Two Americans battling coronavirus share their stories as the number of coronavirus cases increases throughout the country. #CNN #News
Woman felt a slight fever. Hours later she tested positive for coronavirus

Two Americans battling coronavirus share their stories as the number of coronavirus cases increases throughout the country. #CNN #News
Hope you & your son get better soon!!
reply Ly
She probably caught the disease several days ago, and as the first three days are the infection’s most contagious days, infected many people. Test everyone as soon as you can!
@Hells Anals
@lemurian chick except coronavirus started only 4 months ago and no vaccine sooo……

The more sick you are, the more contagious.
First days often you cannot even detect a virus, and you are not very contagious unless you are kissing people.
lemurian chick if I was you I would not broadcast my ignorance about Covid-19.
@Sarah Foster you can tell she’s dumb and senile scunty woman who vote for trump is like. Roaches voting for Raid the bug killer lmao
I remember one joker told us that coronavirus would disappear miraculously in a while.
@Miss Mary Mary science is a miracle to a lot of people
@Toni sumblin Medical authorities in China have said a drug used in Japan to treat new strains of influenza are being effective in coronavirus patients. Trump is lost in his lies and doesn’t know how to handle this situation but no one was prepared for that.
@Miss Mary Mary Of course it will disappear in April. And then babies who
in their diapers will be the next pandemic and Trump will order 1 billion pampers despite criticizing from the left and so on and so forth till November when MAGA2020 goes 4 more years.
@jeff Mac well he changed his mind and is now taking it seriously. Sadly ppl with your mentality have not caught up with his new take on things and you arrogance and ignorance is why you have a much higher risk of getting tje virus…have fun on the ventilator…unlrss you are over 60. Because there is already a shortage of them and you are too old for them to waste resources on…so. Feel good about your choices ..
She doesn’t look well,l hope she makes a speedy recovery!
Daniel Perez
Stfu Cumrade shitstain
Daniel Perez Does she?
Eagle Eyes she looks scared and that’s understandable. I also hope she recovers. Quickly.
She’s a fellow Ohioan, she’s a tough woman!
What’s TDS mean
Wow! It is truly heartbreaking what’s happening right now in the world. I pray that there won’t be any more fatalities due to this virus.
@Florence Gomer it’s awful. Prayers out to their families and to their souls. Condolences.
It’s nice of you to say that, but the terrible truth is, we’re about to see a lot more sickness, death, and confusion and anger in the US. We’re different from these other countries in dangerous ways: our healthcare is denied, our president is clinically insane, our government is being strangled by Republican agendas to profit, we have no tests available, our needed workers have no PPE, our country is divided by Trump’s cult of psychos… We need do much at once and have none of what we need. I hope, as you do, for the best. I understand we can expect the very worst.
pray harder!
Florence Gomer Yes.
Aramis3737 unfortunately, you are right.
She tested positive with what test kit for coronavirus? The same test which is not available?
Didn’t watch the video did you?
Markus Jones dum dum they have “tests” just waaaaaaaaay to few to do anything other than diagnosis the people who are really sick. New study is showing that 80% of the new cases of coronavirus are contracted from someone who was minimally or asymptomatic. Are you one of the spreaders?
Check mate MAGAtard, you got her. In fact everyone in the country has been tested. WINNING!
Ohio only has 600 tests available right now according to the Governor. They are only allowing people who are admitted into hospital to get tested. And any hospital worker who is exposed to the virus can get tested. No one else in Ohio can get tested. What’s wrong with this picture?
What happened to Trump’s promise that “Anyone who needs a test can get a test?”. People are sick and they can’t get tested, and they’re spreading it all over the place. The pastor was right, they need to shut everything down, and they need to do it now or millions are going to get very sick and many will die.
E. C. Trump said anyone who wants a test can get one. He just didn’t say WHEN they could get one. He is Don the Con artist.
I think the U.S. acted a little slow in the beginning and we only have so many test while other countries jumped right on it.
