A 76-year-old woman is in custody after fatally shooting her terminally ill husband in the head in what police say was an intended murder-suicide at a hospital in Daytona Beach, Florida.
The terminally ill man, 77, was hospitalized at the Advent Health Hospital and made a plan with his wife three weeks ago to “end it” should his health get worse, Daytona Beach Police Chief Jakari E. Young said in a news conference. Police did not specify the man’s illness.
The man intended to turn the gun on himself but was physically too weak to do so, police said. His wife, who indented to take her own life after, said she “couldn’t go through with it,” according to Young.
The woman then barricaded herself in the hospital room. #PamBrown #CNN #News
Woman shoots terminally ill husband and barricades herself in hospital room

That poor man. That poor woman. Horrific situation.
@Madison Gittens the slayer rule prevents people who killed you or were involved in your death somehow from receiving your insurance benefits, and I’m sure in this case she will be convicted of murder 100% and this has nothing to do with money.
Lady godiva
@Madison Gittens tell me you have no idea how to follow a story without telling me you have no idea how to follow a story.
if she killed her 15 year old child that was terminally ill and they agreed on iit, would you feel the same way?
I have nothing but sympathy for this woman
She failed because it was supposed to be a murder suicide she should have just said babe I don’t want to go along with it but here’s the gun do what you want with it but then again I shouldn’t even come down the stuff like this like why are you even talking about this it’s a f****** sick world we live in plain and simple
@UCOGUc8IkOn7mN-nHtwQZ3qg I disagree but you might be right, who knows, I’m no expert but if the genders were reversed I wouldn’t change mind. There’s lots of people who should be gifted death if that’s what they want and are terminal but bureaucratic red tape says “no, you can’t do that, your life belongs to us, not you, even if you have just 1 day left. Who do you think you are??” It’s nonsense. “Ya my husband before dying was so goofed up on morphine that our last moments were our greatest ever. It was so beautiful to see him drop to his old weight of 90lbs when he was 300lbs just 5 days ago! He looked so healthy! A body like an angel, skin smooth like babies skin. I’ll never forget those last moments with dear Arthur” I don’t think anybody’s ever said that before but I could be wrong about that too – again I am no expert. Just a youtube commenter with a little common sense.
Really a little old lady is the same thing as a little old man to this perspective at least. Thinking of a man doing it to his wife changes nothing for me. And honestly that’s only opinion like it’s your opinion she should go to jail for rest of life. If thing were right, she wouldn’t have had to even think about doing any of that. Person is dying with no hope of recovery, getting worse, there’s no reason to prolong the inevitable with nothing but pain and misery so if they wanna go, I say go.
Taking the firearm into the hospital though, that is where I do draw the line. Unexperienced, scared, horrified at what she’d just done in shock; killing her own husband who she probably loved more than anyone – she could have hurt a lot more people than just him or herself. So $500 fine, get out of jail, and maybe probation for a few years to make sure she’s mentally sound and stable, able to take care of self and adapt, which at the moment you know she’s not.. but after that? Good to go. God bless you lady.
@Sharon Wells so we can blame the authorities and everyone else trying to make split second choices based on uncertain information rather than the two people who planned a mercy execution/suicide by firearm in a hospital because they considered their pain more important than the potential well-being of dozens of others?
I pity the couple and support the spirit of their choice, but they clearly did not think of the potential effect on others when planning this out.
@Jason C. Not really, you’re just ignorant.
@stirange my point being they knew where the shooter was right away and where. There was no need to empty the whole hospital. Just those around them, directly below them and directly above them.
We’d had a family member shut himself up with his relative in hospital room. He wasn’t there to kill his relative but was holding patient hostage for his demands which were interests outside our hospital.
We moved all patients from around the room and below him, the floor above was being renovated. All nurses but myself left with our other patients. I stayed because a nurse had to be ready to take care of the patient who was being held hostage. I do not remember the gunman’s demands because I didn’t really hear them all. Our ER Physician was nearby as well. We didn’t have hospitalists in those days. Swat team was able finally to talk him into letting his sick relative come out. Which I had a wheelchair right there in the door for patient to sit down. My heart was in my throat until I got the patient sufficiently far enough away. I took patient to ICU as he was very sick and of course scared to death. I think the police ended up having to shoot the gunmen but not kill him. If I remember right they hit him in his right shoulder and right leg. House supervisor and ER Doctor took him to ER for treatment.
So I do know the parameters of safety in such a situation.
This is horribly tragic and sad, prayers for the families affected
How tragic. I can’t imagine how painful this is for all involved.
@*drea chaskin the “experts” always crack their knuckles and start typing up tornadoes of BS on their phones every time something like this happens lol

