The Council on Foreign Relations' Richard Haass and Tuft's Dan Drezner discuss reactions from world leaders to Joe Biden's win in the 2020 election. Aired on 11/9/2020.
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#NarendraModi #JoeBiden #MSNBC
World Leaders React To Joe Biden's Victory | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Trump doesn’t understand that he is the most hated person in the world literally. He is worse than Kim Jong-un ,yes.
@Taya Thank you, Taya. I firmly believe there is a divine Hand putting things right against the evil hand. Then, all back to Church. Blessings.
@Howard Moon
Stop projecting kid
72 Million US Voters Think Otherwise…You are not the center of the.
@That Lady Old man would be far more accurate little troll.
@Jud Young

The only way Trump gets to 270 is if he loses 50 lbs. =)
@Ian T again, you’re projecting. That’s just made up BS from Rudy Guiliani with zero evidence to back it up. Meanwhile, Dementia Donnie received more than $30 million from China in his first year in office.
@Shawn Johnson You need to check up on your facts.
Hunter received $3.5m from the widow of the mayor of Moscow. Recorded in Senate Intelligence committee report.
Hunter received $10m from energy company owned by Chinese communist party. Recorded in Senate report.
Hunter recieved $3m from Burisma in Ukraine. Documented in Senate report.
3 of Hunters business partners have testified that Joe was ‘the big guy’ and part of the business selling his influence. Nothing to do with Hunters laptop. All independently verified.
@Ian T everything you said was proven to be normal business dealings. Joe was retired at the time and therefore had no influence to sell. Unlike trump, who has taken millions from foreign sources since taking office, a violation of the immoluments clause by the way. If you follow trump, you have no standing to argue about anyone else’s behavior, either moral or legal, because he’s done worse.
Lmfao !
And, since he won’t be playing golf in prison, that AIN’T gonna happen.
maybe not a Blue Wave but definitely an Orange Crush!
@Miguel Guzman awww honey. You’re still not up to speed.
Strange how these comments are filled with Trump hate and derision. It’s clear it was never about Biden and that’s why you can find nothing good to say about him now.
@Ian T exactly, a “man” who is known to be corrupt and will now hide it at all costs..
A professional politician who has accomplished nothing and will just be a puppet to the radical left..
@Vivian Wang Hey Viv, not interested in walking off a cliff it would serve no purpose and I’m not suicidal.
But as you wish harm for me, of course that’s the Trumpsters way, I wish that you focus on this, “What WON’T Jesus do?”
And I believe he would go with what the people voted for
Time out for Trump, time to move on! Try it.
@Real M Yep. No more malarkey. #impeachquidprojoe.
It doesn’t matter if Trump concedes or not.
He has received his Notice of Eviction from the White House, and he can vacate willingly or be removed.
The choice is his.
@Michael Vin It’s the US Military’s JOB to defend America from ALL Enemies, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC! Dimwit!

@ChasingDogma Lawful Military Leadership will follow the orders of the Commander in Chief. If the Democrats are going to start a civil war, we may as well do it while we still have LEGAL control of the Military.

My take is that he is going to Mar-a-lago to go golfing for the Christmas break and never come back to Washington. He will try to run things through decree from there. He will fire people, pardon people. Twitter bomb everyday. Hold up the transition as much as he can. He may even do a few rallies from now until then to remain relevant. But I don’t see him being pulled kicking and screaming from the White House. He is to much of a coward for that.
Reminds me of US history. George Wallace (And we must remember that he was a Dixie Democrat) had his convictions and beliefs, however repugnant and vile they were, stood in the doorway of University of Alabama in a standoff with the US Army to prevent racial integration.
Trump took a page from Wallace race baiting and ripped the racial bandaid off Americ’s soul. It will take years if not decades to recover from.
But the big difference is that Trump has no conviction or beliefs, other than himself. He will not stand in the doorway of the White House. This is why he will slink away and try and run a second “government ” from Mar-a-largo. However, he will be spending most of his time with lawyers and lawsuits.
Well at least you can say he is a job creator. For lawyers anyway. And those lawyers are going to bleed Trump dry.
Triggered Trump tolls…… flame away!
Waist your time on me. Cause in the great scheme of things, you don’t matter to me. And I take great solace in the fact that one day, you are gonna die as we all do. Much love, kisses and hugs….
@Lana2k6 – The ratings are going to be YUGE. Like nothing you’ve ever seen before, everyone agrees!!
Why did they ever let Trump out of that hospital they had chance to put him in a straight jacket
@Asheta Abudu hi ball here I live in Canada so I cannot text you so sorry
Because he never had Covid 19. It was a hoax and strategy!!
Paul you can text me am from Canada also Toronto Ontario
Paul that sounds nice. I can see you’re a nice person
@Paul Wiley
Be careful dude! She just joined Nov. 2.
How reviled must you be to have people outside of your constituency celebrate your defeat with fireworks and the ringing of cathedral bells.
Edit: Turns out the church bells were false. Still, there was celebrating in France.
@miapdx Big question is will Rudy G or Bannon by his KEESTER BUNNY
at the Marion ILLINOIS Federal Ramada??!!?? As they say in the SPAM: “A Good cellie sleeps on his BELLY!!!”…..HAHA
@KSPATRIOT DIGITAL WARRIOR Compared to 74M “false votes”????