I’m so sick and I cant get tested I’ve been exposed and they told me to go home
Idk whays going on I’m not into conspiracy bullshit but somethings not right in my head. CEOs knew this was coming mite be a depression
One thing I test doesn’t mean a cure.people just need to follow the protocol and social distancing and call your doctor or hospital and you know stay the hell away from people bottom line.this is all very unfamiliar territory you know you would like to thank our country would be prepared for anything but we’re not look at 9:11 I mean come on nobody ever thought that was going to happen.there’s going to be a big learning curve here and trust me we’re all going to learn from our mistakes Trump everybody not just drop it ain’t Trump’s fault he didn’t start this s*** Chinese I can’t from China the coronavirus the Chinese coronavirus that’s what it’s called.
One big problem is people with minor or non life-threatening levels of sickness checking themselves into hospital and taking up beds needed for more critically sick people.
and demanding a test that could be better used on a sick person.
So, I’m just asking when should people get tested. When should we go in and get tested. It’s don’t go in because you aren’t sick enough or you are taking up beds. What is the answer?
I get your point. And I see both sides.
camjamsdad , who is the sick person. Who determined who that is. The two case given showed us how different it was and both had it. So are you saying keep walking around till you drop dead because you didn’t feel sick enough.
No hospital, under any condition, is going to admit someone who doesn’t need a bed. I’ve been kicked out when I couldn’t care for myself at home.
Now we start to see how bad it was to severely lack testing for 6 weeks.
undertow So much for this being a hoax. What incompetence!
thanks trump!
So many lives have been saved thanks to Mr Trump and his outstanding leadership
@Christine Stange
How bad are you with Mathematics?
Exponential growth.
Early detection can stop thousands of future transmissions.
That’s how epidemiology works.
Isn’t this virus supposed to start with mild cold like symptoms to worsening?
@threeMetreJim 4 months ago I got super sick. I had light fever for about 5 days, and then the next 2 weeks were hell. With a constant fever that lasted 9 days and reached 103°F, I was drinking more than 2 gallons of water every day. I ended up sweating and vomiting almost all my water intake, and couldn’t eat a single bite during my fever. I tried to take a bath to wash off the drenching sweat, and ended up passing out as soon as my body temperature dropped in the water. My mom had to carry me to the bed and considered calling an ambulance, but we are poor and can’t afford to pay the fees that come with ambulance trips. After another day of constantly coughing, vomiting and having my sinuses completely stopped up, I was finally forced to go to a nearby clinic (through Uber). The doctors tested me for the flu and found nothing. For some reason they didn’t seem conscerned even after I told them about the ordeal I went through.
Now I haven’t tested for this yet, but I am wondering if it is possible that I already had covid19 in Early December before any hospital in Texas was equipped to detect the virus. It sounds crazy, but I have an extra reason to believe this. At the same time I got sick, my sister had flu like symptoms, and she had a shitty 2 weeks just like me, but didn’t need to be hospitalized. My mom also developed flu like symptoms only a few days after I got better, and then quickly developed pneumonia about a few days after that. She stayed sick for much longer (She was sick from mid December until the 3rd week of January, and she didn’t even go to the hospital to treat her illness). We all survived, but it was easily the shittiest time of our lives. Coworkers at my work also had sick days around the same time, and the restaurant my mom worked at also had half of the staff randomly get sick. We just thought this was a regular flu, but it is entirely possible that covid19 was infecting thousands in Texas by the time China was just discovering the rapid development and spread of this virus. Houston does have huge airports around the world, and it would only make sense that we would have gotten infected before China even announced the news. And now American’s are discovering 3000 new cases per day? It could just be the tip of the iceberg, I think it’s already everywhere
@threeMetreJim I bought 5 months worth of supplies 1.5 months ago when I saw this begin to spread asymptomatically in China. Why could you not have done the same? You had so much time to prepare and full stock up.
Depends on which virus you get(Which I hope you don’t get the virus). Supposedly there is 4 out there right now.
@Mulinaster Not everyone has a lot of money, unfortunately. Try living on welfare (that’s what you call it in the states).
