Dr. Vivek Murthy: “This is the wrong way for America to be exceptional. We do, in fact, know how to take on pandemics. Even though this is a unique one, we have handled other outbreaks in the past.” Aired on 7/17/2020.
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‘Wrong Way For America To Be Exceptional’: Dr. Murthy On U.S. COVID-19 Failure | All In | MSNBC
You just got to be good at what you are good at.
Trump supporters should tattoo themselves with “Do Not Resuscitate”.
Change your kotex princess.
They are number one when it comes to stupidity.
Democrats have Cankle tatoos and tramp stamps.
@V yes, we know you are, but then we dont hoard kotex like you idiots.
@Dave Schultz republicunts have bed sores from bleach IV comas
What Coronavirus it’s all a Hoax tRump don’t lie
USA s #1.
Give it a rest.
So tired of hearing it. How about you all put on a mask and fix your hiring process?
The HR department is your DNC and RNC
They are broken.
https://youtu.be/Eq8HvPHxsbA watch this and share. COVID death toll numbers are not legit!
Take it from somebody outside the US. You people are exceptional alright.
Nothing would entice me to live in the USA.
USA’s chart on COVID-19 is getting better after each day.
https://youtu.be/Eq8HvPHxsbA watch this and share. COVID death toll numbers are not legit!
Derek M Pass on your crap thanks.
Score: donnie tRUMP and Vladimir Putin= 141,000+ Americans dead and 3,680,000+ COVID 19 cases. American citizens= 0.
https://youtu.be/Eq8HvPHxsbA watch this and share. COVID death toll numbers are not legit!
America in the movies: Saves the world.
t’rump’s America in reality: Can’t tie its own shoes without help.
Yea, but we arent talking about you killary fans, demwits, Bernie bros, and leftist idiots.
Dumbest president ever.
Melvin Gillham You know no-one’s listening to the increasingly desperate and diminishing chants of Trump trollbots, don’t you? Reality has bitten.
@Melvin Gillham we are talking about the worst economy in history, largest national debt, crashed stock markets, failed trade wards, record deaths and impeached racist president
More fake news the numbers are being manipulated , we have proof that they counted a 20 year old that was in a motorcycle accident and killed But had tested positive as a covid death
And we know other hospitals our reporting 100% on there covid testing rates which is physically impossible
@CShield you should be happy if things aren’t as bad as they’re reporting, here’s another clue the death rate remained the same as before the reporting a this spike
It’s all above federal dollars for the greedy hospitals
@CShield and you’re a brainwashed stooge
A victim of the corporate media
@CShield and you’re a brainwashed stooge
A victim of the corporate media
@snoop alert Cool story but you’re still a liar.
A few keystrokes will find statistics from the rest of the world. Can’t all be “fake news”. If you dismiss it, you might die. If you learn from the information, you might live. It is scary – it would be great if it was “fake news” but sadly it is not. The problem is, as long as there are people who refuse to act on credible information, the pandemic will continue to cause havoc in the US. What will it take? 500 thousand dead? A million? It will happen unless you all get behind a strategy to contain the virus and stop trying to console yourselves with baseless conspiracies.
Put a reality tv joke in the White House and this is what you get. RIP America.
The plandemic has failed,
The fake president has failed, again.
@V hes potus, you’re not, hes a billionaire, youre not. He doesnt hoard kotex like you idiots.
@Melvin Gillham a BILLIONAIRE? Show his taxes..hoever he is probably a BILLIONAIRE NOW on your TAX dollars lol
@Dawn-Marie Langlois only in your delusions, so much for you idiots being constitutionalists.
@Melvin Gillham that time of the month?
One day y’all say Trump spend to much on the virus the next day he not doing enough
Someone should tell Trump the corona-chart is not the polling-chart.
Exceptional acts are constantly being forfilled by all cutures.all countries globally. otherwise it’s just egotistical self-righteousness. Practice what you preach for true recognition
Meanwhile, in Canada, they have developed a surgical single-use mask that has a coating that neutralizes 99% of the COVID virus ON CONTACT. It doesn’t just stop the virus from entering, it deactivates it. It can’t sit on the mask waiting to be accidentally touched and retransmitted. https://www.utoronto.ca/news/u-t-tests-show-canadian-made-mask-deactivates-99-sars-cov-2-virus
New case records set today:
NV (1447), OR (428), TX (14962), UT (954)
New death records set today:
FL (156), TX (151), SC (72)
126 US counties reported the highest cases today. 28 US counties reported the highest number of deaths today.
150+ counties have a 100% or greater growth in weekly cases from last week
200+ counties have a 100% or greater growth in weekly cases from two weeks ago
This is out of control, especially in the Red states like FL, TX, AZ and all other red states and in CA, WA, OR.
You can see these records and much more at my new COVID data analytics site. Use the left Nav to navigate around the site
It’s the same way you’ve always bern expectional. “Only in America” = mad as a box of frogs.