has RA and supposedly needs this miracle Cheeto pill, and can’t get it in Pennsylvania.
Simply Ridiculous Yeah, you can get it for no reason and that is why there is a shortage.
Did you vote Repuklican?
Marlene Mounce… my sister have lupus and arthritis and need this medication… I’m so sorry this is happening!
Jennean Piero sounds like she’s really really really constipated.
She looks like as well.
…screeching, fork-tongued, racist, hideous, frigid, old harpy.. AKA BOTOX on fOX
She’s sexy
It’s like a little cult. Each one of them falling over themselves to see who could downplay more than the last.
CNN in a nutshell…well done
T Clark nobody can debate me with actual facts. Just parroting talking points and feelings. F*ckem. Send them all to china. Obviously communism and nationalised healthcare works great
@Guilty Spark Hi troll bytch! We are discussing the cult of tRumpism. You are a fvcking MAGAt troll. There’s nothing to debate.
SPOT ON ….. fighting for their 15 minutes of fame …guess who’s watching don the orange con
Amazing how after the Murdoch empire was thrown out of England, the USA received it with open arms.
And, it has done a lot of damage to America.
@Fifer McGee And Murdick has affected other countries in a negative manner since he came
to our shores.
@Dennis West -You kiss your Mom with that mouth, tovarich? No wonder you drink so much vodka.
Kay Clark sorry I’m Muslim- we don’t drink.
Jail time for anyone spreading misinformation on the pandemic the same way someone would be charged for inciting a riot that leads to death.
start with tump
“Just think of how stupid the average American person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!”
George Carlin
@Heather Remlin lol… Are we judging…
@William Walker SHAWN HANITY RULES!!!
@j Moral Because fox brothers Murdocks. Brothers are liberal fucks.
@ray ray Forget the ‘whataboutism”. How do YOU explain the Fox lies in front of your face on this video?
I think peoples memories have become like that of a goldfish… we need to hold a mirror up to these people , time and time and time again …
Kind of Hope Tomi Lauren finds her dirty heroin needle
She does her needles before getting spitroasted by the Fox News bigwigs on bed. Watch “Bombshell”, it’s the casting couch story there as usual.
Lex K Hardy har har. You are so clever. NOT
@Dennis West isnt trump number one on Facebook
You guys should have played the entire clip. especially when HanniTurd said “”This program has always taken the Corona Virus seriously”. What a bunch of GassLighters!
“Its a Virus!”-Jeanine Pirro……No you are a virus, and toxic as well.
“it’s a witch!” She could use a little of the old-time Salem treatment.
It’s April has it “magically disappeared” yet???
@Dennis West You are insane.
Crazy. Lunatic.
Mark Harris and you are an imbecile and that is dumber than a moron in case you’re too stupid to know.

It will get worse if we open up before we have 0 cases.
When this is over, Faux needs to be sued.
They were just going on what China and the WHO were reporting
They got andrew Cuomo saying the same thing in March
They got nancy Pelosi inviting people to chinatown late February
It’s April im a delivery driver what ya’ll call essential & im saying its bullcrap!!!!
@Peace and Tranquility How do you explain them calling it a hoax, then days later pretending they took it seriously from the start? Could you possibly be more of a sheep?
Sued by who, a teen slandered by Fake News who’s only crime was wearing a MAGA hat? Oh wait, that was this network and they were forced to pay up. Oops, nevermind…