Would the Rand Paul of 2015 recognize the Rand Paul of 2019? While speaking at a Kentucky Trump rally, Sen. Rand Paul demanded the media reveal the identity of the anonymous Ukraine whistleblower. Aired on 11/05/19.
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Would The Sen. Rand Paul Of 2015 Recognize The Sen. Rand Paul Of 2019? | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Rand Paul sucked in 2015 and sucks in 2019. Rand Paul has always sucked. Next!
That old neighbor who kicked his butt was trying to show us how weak and feckless he really is…
@Jeffrey Meade he’s consumed by cowardice and greed you brainless zombie.
@Jeffrey Meade he’s a Republican. Literally all you fools have is hate.
The Reptilian party is the party of weaponized ignorance
Gop politicians are little more than nazi bootlickers
@Tom Rhodes And Christ said (Mark 10:11), “Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her”. (Leviticus 20:10), “And the man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death!” Trump is on his third marriage.
@wtcashel adultery squared, plus whoremongering.
He committed adultery while married to each rent-a-wife.
Including paid for assignations that he then lied about, and paid hush money about, and lied about the hush money.
Perfect description!
Rand Paul is no different than any other diaper-wearing, Trump-fearing Republican. There are no courageous Republicans.
@John Swo and mildly is certainly the way to describe it.
where is thy Errol Flynn” or a “braveheart” … when you need em
jeepers creepers where are the gate keepers,
jeepers creepers why ya tellin lies,
gosh, all git-up: your man trump will just keep it up
Gosh, all git-up. Yall better cut loose or be crucified
@John Swo Rand Paull gave away that Trump pays politicians, and Trump shot back, ” Well, I gave you plenty.” So how can this kind of corruption work in any govt admin.
They’ve all been Gaslighted (aka Brainwashed.) It’s a FACT! Malignant Narcissists easily do this to others.
It’s weird seeing all those “Read the Transcript” shirts. I’m willing to bet those people don’t even read much, outside maybe their social media feed.
Evidently some men’s souls and hearts and words are for sale. So money a d power are the only things that matter to them, and evil walks the earth on two white Male legs. It’s sad.
The beating Rand paul got from his neighbor(Doctor) totally whipped out his brain cells.
Nah…he totally deserved that whuppin’ even back then…
He was dumb way before that!!
Rand Paul…What a “wus” !
Linda * how is he a wuss? His neighbor was a coward who blind sided him while Rand was mowing his lawn with ear plugs in. His neighbor was the wuss.
did anyone wearing a “read the transcript” Tee-shirt actually read the transcript?
MrEiniweini What’s funny is that I thought those people who wore the t-shirts were trolling Trump!
Bet they didn’t read the front or read the tag that says made in China.
In their minds the transcript is fake news, that his voice is taken out of context.
Most are like their President. They don’t read. They relie on Fox News to spoon feed them.
Exactly ! GOOGLE: SUPPORTERS ? Trump Paid Actors $50 to Cheer for Him…
The agency, Extra Mile Casting, was HIRED to send emails to background actors saying, “We are looking to cast people for the event to wear T-shirts, wearing red MAGA hats and carry signs to help cheer him ih his rallies on 16 June 2015, to fill the crowd. ”
June 20 2019 -Trump Campaign Offered Actors $50 and Extras To Cheer for Him at his 2020 Campaign Launches !
Donald Trump HIRED background actors and extras for $50 to fill Orlando’s Amway Center, Florida to capacity while launching his 2020 Presidential campaign !!
GOOGLE: Shell Workers FORCED to Choose: Watch Trump Speak or No Pay | Time
– Union workers at a Royal Dutch Shell’s manufacturing facility in western Pennsylvania were told that they had to attend President Donald Trump’s speech on Tuesday – or take the day off without pay, reports say. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported.
Just because there is a federal law protecting Whistleblowers doesn’t mean anything to DJT , he doesn’t #1 know anything about the laws except bankruptcy ones, # 2 he completely believes laws do not apply to him.
He knows all about breaking the law and asking other people to do it also.
These reptiles adapt to the safest environment
Republicans have lost their spines. They have become nothing more than snakes in the grass.
