Veteran journalist Bob Woodward talks to CNN's Jake Tapper about asking former President Donald Trump if the Covid-19 pandemic was "the leadership test of a lifetime."
#CNN #News
Woodward on moment in Trump interview that was like a ‘thunderclap’

Veteran journalist Bob Woodward talks to CNN's Jake Tapper about asking former President Donald Trump if the Covid-19 pandemic was "the leadership test of a lifetime."
#CNN #News
3:36 “Son I am the President and my job is to do whatever I can to get votes and stay in office..screw the pandemic”
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“But dad, what if a million people die?
@willysnowman 🤣 I read the drumpf article in Vanity Fair from 1990 as another commenter had mentioned it. I had forgotten drumpf has said many times if you tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth. He knew this back in 1990. It has become the republican mantra. Thanks for the laugh!
“I don’t accept responsibility for anything”- dear leader..
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The thunderclap for me is when Trump was campaigning and he said”I could stand out on fifth avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters”, my God what was Americans thinking? Was this really ok?
@RIPEJ spam.
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The mere fact that millions of people still supported him tells us what a messed up world we’re living in. 🤔 The world is a ghetto in all it’s “glory”.
I believe pathological liars actually believe their madness
It is the tragedy of the liar!
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Chump certainly does, he believes he can never be wrong about anything. To me, that is the most dangerous president possible.
I wish the MAGA 50% of republicans would just hear Mr Woodward.
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They have their fingers in their ears going lalalalala I can’t hear you!
This was a great interview..
In what way ? Because it sounds like a Man who was ill prepared for the job he was elected to
So satisfying for a Trump loather like me
Horrifying and once again an interview that documents the unthinkable in history.
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Woodward : “Everyone says Trump is going to stay in the White House if it’s contested….”
Drumpf : “Well, I’m not – I don’t want to even comment on that, Bob. I don’t want to comment on that at this time. Hey Bob, I got all these people, I’ll talk to you later on tonight!”
Woodward recalls: “It’s the only time he had no comment. ….”
@Jacquie Bain We can only hope he will be in prison in 2024.
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@No Info mary channel ko 160 subscribe pury kar do please 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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“No”. What other response do you expect from a full-blown narcissist who believes he’s perfect?
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Utterly appalling on every goddamn level 🤢🤯👿☠️‼️
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It’s just mind-boggling how this was allowed to go on and on and on without any consequence for Donald
@No Info
Your babble font is on. ✅
@Do NothingThe circus was due back at some point.
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was? you mean IS.
Three words describe Trump’s presidency: Dereliction of duty
@TheDiamond2009 yes he is thank you ! It’s great having adults in the White House
Well he’s not killing millions of people. So there’s that.
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Yes as a matter of FACT he is. Definitely much better than the guy who he beat like a 2 dollar drum in the election!!!!
I feel sorry for every child with a parent like this. The kid gets no empathy, sympathy, comforting. And that’s, ladies and gentlemen, is why disorders, like the narcissistic personality disorder, are intergenerational most of the time..
Well it’s already evident in his wingy son, Jr.
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I like this coverage of Trump better than all the attacks and laughing at him. Just quote him and express how what he did was wrong and showed no character. Just hold him accountable for his actions (in context of speaking about him in the media)
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We love the greatest President of all time, President Trump!
Trump cares more about his image than his child’s life.
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Wonder what Baron thinks of that scene where his dad lied to him?
What most people don’t understand about is that he lies to every one including himself. He lies as naturally as most people drink water.
That’s all the shallows in false power with their money & their BS. Not an honest one in the bunch.
Isn’t that the definition of a sociopath?
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What a people, what politics, despite all unhealable problems and unsolvable crimes committed, still consider this man to again lead this country one day.
@Eugene Kaptur I thought a Kaptur was an automobile. Do you have 4 or 6 cylinders?
@Eugene Kaptur My bad. Renault makes a car but it’s spelled Captur. And it sucks.
What a people indeed.
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I just rewatched ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN… it’s uncanny how the 70s Republican Party and todays Republican Party are almost identical. Only difference other than the players is todays party has perfected their criminal activity climate💁♀️
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These are interviews with a man so dangerously-deluded that he really believes himself to be far more stable and wise than anyone. Consequently, anything he does (including lying and cheating), is falsely-justified by his twisted mind.
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“frankly son this is why I taught you to never trust me” The Donald
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I’m just shocked anyone would expect Trump to do anything intelligent, decent, honest or helpful.
We love the greatest President of all time, President Trump!
@Manuel Russian bot keep quiet
It’s disgusting to have to admit he was the president.
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He can’t even use the toilet honestly.