@threeMetreJim i completely understand the need to go grocery shopping.

Just make sure your careful.
I am going to use drugs for mine.
We need a national quarantine now before it’s to late to have an effect and this drags on for a year.
Pamela Davis btw I don’t believe in the media, it creates panic and false statements just to get more attention. I believe scientists/epidemiologist and there research. Society has a really really poor mental state about this type of catastrophes, Im thinking that martial law would be required to control everyone. For the good of the people and the nation
7X HARDER I believe you, how you treated the symptoms tho?
Just waiting to see how Trump spins all this. Remember 15 will be zero in a few days? That showed he hasn’t a clue.
Brian Connelly
Bla bla bla trump bla bla bla bla bla. 
Maybe you have no clue. We’re long past that 15 number. He’s really spun way past that. You seem to be stuck in the past and not paying attention to anything that’s going on
hey how about we just put the politics on the back burner and I just don’t understand why people just can’t you know quit talking about Trump must be more concerned about our neighbors and our family and you know Trump can’t control everything Trump is not perfect you’re not perfect I’m not perfect nobody is you know this world emergency who cares about what you know what Trump says at this point he’s got the best people on it.
Where are all these tests you speak of ???

The US reaches 8k plus cases. A jump of more than 2900 new cases in 24 hours.
Trump: “I take no responsibility for any of this. For the record, I was totally against more testing, because I liked the numbers where they were. So when the number of infection cases goes up because of more testing, don’t blame me.”
Toni sumblin he did say its a hoax. Can you blame him? After 3 yrs of unrelented attempts to bring him down. But no its not a hoax. I am not in a panic mode, in fact, all this that’s going around us right now feels too familiar to me. I lived through war for a long time, people not knowing of they will survive, shortage of everything. But to blame the president for this is not good. We need to be working together, not to point fingers, though i do believe this will strengthen his chances of reelection even more. He and his people are doing the best they can. UK just today said they are closing down schools. Deep breaths my friend. This too shall pass
Toni sumblin best way to win an argument is to call the other person IDIOT. So you win
@undertow Ya that’s not paraprashing lol. You’d have to quote end quote multiple times.
Vlora Norton accountability is different then just placing the blame. Placing the blame is trump calling it the Chinese virus. He called it a hoax bc that’s his political strategy for everything. Bc it gets people like you fired up and say poor trump he’s the victim again. It’s particularly useful when the facts all say he’s lying. He’s supposed to be a leader. His initial response to this was call it a hoax, then he played politics, made it partisan. He really only started being serious about it when the stock market trumped out. We haven’t even talked about the lack of testing that let this virus spread through out America the extent of which we still don’t know bc we’re still short massive numbers of testing. Has he done some things right. Of course. It would be super messed up if he hadn’t done anything right. The bar is much much much higher for the leader of the free world.
undertow countries around the world are lacking testing kits. We all thought it was a nothing virus until reports from italy came. He has been a strong leader during this tryint time, even cnn’s dana bausch admitted it, though she looked like she was choking when she said that. But you’re right, i an fired up for 2020. Cant wait to vote for him again, even if it is to see liberals moan for another 4 years.
This is great information but can we please hear from someone who’s infected and has an underlying condition?
@Jewls Wheels maybe 50 of them are ,the rest are at home chilling on nyquil
Renas Dupont I guarantee you that the patients with underlying conditions.. PRE EXISTING CONDITIONS… aren’t at home “chilling on NyQuil”
@Dena Barton no they already were on respirator
I meant to hear from someone who had been tested and was positive and has underlying conditions and is now recovered.
@Nicole Blake I am immunosuppressed and would also really like to know
Big big hugs guys. Stay safe and be vigilant.
beware: It has been documented that small children can be asymptomatic for extended periods of times beyond the normal range!!!
Why do they get their results so quickly. My friend is still waiting on hers. She took the test Sunday
I would say maybe it’s because this is cnn and they love to make schiff up.
The pastor is a very thoughtful man.