@JUDITH MORNEAU id prefer a chopping block !!
R. Paul-ing
@Maja-Danmark Ah Paul ing !!
RP 2015 sees RP 2019. “Yep I am still a two faced money grabbing lying sack of excrement.”
Nevyn of OZ 1973
That’s right, Rand Paul isn’t any different just because he says different things. He’s always been ant-American and pro Putin.
Conservatives “CON” it’s in the name.
Duh Duh duh like demonrat
Platerpus7 keep trying you’ll get there.
Republicunts amiright?
also republiCONS
When will Trump’s fans realize they are simply props for his staged TV appearances.
@Lloyd Standing President donates his salary ?
* Youtube: How Donald Trump Shifted Charity Money Into His Business | FORBES
Google : How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business – FORBES
https://www.forbes.com/…/how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his business.
@Lloyd Standing GOOGLE : In FORBES report, Donald J. Trump Foundation, has been under scrutiny for self-dealing and advancing his own interests, instead of those for charity. Eric Trump Charity Foundation turned people’s donations into revenue for his own Trump Organization.
Donors to the Eric Trump Foundation were told their money was going to help sick kids, but donors’ money were instead re-donated to other ‘charities’ -many of which were being channeled TO TRUMP FAMILY MEMBERS OR INTERESTS -including at least four groups that subsequently paid to HOLD GOLF TOURNAMENTS AT TRUMP COURSES.
All seem to defy federal tax rules and state laws that ban self-dealing and misleading donors.
*Trump doled out Donors’ money to more than 200 charities as if it were his own, with numerous donations funneled to his own business interests.
@Lloyd Standing ( sharing )
YOUTUBE ” EXPOSED: Trump Caught Stealing Millions From 2020 Reelection Campaign”
Published on Mar 21, 2019. FORBES is reporting that Trump is stealing money from his 2020 reelection campaign:
– “Donald Trump has charged his own reelection campaign $1.3 million for rent, food, lodging and other expenses since taking office, according to a Forbes analysis of the latest campaign filings. And although outsiders have contributed more than $50 million to the campaign, the billionaire president hasn’t handed over any of his own cash. The net effect: $1.3 million of donor money has turned into $1.3 million of Trump money.”
That means Trump should be free to continue shifting his supporters’ money into his own personal business.
@Lloyd Standing President donates his salary ? (sharing)
– Donald Trump is making money from the Government and the People’s PENSIONS FUNDS.
According to a Reuters review of public records, REUTERS has released a report, again busting Trump for personally profiting from the government:
These People’s PENSIONS FUNDS, in the states of California, New York, Texas, Arizona, Montana, Michigan and Missouri, belong to more than 5 million members, including state lawmakers in California, teachers in Texas, and police officers in New York, just to name a few.
These PENSIONS FUNDS also include the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, the largest public pension fund in the nation.
* NOTE: “If you take a step back and look at this transaction, it’s a payment chain from state pension funds to President Trump,” said Jed Shugerman, a Law professor at Fordham University.
GOOGLE: TRUMP FOUNDATION WILL DISSOLVE, ACCUSED OF ‘SHOCKING PATTERN OF ILLEGALITY. Under court supervision, as part of an ongoing investigation and lawsuit by the NEW YORK ATTORNEY GENERAL, Trump’s ‘charitable arm ‘ was literally functioning as a checkbook to serve Trump’s business and political interests, and of engaging in a shocking illegality that included unlawfully coordinating with Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
In addition to shutting down the charity , the ATTORNEY GENERAL Barbara Underwood has pursued a lawsuit barrring Trump and his oldest children from the Boards of other New York charities, as well as force the payment of millions in restitution and penalties.
The Attorney General has charged that the Trump Foundation and its directors ( Eric, Ivanka, Don Jr) are now “held accountable for their clear and repeated violations of State and Federal laws.”
Rand Paul is demanding people break the law. We usually call those people criminals conspirators.
