Peel police say one woman has died after being struck by a tree during the fast moving storm that rocked parts of southern Ontario.
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Got no warning in Peterborough. The sirens haven’t stopped yet in 2 hours. Power has been off since.
Emergency alerts were sent to all smartphones. Unless you changed your smartphone settings
@Rupert Periwinkle well Peterborough is outside of GTA so potentially they didnt get the alert since it seems to only be certain regions
@puzz88 There are trees and powerlines down all over the the city. All the garden displY plants and the racks they were on were blown out of the Freshco parking lot, across the road and into the parking lot across the street. Apparently there were tornado warnings. My Android updated this morning, better check my settings
@puzz88 Yes, that’s possible. Hope all is well! Saw a few trees uprooted in a park.
Got the warning in Scarborough. Seconds after I got home, the horror started.
But it stop now we’re ok
Just a little dramatic lol “The Horror”.
It only lasted a few mins stop crying
We had trees down on our street in brampton. Came on fast. Got no warnings though, other than the old tried and true method of looking up at the sky.
Emergency alerts were sent to televisions, news stations, and to smartphones
You’d think they’d know what to report, when & where since the govt makes/manipulates the weather…
@Jake Filmore

we got a little breeze in windsor
She died near Dixie Rd in Brampton.
I was in my apartment and all of a person clothes flew to the road.
I got the warning about ten minutes . . . AFTER . . . the storm had passed. VERY helpful.
I got it 15 mins before
i got it 10 minutes BEFORE it began!
Storms done in Toronto
I normally don’t get alerts but today I did in Stratford oh, I was in my rec room in the basement when I noticed that it was dark as night, not a lot of damage but some, very sorry that woman died oh, that is a tragedy
i got the warning and i checked the weather. So i stayed home
I almost died I was at quicky the light went out and glass had scraches
Prayers to her family
I didn’t recieve an emergency alert however
The storm knocked out some trees in Burlington but I didn’t get a warning lol
Was working out in the garage and all of a sudden, I thought there was a tornado right infront of me in Scarborough. Had hail the size of small salt pellets coming down on my car.
We had 5 trees down in the park front of our house
Condolences to the family of the deceased.
God’s speed.
I was taking a leak outside (I’m camping) the wind picked up and I pissed all over myself
4->5 hours without electricity in London, Ontario between 11/11:30 am and 4pm.
omg – i didnt think they would die but i knew that it would be hard in ontario in montreal we are okay !! i hope her family is alright
Got the warning in Scarborough. Seconds after I got home, the horror started.
We drove through it and never received an alert!!!
We were out doing errands from 11 a.m we were at Best Buy in Kitchener and I was waiting in the car for my husband, you could see the storm coming. We got home, at 12 p.m after going into the underground parking & upstairs to our Unit the storm hit with full force. We were without power for 6 hours but safe. I’m so sorry this lady lost her life.