Right…..your an intellectual embarrassment to your ENTIRE FAMILY including the yet to be born. Under a Rock is Too good for your type
@Keith Mc Under Mr Rork’s Desk or as Tatu’s Cabana Boy!!!
Da plane….da plane!
@Justin Webb Probably NEVER took the OATH…or lived up to their solemn commitment to the NATION, like their Orange

@William Crowley They embrace the FOOLISHNESS!
The White House is going to need fumigation seriously.
Heard that White House was thoroughly exorcised after Clinton and Obama left kudos to Melania
@scafgal Cannot get rid of communist crime-minister baby Castro and dumb finance minister with no budget in sight, Canada is a new Venezuela of American continent
@callyharley No serious priest will want to have anything to do with these communist baby killers you voted for
@Bruce Holcomb Amen
@pcarebear1 The old corrupt senile old creep is not catholic, he was refused a eucharist by the priest for being pro-abortion. His religion is lies, corruption and creepy behaviour towards children and women
The world took a collective sigh of relief. Angela Merkel’s statement was downright effusive.
I note that the vote in Pennsylvania is still going on. The spokeswoman said that it slows down when you get towards the end. Of course that’s because it’s not easy to undertake a fraud and make it look convincing. You need to work out who has been given a ballot, who hasn’t sent it back (which means waiting until all the current ones have been put on the system, you have to ‘create’ the fraudulent ballot and then you have to find a way of getting it past the GOP observer. It’s not easy and it’s no surprise it delays things.
This is so obvious to those of us with some intelligence and integrity.
Strange how these comments are filled with Trump hate and derision. It’s clear it was never about Biden and that’s why you can find nothing good to say about him now.
@Carolina Landscaping Go to sleep
@Carolina Landscaping Hey – your buddy Trump already has the “last gasp delusions” square covered.
@Loostreaks Burning and looting isn’t a peaceful protest… the only people the police picked up were the ones that needed to be picked up… Peaceful protests… LOL… Keep smoking your crack pipe… I and 70 million other americans, REAL VOTERS, see you and your folk for what you are now. We’re coming for you.
We the people for the people by the people, Philadelphia has spoken
You have the Liberty Bell!
Back to corrupt business as usual..
lewin, ted cruz said that the media does not decide who wins the presidency, it’s the people. Is he kidding me? It’s WE the 75 million people who voted for Biden decided the presidency!!! We voted for Joe!
@Caribbean Girl The media isn’t a form of government to declare anything just as the President should not have declared himself the winner…you’re a complete moron..
@Caribbean Girl ted cruz is following the party line
Trump’s niece Mary says he’ll have a meltdown soon, breaking stuff. What a baby!
She is kept by the Jesuits deep pockets and power.
@Susan Kelly horrible and its true.
@Susan Kelly why wont they make a big thing about that.
@Robert b a lot of good people made a good living under trump. And record stock mkt. Highs.
@dapicnrolla dapicnrolla I”m 62 and I have NEVER felt this kind of relief from ANY presidential election. We REALLY dodged a bullet.
Putin must be upset that he has lost the American Presidency.
I note that the vote in Pennsylvania is still going on. The spokeswoman said that it slows down when you get towards the end. Of course that’s because it’s not easy to undertake a fraud and make it look convincing. You need to work out who has been given a ballot, who hasn’t sent it back (which means waiting until all the current ones have been put on the system, you have to ‘create’ the fraudulent ballot and then you have to find a way of getting it past the GOP observer. It’s not easy and it’s no surprise it delays things.
This is so obvious to those of us with some intelligence and integrity.
Strange how these comments are filled with Trump hate and derision. It’s clear it was never about Biden and that’s why you can find nothing good to say about him now.
@Cleon P. I think the whole Trump family should go to jail but the democrats wouldn’t do that So Trump jr will be eligible to run and if he does he will win and the republican party sorry I mean the Trump party will Prosecute . Remember Trump wanted Biden prosecuted just before the election and barr wouldn’t do it but what would he have done had he won the election .
@Bush Man if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you
well he already got what he wanted for past 4 yrs. I don’t think it would really matter to him whether his puppet wins or loses. What’s done is already done. It could be undone but I am afraid ramifications are already in action.
Maybe you should lead your life so that the whole world isn’t dancing in the streets when you lose your job.
Imagine that never seen the whole world rejoicing at a defeat
@melda williams Well, to be fair, last time we defeated Fascism (WWII) the whole world rejoiced
Yeah. That part..
Paul Sculte, you are very right.
Well said
The world community: clean up on aisle 45.
@Humble one Biden is a professional and corrupt politician who bows and works for the billionaire oligarchs, not for you and is selling out to the globalist agenda..but, you knew that already because you’re a socialist..
In addition, this should make you fear our vulnerability in the elections..It is corrupt and compromised..that is a huge threat to our democracy but, let me guess you don’t care because you’re agenda was met..
Sad day in America to know we are slaves to a rigged system..
I got the mop and bleach
You win the internet today

