Woman Charged In Capitol Riot Gets Permission To Vacation In Mexico | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC

A rioter in the January 6 insurrection, who bragged about breaking down speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office door, has been granted permission to leave the country for a vacation in Mexico. Jenny Cudd’s lawyer asked if the conditions of her release could be changed so that she could attend a work bonding trip on the Riviera Maya. Aired on 2/3/2021.
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#NancyPelosi #Mexico #MSNBC

Woman Charged In Capitol Riot Gets Permission To Vacation In Mexico | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC


    1. This comment brought me chills . Thinking about how the judicial system killed that child hurts my heart. The privilege that white people have compared to non Whites is disgraceful.

  1. Black guy gets murdered by cop for holding a phone. White woman attacking the Capitol get’s to go on vacation. But there’s no systemic racism.

    1. @WasatchMan she participated in sedition. She’s lucky she’s not back in the 1800’s. She’ld be lucky to get out alive. Let alone party in a foriegn country. The only reason she’s free to do so is her monied connections. To bad the shaman wasn’t so lucky huh?

    2. AND here we go; idiots claiming racism!!! Please!! What do you think the penalty for Trespassing should be, death?? What, she should be locked up without bail for a crime that would be considered a misdemeanor had she entered virtually any other property in the country? We watched nightly last year as people “peacefully” rioted, looted, burned and shot throughout multiple cities across this nation and Democrat Mayors told the Police to “stand down” and virtually NO ONE was arrested!! FACT: They weren’t Trump supporters!!

      Yet, for this “treasonous insurrection” they have EVERY FBI agent in the nation “hunting down”, trespassers?? The last time the FBI gave so much attention to something was Timothy McVeigh!! Seems a little stretch to compare. Oh, and don’t forget the THOUSANDS of National Guard STILL in Washington to protect those in ‘the swamp’ yet the same protections were denied when us mere peasants needed them to protect us!!!

    1. It does not take a law degree to know how evil was the deed. She has not been found guilty yet, but i had a neighbor who was not guilty locked up for 2 years because he had a court attorney , no money for bail and finally pled guilty so he could get out and not get covid. He is medically fragile, too. Even his probation officer told me, she thought he was innocent, but with covid, he probably would not have had a trial for years and would have died. So, how is it she is out and going on vacation? There is proof she did it, but with him it was circumstantial.

    2. @L K I too am victim of corrupt court proceedings and did 5 years because of it… but to address your comment…. the t is proven that where their is higher crime—there is lesser education…. corruption is a crime therefore if there were more educated people in courts and on police forces then there wouldn’t be as much corruption

    3. ​@Llynnyia I fail to see how immigrants have anything to do with this specific case. Ty for replying to me tho. And everyone else!

    4. @John SmithYou are welcome? LOL ya today i was a tad over talkitive on the web. I built part of our barn this am so the rest of the day i had to stay down on my heating pad. I have CRPS.

      Anyways why immigrants? I used them a a foil in a comparision making a point about the hypocracy and inherent rascism, in letting this white wealthy woman flee to another country.

      Many Republicans say they cant trust immigrants to come back for their immigration hearing (over 90% do) and thats why they have to be caged or shoved into a dangerous shanty town back across the boarder.

      Even though legally they have the right to enter our country for asylem THEN go to their immigration hearing.

      While at the same time saying someone who is actually an admitted and unrepentant criminal and will face punishment, will without a doubt return from a foriegn country for said punishment.

      Which is more likely going to an immigration hearing where you are likely to gain legal status or coming back (from a foriegn country) to be punished for your crimes?

      I hope i cleared up everything. if not i enjoy hearty conversation and have enjoyed yours. Thank you.

    1. @Dustin Crawford Thank you sweetheart, thats the kindest thing I have heard in a very long time. People like us will make sure Liberty stays in tacked.

    2. Why is this crazy? What is your knowledge on the context of this issue? Do judges not usually do this? What exactly are you upset about?

    3. @WasatchMan- you have to understand the mind of the common Leftist. Nancy Pelosi said that Trump is a terrorist, 78,000,000 of his followers are terrorists.

    4. @Wrong Hole people who think Democrats are communists, CLEARLY do not understand politics or ideologies in any way

    1. Josh Lee Her comment shows her confusion and then her realization. So, now, she’s over it. It’s not that complicated to understand.

  2. Admitting to crimes on camera, getting arrested for said crimes, going on vacation. TWO VERY DIFFERENT JUSTICE SYSTEMS.

    1. Who is the corrupt judge who allowed such ignominy? That criminal woman symbolizes the entitled White privileged that a corrupt judge allowed to go on vacation after her participation in the January 6th assault on our democracy.

    2. @Hairsniff Bidenn
      She brags on video that she and other MAGAinsurrectionists broke into Speaker Pelosi’s office, stole her belongings, and messed it up. A portion of that video is shown in this video. What brain-cells killing nasty stuff are you smoking?

  3. This woman thinks murdering a officer on the steps of the capital for no reason is justified. What a selfish woman

  4. Get rid of Judges that shows this kind of favoritism!, The American Judiciary system is a pure disgrace..

    1. Yeah the judges and DA and prosecutors who show favoritism to ANTIFA and BLM thugs but come after those who defend themselves. This lady was charged with trespassing. A minor offense.

    2. Don’t forget part of it has to do with what she was charged with she should have been charged with treason but she likely was only charged with disorderly conduct and things of that nature so if the prosecutor isn’t taking it seriously the judge apparently doesn’t have to take it that seriously either

    3. @JJ Dillon violence between citizenry is not the same as violence between citizenry and government which is why they have a wholly different vocabulary for violence planned and put on government by citizens.

      Incitement to violence between citizens is punishable by imprisonment; but incitement to Insurrection against govt is sedition and treason, punishable by DEATH.

      There’s a meaningful difference.

    4. AND here we go; idiots claiming racism!!! Please!! What do you think the penalty for Trespassing should be, death?? What, she should be locked up without bail for a crime that would be considered a misdemeanor had she entered virtually any other property in the country? We watched nightly last year as people “peacefully” rioted, looted, burned and shot throughout multiple cities across this nation and Democrat Mayors told the Police to “stand down” and virtually NO ONE was arrested!! FACT: They weren’t Trump supporters!!

      Yet, for this “treasonous insurrection” they have EVERY FBI agent in the nation “hunting down”, trespassers?? The last time the FBI gave so much attention to something was Timothy McVeigh!! Seems a little stretch to compare. Oh, and don’t forget the THOUSANDS of National Guard STILL in Washington to protect those in ‘the swamp’ yet the same protections were denied when us mere peasants needed them to protect us!!!

  5. Why does she still have a job? And what company is hosting a “bonding trip” right now?! It’sa f*%#+ing pandemic. I can’t even go to my office and this yahoo gets a trip to Mexico!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Why isn’t she locked at home with only work release? The “bonding” trip ISN’T real work. It’s a freaking vacation. Shame on her employers for even allowing her to go.

  7. Whats the point of being “punished” if you can still go on vacation and do whatever you want anyway? Jesus christ…

    1. @blake jones stop that we talkin about sedition insurrection treason coups against your country’s government not simply against your fellow ma , there is a difference.

    2. @Truck Taxi Only for those trying to create a double standard and rationalize why their side is good and the other is EVVVVILLLLLL.

  8. This is sickening the judge needs to hold her in jail till her trial everyone needs to call that judges office and the FBI

    1. She’s being charged with trespassing. She literally strolled into the capital building took pictures and left.
      Be careful.

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