‘Would you shut up?’: Biden and Trump have tense exchanges at the 2020 presidential debate

Joe Biden told Donald Trump to 'shut up' in the midst of the presidential debate after the U.S. president repeatedly interrupted him.


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'Would you shut up?': Biden and Trump have tense exchanges at the 2020 presidential debate


    1. Haha poor Americans, yeah sure! Right now the worst national leader of the developed world and this era will go down as Canada’s Justin Trudeau! Unbelievable

    1. Scissor Hanz notice how I said hilarious country, not hilarious leader, although trump is still funnier than the blackface drama teacher.

    1. @serbtrash
      Then I suggest you actually watch the FULL unedited debate. I just did. Trump kept interrupting at every avenue.

    1. America , such trash their moderator for their presidential debates doesnt even moderate. Let alone include legitimate leaders debating political issues.

    1. Don’t speak for all Canadians, considering the absolute embarrassment running our country.

      I also love Americans and their President.

    2. @Haadi A Jalaluddin Biden a hero? What he did to be called like that ? Sniff some kid? Hahahah nearly 50 years of doing nothing!

    1. @Alex Arsenault I think you are forgetting who was in power before Obama AND what was handed to him to put back together…Facts look them up.

  1. First England, then Germany, Russia, then terrorism. America needs an enemy so badly that they turned themselves into the enemy.

    1. @Broken Mirror trump easily took that debate, just by talking over biden, more confidence, stronger body language, more commanding presence. the average person is easily persuaded by these things.

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