1. im just glad she was white because had that been a black woman doing that things probably wouldve turned out different once the cops showed up.

  1. I mean, don’t they have loitering laws? They would need a reasonable need to be there and intimidating voters isn’t one. “Watching the drop boxes”, while armed, is only intended to intimidate.

    1. Just put ballot sized papers that say “Hi vote tallyers, I hope you are having a great time counting all the ballots of people who were not too afraid of the armed men in ski masks”. (unless putting non-ballots in the box is a crime).

      What I don’t understand is why they need special ballot drop boxes? I live in Las Vegas and we can just mail our ballots in any outgoing mailbox.

    2. Peacefully protesting the illegal act of ballot stuffing. Perfectly legal. And necessary. Keep it up!

    3. @MommyOfZ&L
      For people who are not confident their absentee ballot will be tallied if sent by mail.
      Also some States require the Voter to pay for postage.
      Ballot boxes makes it free to vote.

  2. Wow, it’s the 1960’s all over again! No one should be able to “Stake out” a ballot box or voter site without being charged with a federal crime!!!

    1. @E Perez Excuse me, little boy the video’s are out there. I voted blue and not a traitor Trump fan, but what I stated is truth!

  3. Without their precious guns these little people are _nothing,_ and would flee from any confrontation. They feel intimidated by everyone. They are afraid of everybody. Their guns are the only reason they can even leave their mom’s house.

    1. @Live And Let Die then video them and blast it to the media and internet. Let their own behavior speak for itself

  4. Since when do we have the right to threaten other people who don’t vote the way we do?! Voters should be able to go vote and not feel threatened when exercising their right to vote. Maybe it is time to do away with the Electoral Collage. So we no longer have battle ground states. Then maybe the people of former battle ground states can vote in peace.

    1. @Xithr “scared that people won’t “vote” how you would like them to”
      and how are they going to know when ppl have sealed ballots?

  5. Did the police do anything or did they condone this kind of behavior, that’s an issue for if that’s the case, let’s say, their will be an issuer resolution right then and there!!! Everyone has a right to bite and should not be intimidated, this is getting ridiculous 😡😡😡😡😡

    1. They’re mostly running interference for the intimidators, claiming they can’t charge with a crime even though you can bet if set up tents and looked like they hadn’t showered in a while, they would be removed.

    2. Don’t make it such a big deal. These guys are losers and get off on people getting upset. Ignore them. They aren’t going to do anything.

    1. @Gabriel Jensen Not yet. So this woman had the guts to confront them. This can only get worse (violent). Thanks Donnie!

  6. How dare they cover their license plates while photographing the license plates of people who want nothing to do with them.

    1. @Angelo So there wasting their time. I wonder what they plan to do with such person but somehow I feel they should be smart enough to know that will not happen. If they lose again they will just come up with a different excuse 🤦🏽‍♂️

    1. @Janne Laitinen Wrong again? I wasn’t wrong before I’m not you enemy and I made it very clear I didn’t mean to take you. 🤦🏽‍♂️ and I never said you lived here. I only mentioned how your insults make you look just as bad as those you try to insult especially when insulting the wrong person. You’re doubling down.

    2. right and there wearing masks thats how you know they understand what they are doing they ae there simply to intimidate . If they are actually doing that to protect the vote why won’t they go on camera and explain why they are there. and then the old women camping out wtf who are they suppose to be intimidating the cats in the parking lot Lmfao.

    3. Because voting is a right and everyone is entitled to their privacy and peace when voting. It’s no one’s business who people vote for.

  7. Definitely a violation of law, that should be strengthened to a crime punishable by incarceration so people can vote free and fair. Get these idiots off our streets.

    1. The issues isn’t the law. It’s that in the districts where this is likely to be a problem, the police who are supposed to enforce the laws are sympathizers (maybe even doing the intimidating off duty). So it doesn’t get enforced where it’s happening.

    2. @Billyboy yes, cops are on the side of ppl who are not committing crimes
      this is the same in most countries

  8. America is doomed. As a US Marine it breaks my heart to see this happening in my country. Why did we all have to die if its going to end like this anyways?

  9. Damn I’m glad I live in a country with a functional democracy. What a terrifying society these people live in.

    1. @Torsten Daeges that doesnt answer his question
      its quite easy to pick on the US when u dont name any country ur comparing it to
      ppl who live in block party voting countries for example do not have it better then us
      the same with PR parliaments lol

  10. The fact that people are wearing camouflage in a parking lot speaks to the intellect of these people.

    1. Why don’t you put them in a dress and identify them as women instead. You guys are good at doing that.

  11. Even if they don’t say or do anything , some unidentified person watching you as you vote, armed and wearing tactical gear is a form of passive aggressive intimidation or bullying.

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