Work has stopped on Trump’s border wall. See how it looks now

Once there was a bustling construction zone here. Now it's like a ghost town, frozen in time.
Heavy machinery is parked and motionless. Stacks of steel bollards stretch as far as the eye can see.
The Trump administration built more than 450 miles of fencing along the US-Mexico border — including hundreds of miles of replacement fencing and 52 miles of construction where there were no barriers before. The wall became a focal point of his presidency, a staging ground for political rallies and a symbol of the administration's controversial immigration crackdowns.
CNN's Ed Lavandera reports.

#EdLavandera #CNN #News


    1. @RyanB Funny thing is that Obama and Biden built more miles of border wall than Trump did. I didn’t believe it until I looked it up.

    2. Right..infrastructures for illegal immigrants. Right on…Oh, put them to school while we pay for school. Good idea…

    3. Infrastructure is anything democrats want it to be today. In Biden’s latest bill, about 9% is all that actually goes for legitimate infrastructure. The rest is your tax dollar being flushed down the toilet.

    4. The costs would be the same, if the materials are already there are waiting to be installed it’s just stupidity to let them go to waste.

    1. @Donavon Jewett HHHAHAHAHA Now I see why they keep saying Liberals are the smartest people on youtube. Question? (Rhetorically). So does the United States spend more money on immigrants coming across the Mexican border “illegally”. Or Does the United States spend more money to protect refugees from Europe and Asia to come to the United States. For starters the United States give $1,000 for every refugee from Europe and European bloc countries and Asia. Then they paid thousands of dollars for the refugee schooling to learn English and housing and job training. European bloc countries gets Billion of dollars in refugee aid. I bet you would never talk about that or have a problem with that. Only people coming from the Mexican border you have a problem with that. An they don’t get close to the money as European bloc country gets.

    2. @Nathaniel Erskine
      Do you really think that the cartels are sending drugs with poor migrants crossing the border on foot in remote areas of the desert? Or by plane, boat, or motor vehicle? Come on, man.

    3. I like to know where these anti border wall folks live cause it seems like the majority of Americans living on the border favored the border wall construction. If anybody is glad that the border wall construction has stopped that would be the cartel who smuggle illegal drugs, illegal firearms, illegal ammunition, illegal people and sex slaves. Don’t believe me well I’m down close to an area called Guerra Texas. We find fresh abandoned camps full of trash, items and we also find animals shot to rot on the landscape all the time. The Texas coast is a hot spot for illegals and the cartel. So yea y’all are more than welcome to come down here and see for yourself how by stopping the border wall construction this will end up harming our environment even more rather than saving it. All because the lefties want more people voting for them in future elections for their policies.

    1. @Adam Taylor ( Cheap materials and charge max amount republican call it infrastructure , I call it money out of my pocket and yours!!!!)

    2. LOL, like all of the leftover materials not used on all those shovel ready jobs Obama Biden had lined up? HAHAHAHAHA!

    3. Good one! Although, I’m sure he didn’t get the best materials Virginia! ; ) : (

    1. @Crimson Spirit … it’s beer I was out with blm/ antifa geting free stuff for justice ✊

    2. @Eddie Shelton Of course I wouldn’t be for unlimited immigration… but I’m sure as hell aren’t for completely stopping immigration. You act like immigrants don’t work and you couldn’t be more wrong. You sound quite bigoted.

    3. @Eddie Shelton The thing that pisses me off the most is the rich has got all of us fighting for the scraps while all of them enjoy their tax cuts, subsidies and bailouts.

    4. @Fortitudine Vincimus I think you misunderstand me.I’m for limited immigration.However the cartels don’t care about those people,they just drop them over the wall like animals.Do you think it’s fair for hard working American’s having to foot the bill?Mexico should be ashamed of themselves for letting these poor people walk through their country?Do you know Mexico has a stricter boarder policy that America does?We need to take care of poverty in America first,that’s all.You say you aren’t in favor of unlimited immigration so I ask,should we let in 1 million a year, 2 million? 3 million?Where does it end? Tax payers in America have a big enough burden as it is,we shouldn’t have to pay for other countries miserable failures.