GOOGLE: TRUMP FOUNDATION WILL DISSOLVE, ACCUSED OF ‘SHOCKING PATTERN OF ILLEGALITY. Under court supervision, as part of an ongoing investigation and lawsuit by the NEW YORK ATTORNEY GENERAL, Trump’s ‘charitable arm ‘ was literally functioning as a checkbook to serve Trump’s business and political interests, and of engaging in a shocking illegality that included unlawfully coordinating with Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
In addition to shutting down the charity , the ATTORNEY GENERAL Barbara Underwood has pursued a lawsuit barrring Trump and his oldest children from the Boards of other New York charities, as well as force the payment of millions in restitution and penalties.
The Attorney General has charged that the Trump Foundation and its directors ( Eric, Ivanka, Don Jr) are now “held accountable for their clear and repeated violations of State and Federal laws.”
* Youtube: How Donald Trump Shifted Charity Money Into His Business | FORBES
Google : How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business – FORBES
https://www.forbes.com/…/how-donald-trump-shifted-kids-cancer-charity-money-into-his business.
GOOGLE : In FORBES report, Donald J. Trump Foundation, has been under scrutiny for self-dealing and advancing his own interests, instead of those for charity. Eric Trump Charity Foundation turned people’s donations into revenue for his ownTrump Organization.
Donors to the Eric Trump Foundation were told their money was going to help sick kids, but donors’ money were instead re-donated to other ‘charities’ -many of which were being channeled TO TRUMP FAMILY MEMBERS OR INTERESTS -including at least four groups that subsequently paid to HOLD GOLF TOURNAMENTS AT TRUMP COURSES.
All seem to defy federal tax rules and state laws that ban self-dealing and misleading donors.
*Trump doled out Donors’ money to more than 200 charities as if it were his own, with numerous donations funneled to his own business interests.
THERE WILL BE NO GUN CONTROL.. He doesn’t care about you, the people, your children because…….
GOOGLE: The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know
Did the Kremlin funnel payments to help Trump’s campaign through the National Rifle Association?
NRA disclosed it gave over $31,000,000.00 to back Trump’s presidential bid in May 2016, and to attacking Hillary Clinton.
McClatchy suggests the NRA may have spent upwards of $70 million on Trump’s presidential bid.
Florida school shooting survivor shouted toTrump: “SHAME ON YOU FOR TAKING NRA MONEY.!”
President Trump is clearly indebted: “YOU CAME THROUGH FOR ME, AND I AM GOING TO COME THROUGH FOR YOU.”
Trump promised the NRA at its 2017 convention. “I WILL NEVER, EVER LET YOU DOWN.”
Federal, state and congressional authorities are scrutinizing rump’s life through investigations related to his businesses, campaign and presidency. According to the New Your Times, there are currently 10 Federal Criminal Investigations, 8 State and Local Investigations and 11 Congressional Investigations.
GOOGLE : “Trump’s criminal cases Southern District New York Eastern District New York ”
GOOGLE : Trump’s World Still Faces 16 Known Criminal Probes | WIRED
No matter what special counsel Robert Mueller found, it won’t be the end of the president’s legal woes — because he, his business, and his family are in jeopardy from many other investigations and lawsuits.
When they get to the edge of the cliff they say crazy things. But trump is still the same slimeball he has always been.
What does 45 have on these guys?? They’re trying to tear our Constitution and laws to pieces , they all need to go.
Watch the first debate and listen to the exchange between Rand Paul and Trump.
I’m going to vote democrat today…..rand paul is useless to human kind.
Pretty much the whole Republican party is useless
@Andro mache what do you think trump has done. He has been first in line to intimidate these witnesses and the whistleblower
@Andro mache Why would you yell and scream about a criminal,then vote for another one ?no wonder the doj is going down the tubes.
Tuck Gibson what about the Democratic Party. It’s all about party first. That’s politics
@Cody Bennett it should be country first.
“Sen Rotten Paul, please stand up, state your name.” “Randy Rotten Paul.” “Good now we hereby state for the record, Mr. Paul? NO SOUP FOR YOU!
Crimes are in full swing at the White House and Senate!
Rand Paul just scored a perfect “10” on the “Hiney-Lick Maneuver”

Didn’t you just make a solo run to Russia to lick Putin’s A$$ ???
You make your father want to Puke!!!
Birth took care of that !!
Is that the move designed to keep someone from choking on their own tongue?
Didn’t work, he did it anyway.