The tragedy is what they will do to her. She relieved suffering. She should not be charged.
Jeff Epstein and Donald Trumps lawyer Alan Dershowitz who got OJ Simpson off is also a kidde diddler pos in the usa
It’s not very painful for her husband.
We treat our dying pets with more compassion than we do people, by allowing them a graceful exit. Tragic.
@Mrs.P 61 literally, no one said that.
@Mrs.P 61 … So this is actually your response to a serious discussion? WTF is wrong with you???
@FreeF Free … You are obviously just looking for attention. Your comments are STUPID.
@FreeF Free Did you even read what I said? She had stage 3 type B liver cancer, she was in pain. She was bed ridden for her last week. No food, no water. The only liquid she had was the water we crushed the pills into and has to use a syringe plunger to get them into her system. That lasted for 6 days. So at least your grandfather was eating food, my mom couldn’t even eat yogurt.
If we had the death with dignity act here in America this would have never happened, but you left them with no choice! I myself believe in it I have multiple sclerosis, I know what’s going to happen to me at the end of life… And I would love to be able to make that decision for myself!
SAD but she was right.
I think certain states uphold this act, one being Oregon and California too I think..more and more states are to follow.
My brother has MS. Go to Canada, we have death with dignity, medically assisted dying if/when a person chooses they can’t suffer any longer.
It’s hardly a horrible thing to not want to see people murdered. Stuff like this always gets pushed too far and you end up with depressed or poor people being allowed to be killed by doctors.
@Im Gahey B….S….Many countries around the world are enlightened enough to allow terminally ill people to end their suffering. BTW it’s rich people who make the laws and if you think they care about the depressed and poor, you’re a fool
I have sympathy and empathy for the entire family. How tragic.
@TRUTH SPEAKER of course, why not
@The Rose EUGENICISTS — and anti-lifers; ALL OF YOU
@Lord Next Door man if I’m ever in this situation I’ll be damned if I let the police take me to prison.
@TRUTH SPEAKER … You are the one on the wrong side of this discussion. Obviously you are without empathy. Your brain is broken, seek help immediately.
My heart goes out to the family. It is terrible to experience a family member to have terminally illness and care for them is tasking, mentally, physically and emotionally.
This is horrible and sympathetic news. My heat goes to their children and families

That’s tragic. Poor woman. I hope they show her mercy.
She’s a murderer….like OJ Simpson
It won’t make it to trial. She is 77. Not 50.
It’s always Florida
Except in this case, it could be anywhere. Perhaps hospice wasn’t considered by the hospital, or it wasn’t available. And in some hospices, they kick you out if you don’t die in a timely manner. They don’t say what his illness was or how much suffering he was going through, or if the expense was going to make the wife homeless. So many things we don’t know about their situation. The doctor says he can’t imagine what could drive someone to do this, but I certainly can.
@PatRNBSN the doctor is a butthole then.
Nobody wants to see a loved one live in excruciating pain with no hope of recovery.
This is so sad an I pray this women isn’t charged, I can’t imagine the pain she’s in an sitting in jail
the cops an all who are involved should be ashamed of themselves. I know how hard it is to watch someone you love suffer in pain an my prayers with this women an her family 
She has to be charged really, but this is one case where jury nullification would be utterly appropriate.
Sounds like she truly loved her man and wanted to spare him suffering. I send her my sympathy.
seems it been laced…. the 420
@VistaLakesTV But you would likely put your dog down if it was suffering and in pain. It is not crazy, you don’t know, understand, never been around people in a hopeless situations in pain and wanting to die. Both my parents suffered horribly, mental and physical anguish the last 5 years of their life. We have more compaction for our dogs then we do for the most special person in our life. DO you want to die a slow and painful death?
@VistaLakesTV I hope you and your loved ones never face this situation. Stay blissfully happy, but remember… ‘their body, their choice’, right? Oh wait that only applies to wearing masks for ya’ll
@David Eric Kennedy lol, yeah people are like dogs.
Seek help.
It’s a shame people have to resort to such measures in the first place.
A gun? There’s so many less violent comfortable options.
Prayers for this woman! Much sympathy for her. Let her go!
she killed a human. lock her up
She doesn’t deserve a murder charge! Terminally ill people have the RIGHT NOT TO SUFFER! They probably felt helpless!!! Like they had NO way out! I truly hope there is another way to deal with this situation
No way this makes it to trial. She is 77. Maybe if she was much younger.
@I, too! I can see how you’d think it would be cowardice to go that far and then balk. I think I disagree tho. I think the answer more likely is she was driven by the love of her partner to wanted to grant his wish. Kind of touching she’d go that for them then.
@I, too! That’s the dumbest take I’ll never get over how moronically confident people can be when they have the anonymity of the internet
@Cindygr8ce sort of like how you are doing.
I can’t imagine the horror this couple went through to come to this decision and the gut wrenching heartbreak going through with it. I have not walked a mile in either of their shoes, I cannot judge.
Bles. You for your attitude.
The tragedy was that he was terminally ill, not that she ended it. Bless her & his heart.
Total sympathy for this woman. She gave her husband dignity in death. Medical assistance in death should be a legal option if you’re terminally ill. I blame the system.
You are exactly right. Charge the system with murder not the faithful, devoted wife.
This is heartbreaking. My heart and prayers go out to the family and the woman..

Two words: jury nullification.
She may or may not have technically committed first-degree murder, but given the context, I don’t think there’s a jury in the world who would willingly convict her of that under the circumstances. Such a sad state of affairs.