Woman living in her car gets life-changing job | Humankind

Eight months ago, LaShenda slept in her car in a Kroger parking lot. Now she's a beloved employee in that same store. 🛒
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After a life of addiction, abandonment and abuse, LaShenda Williams gets a job and much more from Kroger and its customers.

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Woman living in her car gets life-changing job | Humankind


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  1. Now how come we all can’t be this giving and appreciative I love watching stories like this God bless the both of these beautiful souls🙏🙏🙏🙏😘🤗

    1. Glenise Hodges Sadly, we don’t hear enough of these heartwarming stories !!! I believe certain situations are meant to be ! Being at the right place at the right time 🙏🙏💜💜!!!!

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  2. Such A Amazingly Amazing Story, May Almighty Father God Keep Them Both covered in Safety, Health, Prosperity with Overflowing
    L❤️VE Forevermore…
    May she Continue To Rise Up & Never Look Back unless is To Give her Testimony To Help encourage others to never Lose Faith.
    🙏🏼 ➰🙏🏾

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    2. Glad the black???? ‘THE BLACK’… wow. Why are people still shocking me even now after everything this world has seen… Nope, I have no words to even help you… 🙃. Gtfo.

    3. This the problem with what is going on in would today… how dear you say that!!!
      like being black is lesser than you.
      we are all of one race and that is human.
      it’s narrow mindless and a heat for your fellow man that keeps us from our true meaning of God’s plan. for all of us standing as one race.
      It’s not Your colors that make you who you are.
      it’s heart soul and your love and compassion for your fellow man. ..
      god made us all the same inside!!!
      and contrary to narrow minds like your self.
      thats truly all that matter!!!
      stop and think before you open your mouth to hurt and belittle someone. .
      and open your heart and mind!!!!
      someone day we all will have to stand before god
      and be judged by God for our deeds and work.
      and for hateful your hateful slurs and ignoring the ture meaning of this message you will be judged by God !!!
      and I hope you pray for you ask forgiveness and learn from stupidity!!!!
      Loving others and sharing what you you have to to give when you see another person suffering is a true blessings!!!!
      not to be made out to be a small mined slur like that. .. there needs to be more people like this!!! when so little of it happens…
      just sayin a little love goes a long way!!!!!

  3. God bless her, & I am so sorry to hear about what she has gone through! Nobody certainly deserves to be tormented, neglected, beaten, & abused at all, especially for someone else’s sick pleasure!

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  4. Beautiful Testimonial! To God Be The Glory 🙌🏽 Thank You Jesus 🙌🏽 God’s continued Blessings on both of your lives In The Name Jesus Christ of Nazareth 🙏🏽❤️

  5. Some of us don’t see color, never have, sometimes souls recognize one another’s spiritual vibration, love is the answer, all we are saying is give peace a chance… Beautiful story, pay it forward folks…

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  6. This is what it’s all about….showing the love of Jesus, and giving her a job, so she could turn her life and her circumstances around!!! 😊

  7. Her words, “I’m so free!” really resonated with me. There is a certain level of emotional and spiritual bondage in the homeless situation. When your focus 24/7 is all about survival there is little time for anything else. Having a roof over her head and knowing that she has a job to pay her bills gave her entirely new lease on life. God bless her and the lady who helped her get back on her feet.

  8. I’m soooo glad that this beautiful woman with a beautiful soul is finally as she says, ‘free’! How wonderful that someone could be so grateful in this day and age to just have a roof over their head and a regular job, too many people take it for granted. She 100 percent deserves every happiness, I’m so glad she worked to pull herself out of that rut and I’m so glad that people were kind to help her get back on her feet. She is amazing. Every bit of happiness to her for her future! 🥰

  9. I wish I could carry this feeling I have after watching this video for the rest of my life…It would make me a better person.

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