    1. @Mark Lechman I think it’s biggest accomplishment was as a rallying and unifying cry to his base. Take that for what is is. Trump is unquestionably highly adept at masterfully playing into peoples fears, insecurities, ignorance, religion, patriotism and biases etc…..

    1. @Cheap ‘N Chic biden gave 90% of our stimulus to other countries and democrat pet projects… all that damn money right ?

    1. Crazy how our military can’t protect our borders yet we protect Every other Shithole in the World…

    2. The disgrace is the waste of money that Biden has no problem with, if the materials are already purchased and ready to install how stupid just to leave it all there going to waste.

    3. @S.D. C Hey it’s your money Biden’s wasting, I mean your country is already in so much debt you will never be able to balance the books so why the heck not just add some more on.

  1. Oh no! not the bigly beautiful wall that can definitively whistand a bit of wind and not fall!… LOL

    1. If they would have gotten the funded that they wanted for it then it wouldn’t look like that. Common sense. I wonder what party was against funding the border wall?

    2. @Doyle Hargraves Actually according to Trump’s standards of judging the economy off of how well the marks fair. Biden has just set a record for the markets in his first 100 days, Covid is down shots etc….

    1. Righhhhhtttt… exactly what i was thinking, but they dont even have ppl in those areas 🤷‍♂️

    2. @Alfredo O It is not a bridge to nowhere. It’s a bridge to peacefully trading between nations. The Red Socialist Fascist Racist Republica Party has provided the building materials for the people on the border to spruce up their new homes alongside the bridges that the Americans Paid For…Due to Red Socialist Fascist Racist Security Infrastructure Failures…

    1. @Pat Doyle only for the 1% of really fit for the Other 99% it’s to high and too scary to risk death!

    2. Where’s all the money that was suppose to be used? Do we get a refund for unfinished work?

    1. Oh yes, maybe some Morning Glories vining up. Or some Day Lillie’s thriving between the posts!

  2. If I walked from Honduras to the U.S. border, a wall would be the least of my concerns. Lol

    1. I like to know where these anti border wall folk live because seems like the majority of Americans living on the border favored the border wall. And if anybody is glad that the border wall construction has stopped that is the cartel who smuggle illegal drugs, illegal firearms, illegal ammunition, illegal people and sex slaves. Don’t believe me well I’m down close to an area called Guerra Texas. We find fresh abandoned camps full of all kinds of trash, items and animals that have been shot to rot on the landscape all the time. The Texas coast is a hot spot for illegals and cartel y’all are more than welcome to come on down here and see how stopping the border wall construction has caused more harm to our environment rather than saving it in the long run. All because the lefties wants more people to vote for them in future elections for there policies.

  3. “Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man.” – General George S. Patton

    1. “I don’t take inspirational quotes seriously from someone who died in a 20mph fender bender.” – Me

    2. @Nunya Bidnez Yeah…he ALSO took on the Germans and won a LOT and repeatedly so. And this was BACK before air bags and seat belts. IF your head struck a metal object while you traveled as 20 MPH trust me you’d feel it. Usain Bolt is routinely clocked at 20 MPH, his fastest speed was 28 MPH. So imagine a full sprint like Usain Bolt head first into a steel cross bar.

    3. Patton also said:
      “Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician”. 🤣

    4. I wasn’t aware the cartels were using panzers with the luftwaffe circling overhead. I’m not sure I’m tracking the analogy.

    1. I’m waiting for that entire administration to be sued for crimes against humanity … just wait until the “ lost/ stolen/ trafficked” children grow up

    2. @Devo – Biden clearly stated on the video, *”Not another foot of border wall will be built as long as I am president.”* I guess you missed it.

    1. @TOM Pastian – Oh, I think THE WHOLE COUNTRY will see the results of that “$6 trillion” (although the majority of Americans NEVER SAW MUCH of the $3 trillion which tRump gave mostly to himself and the wealthy). We’ll see that $6 trillion in a pandemic eliminated under the competency of the Biden government. We’ll see our economy come roaring back thanks to the bailout package. And we’ll see long overdo improvements to the infrastructure, something that the tRump “government” did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about.

  4. There’s plenty of desert available and having a good access road is handy to help out with all the tourists enjoying the pristine environment.

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