Betsy Williams recalls being awoken just after 4:30 a.m. Friday by what sounded like gunfire from an automatic weapon.
After Williams called 911 and police cordoned off Second Avenue in downtown Nashville, a "computerized message" from a parked RV captured her attention.
"Evacuate now," Williams remembers the female voice saying — over and over again.
Williams told CNN hours after the vehicle exploded, injuring three, that she and wife Kim clearly heard another message emanating from the RV.
It was a countdown.
"This vehicle will explode in 15 minutes," the countdown said, according to Williams.
Then, "This vehicle will explode in 14 minutes."
The countdown caused Williams and her family to immediately heed the warning and start making their way downstairs from their third-floor apartment.
"When the time started, that's when we went, 'oh sh*t'," she said. "We need to get out of here."
#Nashville #CNN #News
Witness describes surviving the Nashville explosion

This lady can be a reporter
That’s a joke? She’s extremely slow….
Better than the one interviewing her
@Patricia Smythe and where did you go to journalism school Patricia? Columbia I assume?
I agree. She is clearly a great reporter fo an average person. I bet she is college graduate😁 . also, she didn’t dismiss this twisted terrorist as a joke. I would’ve go back to sleep
Merry Christmas everyone.
@Roving all religions are “pagan” to someone else.
@Eric Ferguson But you are worshipping Prophet Jesus (pbuh) instead of God. Isn’t the wooden cross a sign of pagan idolatry??
Learn to have a true and real Celebration of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Christ-Mas) every single day by being a key part in making your entire nation a Jesus Nation.
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@Gypt Prinz don’t ASSume things. I worship NO ONE. No religion can explain the higher power.
@love Grace no thanks! This nation was founded on religious freedom. It will not become a one religion country and nobody should want it to.
2020 doesn’t seem to end!
Let’s hope we can make it through these next 7 days
Surely 2021 will have category 17 hurricanes with raining pitchforks during a magnitude 14 earthquake and force 8 tornadoes…
It started when animal agriculture started.
It ended with a bang!😅😅
This was wrong, but I’m glad the people had a chance to get out.
This lady is brilliant and courageous.
She knows when to hold ’em, when to fold ’em.
And she remembered and retold the story in excellent detail.
Then she gives credit to others, while laughing at her misfortune.
@travelingThrew so you’re saying this woman is in on it? She’s an old lady. Dumb comment.
I can’t imagine the horror of the count down of an explosion!
Me either. Cuz I would have been long gone well before it hit zero.
She made it sound like a joke
Probably less scary than sitting on the kill floor watching your family being murdered in front of you and knowing you’re next all because people want to eat your flesh and ignore your screams and cries of terror.
The terrorist must not have wanted casualties, but to damage property.
Betsy rocks with her sense of humor.
She may have done it.
Betsy the bomber
Oof Betsy ur in trouble
@robert coleman , assisted by KAREN THE KAT
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The blessed Lord died for you and rose again and He’s coming back again.
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Imagine if you were deaf and you were walking by. Good thing no one was hurt.
@love Grace This election is rigged by Hugo Chavez and his dead soul period. Pat Robertson was told by God that Trump would win the 2020 election and my pastor already asked Jesus Christ about this and got confirmed and our church is praying for president Trump now. Just to be fair, President Trump should declare martial law and rerun the election guarded by military in states where he narrowly lost. This is Godland! We all should pray daily to prevent Chavez’s dead soul from rigging our election again.
Ya but the big question is who makes something like this
Deaf people aren’t stupid. They are probably more observant than you are.
@PixzelByPixzel Jailed for life? Wouldn’t death penalty be better because then they can’t escape and then do it again.
@eddie hernandez There is never a USA like liberals claimed and lied about for more than 200 years, this is Godland, this is Trumpland, Trumpland is Godland. Trump is Godsend to save us and lead us to the path of eternal life. In Trump we trust, in Trump we worship, in Trump we united.
This is the weirdest act of terror I’ve ever seen. It’s plain strange.
@Garry Williams sure thing. You have been smoking too much kraken.
@raptured snail the writing is on the wall. People are preparing. You have no idea how thin the veil of civilization is. Hope your soy comfort was worth all this that’s about to start. Again you guys will feel the true nastiness of this. Not us out in the woods 😉
@Billbo Bro No it’s just basic US history. The old Dem party were southern conservatives and Rep were northern liberal. The south is still conservative and the north is more liberal. How do you not understand that? Are you just a cheerleader? I don’t see how anyone can’t understand such basic things.
@Billbo Bro Well I would implore you to rethink that and get a grip before you do something stupid that gets you killed. Just saying. Have you ever been in combat?
It’s a form of fear terrorism. My guess is they didn’t want to hurt anyone, but instead send a message
This woman is amazing and the first responders that went into this.
Hello, how are you??
You’re Karen face tells it
This is really odd to be honest. Glad she’s and others are okay.
@Krazy WhiteBoy but Nashville? I would expect Chicago or New York. Washington D.C.
@Juke Skywalker She doesn’t sound like reading. Why do you think so?
@Steven Dow because tinfoil doesn’t buy itself.
@Krazy WhiteBoy I am not familiar with Nashville. I was wondering if there was a business or building that might have been the target.
I’m so glad that people don’t think it’s a prank when they heard the computer voice . They just get out immediately . Thank God that they are safe .
@Very Hot Dude… I’m sick of your stupid spam.
Hope they get caught and bring to justice. Sounds like domestic terrorist. “GOD BLESS AMERICA” ❤️🇺🇸
Is this America today?
Thank god a lot of people’s didn’t die . 🙏 those that was hurt will fully recover
The gunshots most likely came from the RV’s loud speaker to get peoples initial attention.
@mark500mo yes. No rounds were found
Nice deductive reasoning
Very good point
she said the gunshots were alot louder than the recording. If the gunshots were from the speaker why not also have the recording be that loud//
I think they were real/blanks. Would account for the discrepancy in sound levels between the recording and shots.
TheDroidKilla she says herself she doesn’t know if it was part Of the recording
Sounds like execution and evidence destruction.
She saved her cat. ❤️
I love this woman! God bless this woman! Her coping mechanism are impeccable! Love her spirit
Ikr, still chuckling abt her Xmas tree in good humour
This woman is the best witness ever, just a bit excited and Anderson had to keep her on task.