@Jeff Woods
blah blah blah blah I’m a crying QAnon snowflake 
And it’s a BIG one.
2016.”Make America Great Again”
2020.”Morons Are Going Away”
Love it.
Somewhere soon there will be a dumpster filled to the top with MAGA caps.
*Trump 2020 — the end of an Error*

Papa Putin is Still Displeased with
the Performance of Baby Donnie….
Yes he must be furious as he probably was praying with “victory victory victory. ..strike strike strike”
Is Trump thinking, “Did I lie too much, or not enough?” History will write a chapter about Trump, and it will be cruel. Exactly as it should be.
As a high school student taking US History, and having already read about Reagan, Carter, Clinton, Bush and Obama…I can’t imagine what a section on Trump would be like. That may have to be its own chapter
That’s clever…
The answer is: Trump lied too too much. And he is not a skillful lier. He’s not intelligent enough.
And he keeps forgetting, that everything he says is recorded, and anyone can fact check.
It should be more about GOP and his base. Trump was a sick deranged little con man.
@Real M I agree. McConnell and Graham were re-elected. Maintained most GOP positions. The GOP distanced themselves from DJT enough to say, in effect, they have had enough.
@Chad Simmons Good grief.where the heck did this “But–..BUT OBAMA!!” come from? lol!

….Keep breaking that broken record! lol!
The DOW jumped 1200 points on the 1st day of trading after Biden won.
partly on news of a covid vaccine, but yes
Not because oh we have a vaccine for covid….. Amazing how that happened.
Stock traders are cashing in before the Kamala-crash, Biden bread-lines will be miles long
@Chad Simmons Traders cashing in, would mean they are selling. You don’t sell when stocks are rising.
@Derrick Teska it’s not ready to roll out yet. But it’s close
And tRUMP is golfing while people are dying.
He has no soul, no empathy, not human. Good riddance!
“I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down.” – D Trump, March, 2020
@Adam Parisi Aside from responding with typical trumpian insults, your article only reveals that trump belatedly engaged corporations to work on vaccines and therapeutics. No one objects to that. But he was WAY late. He started receiving warnings in late December. Operation ‘Warp Speed’ was announced on June 1. By then the major corporations were already working on Covid. Federal involvement and funding helps a lot. But it should have occurred earlier.
What’s worse was/is his dismissive attitude about Covid, taking precautionary measures, and continually disparaging doctors and scientists who disagree with him.
It also did not help when he kept holding rallies with virtually no effort spent to prevent them from becoming super spreader events. Just look at the sheer number of people within his inner circle who caught Covid. One of his top reelection supporters attending his rally in June (Herman Cain) tested positive a few days later and subsequently died of Covid. Could it be that Cain died for trump’s sins?
@Jo W. he cheats at golf too.
Trump is like a five year old brat and a bully who cries over his lost lollipop.
I read that Trump was so angry at the election outcome and went to play golf on weekend to hit the crap out of the golf ball.
Obviously, trump’s concession is unneeded, just like he is.
Trump is actually irrelevant at this point. He will try something dramatic or awful, but he is what most voters have known he should always have been treated as: a simpering, useless, immature, corrupt, incompetent fraud. The only thing he should be is prosecuted and shunned, permanently.
@Priscilla Robb well that won’t be long since he’s old and fat.
We the People grabbed Trump by the ball ot box.
Except Trump is still the head of the military rn
@Rodolfo Orduña
Yep, his itty-bitty brain will be hatching all manner of devious plans to steal a second term.
It wasn’t just the US that won this election.
Half of America likes him; the rest of the world LOATHES him.
Trump is like a five year old brat and a bully who cries over his lost lollipop.
Nowhere near half the country likes him.
The so called 70 million votes are more likely a number the GOP and Putin thought was enough.