World Food Programme director: We are facing a global human catastrophe

CNN's Hala Gorani speaks with World Food Programme Executive Director David Beasley about the effect that the coronavirus pandemic is having on the world food supply and the possibility of multiple famines.

#CNN #News


  1. 2:21 – “ This is not a sky if falling scenario” Also Cnn – “ FAMINES OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS “

    1. russia russia russia,,bobby mccafee you must be 10 yers old,,but you still go with russia russia russia,,now try china china china,,oh i here your mon calling from up stairs its spegettio;s time for her big soy boy,,

  2. Hopefully after this crisis countries around the world would rethink on how they budget their resources… no more extra ultra military spending please.😷😷😷😷

    1. Ain’t likely. We’ve been fighting since the dawn of our existence. I see no signs of that changing any time soon. So weapons first and if there is something left after tax breaks for the wealthiest. Then maybe some healthcare and a picture of a nice cake you can’t have.

    2. When things really go to sh!t little Billy will be praying to the Almighty for some military presence to save his a$$

    3. Sure.
      Everybody around the world go ahead and dumb down your military and without a doubt China will surely do the same. 🙄

    1. And other’s like Zionist World Planners (Financiers) are keeping you confused in hopes that we will someday be completely reliant on their services.
      *We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.* ~Wm. Casey, Dir. of C.I.A.

    1. @Raven Woods
      It is fearmongering bc you don’t present a solution.
      Since CNN makes it biblical why don’t they talk about the cure ?
      The cure is Jesus Christ . If you put your trust and faith in him and repent and turn from your wicked ways you will be saved.
      No, they fearmonger bc they work for the antichrist himself. They want to see people become fearful and panic and turn on eachother . Just look at the comment section look at your own comment . What about the people that have severe depression watching this stuff? They might end up taking their life bc they loose hope.
      And if you don’t believe in Jesus then show how to become self sufficient but they don’t do that either why is that?

    1. They will send thoughts and prayers and if we are lucky, sing another song for us or show off their own luxury ice cream collection.

    1. @oShane Kasper are all trump supporters so stupid that they dont know how to use computers or the internet. i can buy cannabis in the uk through the post you lot in yanksville can buy seeds.

    2. Here in the Free Country™ where I live, it’s actually illegal to grow crops in your yard. I know of a local homeowner who had his lawn salted by the Homeowners Association because he used the soil to grow grapes. That sort of thing is why we have a 2nd amendment.

    3. @Nicholas Meslovich we have that here too you know in the uk, there is a law called a covenant churches put on buildings such as our house we arnt allowed to hang washing outside . we still do it. and this is why we where smart enough to get rid of guns.

    4. @Danny451 Fuentes hi you can do it in your house. Go on youtube and there are video for inside home gardens

  3. He says he’s flying food to “Africa,” and she says, “Locust are in “Africa?” What part of Africa? Africa is a continent with 54 different countries. There are no locust in Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Mozambique, Algeria, Namibia, Mauratania, Mali etc… And Ethiopia is not starving. Ethiopia has a bullet train that travels to neighboring Sudan and they are #3 in global manufacturing. Stop it CNN! You’re embarrassing yourselves with this antiquated racist 19th century “Dark Continent” narrative. For those of us who actually travel to Africa frequently, doing business in many African countries, eating out in trendy hip restaurants and staying with friends who have summer homes and family connections in villages and cities on the continent, your “starving children” narrative is quite ridiculous 😂

    1. Exactly, their agenda is fixated on making africa comes off in a negative way. Meanwhile, many of these elites are building luxury homes in different countries in Africa. Whatever, they broadcast to cause fear, get suspicious and think outside the box and do your own research -aside from their side ish g o g g le

    2. I AGREE… This has been there consent thought of gods land yet there starving in the most richest of counrtys living next door to each other!😳🌾🌻

    3. @Bad Bird
      Here is a starter for you dumb dumb. Maybe in the near future you will join those who are intelligent to know that this world is portrait in away for unfortunate causes, and lies and demeanor of Africa and it’s people will come to light. The truth can never stay hidden forever. Only idiots choose to keep their eyes closed for their own fiction.

    4. @Bad Bird here is another

      So far that’s just two countries out of 54 countries in Africa, and there are many more locations. Are you aware that Africa have 54 different countries? I guess not, you are too busy staying dumb

    1. Everywhere they pusing there will..check the world out w months ago. They where loosing control

    1. A biblical famine is 1/3 bs or not. “A third of man by plague, pestilence or famine so shall it be said and wrought against those who do not know or speak of the lord.”

    2. mark burke Africa has already had locusts decimate their crops, now the virus and then famine because nobody can bring in crops.

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