The jury in the Chauvin Trial listened to hours of testimony from witnesses. On the testimonies, Katie Phang says "We heard two different people say today they called the cops on the cops." Aired on 03/30/2021.
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About The ReidOut with Joy Reid: Joy Reid conducts one-on-one conversations with politicians and newsmakers while addressing provocative political issues both inside and outside of the beltway. Reid, who is also a best-selling author and public speaker, joined MSNBC in 2011 as a contributor. Drawing from her decades-long experience in politics, passion for addressing the intersection of race, justice and culture, as well as her signature tenacious interviewing style, Reid kicks off MSNBC’s primetime lineup by delving into American politics as it unfolds.
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#GeorgeFloyd #ChauvinTrial #MSNBC
Witness Says Police Never Tried To Provide Medical Aid To George Floyd | The ReidOut | MSNBC
No matter what people are saying about my human brother George, he should have not died like an animal
Thank you ….I feel better that we are not hate by everyone.
You know honey that’s judgmental pieces of crap.
George Floyd was as flawed and imperfect as we all are. Did he have prior scrapes with the law? Then give him a chance to go straight. Did he have a drug (fentanyl) problem? Then get him help. A knee to the neck is not therapy. Chauvin took away any possibility of Floyd turning his life around. Chauvin appointed himself judge, jury, and executioner.
@Buff Straw hello! You got that right. I’m surprised the qanons aren’t making up some half baked bs.
@Mary Carden The qanon cultists/Chauvin apologists (should we call them “chauvinists”?) are hard at work making up disinformation even as we speak.
In a word to describe Chauvins act is “Cruelty”!
@Jasse Walton
He was erratic.
he refused to get in the car and wanted on the ground.
He did not want to be arrested
Someone on drugs is not always in the most rational state
@Zaynab bint Al-Harith wow, consider yourself “smacked-down” on this thread ROFLMAO
@R. G. Biv They weren’t. They showed their contempt for human life. They showed contempt for the law they were no longer willing to uphold. They demonstrated that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. They were corrupt to their core. And so called “conservatives” are defending them. Shameful.
@Zaynab bint Al-Harith “How would you handle a man hyped up on fentanyl?”
FYI, fentanyl is not a stimulant, it’s an opioid: a depressant. It doesn’t make you “hyped up,” it makes you sleepy.
But to answer your question, how to handle a hyped-up violent man? Cops take classes in de-escalation, for just this reason: so they can talk a guy down rather than having to wrestle him to the ground. For 13 years, I used to work with developmentally disabled adults, some of whom were inclined to violent outbursts. De-escalation works.
Lynching is the word you’re looking for
What those cops did was intentional
Look, chauvin’s face told the whole story, no concern, no emotion, very comfortable with what he was doing! _SICK!_
How was he expected to act?
@Zaynab bint Al-Harith like he cared about human life. Any human life.
@Nancy Ross
Did you see the 20 minute bodycam video?
That takes you from the interaction in floyd’s car all the way through.
Flyod refused to go in the car and wanted on the ground
@Zaynab bint Al-Harith like a human being not like an A–hole
@Zaynab bint Al-Harith
no cop should be judge, jury and executioner in the united states.
I agree.
If a criminal is coming at them with a knife, then you need to call a social worker
Zaynab bint Al-Harith I know social workers who could have arrested Floyd with less murderous result.
@R. G. Biv
None such exist
Zaynab bint Al-Harith didn’t your nkvd grandpa teach you any English, volodia?
@Zaynab bint Al-Harith Floyd wasn’t coming at police with a knife. Chauvin had him subdued and knelt on his neck with his body weight for nine minutes.
Chauvin MURDERED Floyd. Period. He did it intentionally, gleefully, and without any remorse whatsoever. The man is clearly a racist, a sadist, a sociopath, and a danger to society. Chauvin needs to be in prison – preferably for tge rest of his life, but at tge very least for a long, loooong, time
I guess the people who did the same thing to Tony Timpa were racist too
chauvin is a danger to society
Are you kidding me? A ‘they were calling me names’ defense?
that officer will blame literally anybody else but himself for his actions. “tHeY mAdE mE pUt My KnEe On HiS nEcK!!”
It wasn’t just a failure of duty of care it was a failure of humanity.
He even put his hand in his pocket while Mr Floyd take his last breath
You could even see with his nee on his neck that he was even taking a leak, ,, dead. And Having his hands in his pockets
His reaction when being told that there was no pulse indicates murderous intent.
Yes it does
He is soo guilty and needs to b in prison for murder! Deplorable
People please take that defense lawyer to task after this is done,and what’s going to happen is those pigs are going to be held accountable one way or another Derek chauvin needs to have the same done to him.
NO! Please. That is not how our legal system works. Chauvin gets a legal defense just like any accused person and it is never ok to punish them for doing their jobs. You may one day need a legal defense and we would hope they would not be afraid to be ” taken to task” by a crowd for defending you to the best of their ability.
We know how desperate Chauvin’s lawyers are when they are now blaming the witnesses for Floyd’s death.
It seems theyre throwing mud in every direction to see what sticks.
@playaflydre3000 Sir the term “LOL” should NOT be used in the case of this man’s death.. Show some Respect..
@Kathleen Martin well it was directed at the op. If your reading comprehensive skills were up to par you would have realized that. Not my problem you coupdnt fig that out
@playaflydre3000 Sir my Reading skills are quite up to par I was objecting to your using the “LOL” not whether it was the Defense’s position or the Prosecutors.. Mr Floyd died horrifically and needlessly and it disgusts me to see anyone appear to excuse away that fact or seeminly find anything amusing about the circumstances.. “IF” you were laughing at the initial Poster’s comment accidentally saying the “Prosecution” fine BUT I fail to find any humor in that perhaps you might say I have NO sense of Humor..
Aah! The Trump Defence.
That 9 yr old little girl told it like it was because she had no filters she set the case beyond in motion when she said that the paramedics had to remove chauvin from George Floyd’s neck so that they can see if he had a pulse.
sorry she had to see that go down, but I’m glad she testified.
@R. G. Biv I pray
that her testimony will break this case wide open
That was a public execution.
If you don’t have the common sense to see it, then you must be blinded by hate.
To George Floyds family, I am so sorry you had to sit through this evidence.
It’s heartbreaking for any family
I want you to know he did not die in vein. His tragic events were felt around the whole world. He brought unity around the world at the same time brought a call to justice by all races. Enough is enough.
The world marched in memory of your George
He has 4ever changed the world.
God Bless you all. God Bless the many men woman and children who have been victimized by such an event as this.
We Americans stand behind you 100 percent.
To in sure no one and I mean no one will fall victim to this.
So well said Miss.. Mr Floyd’s Murder is being followed around the Globe.. Decent People of all Races should be able to see for themselves that this was Murder in cold blood. The man was handcuffed and pleading for his life.. There was NO excuse. Justice MUST be served..and that Murderer deserves no leniency.
Defense: “We need you to make a decision based on common sense, logic and reason. So just listen to us and do *what we tell you* your common sense, logic and reason are telling you.”
If this outrage isn’t murder, them I have absolutely no idea what murder is.
That’s so true, these thugs of cops never provided the medical aid. They need to be locked up in prison.
As officer Chauvin continued kneeling on the neck of George Floyd the blood flow to Mr. Floyd’s brain was restricted or cut off .