Multiple people were killed at a grocery store shooting in Boulder. Colo. Eyewitness Ryan Borowski describes what he said and how he escaped. Aired on 03/23/2021.
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#ColoradoShooting #Boulder #MSNBC
Witness Describes Escaping Colorado Shooting | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
This behavior will never be curtailed until individuals who do this are rightly labeled as terrorists by the federal govt. I’m not a proponent of the death penalty but in these situations hanging and firing squad might be a good deterrent.
@KC Nicky You will have to get the eighth amendment to the U.S. Constitution overturned.
A good deterrent is to not supply them with AR-15s.
@Ralph Boyd These automatic rifles are legal products.
@T. R. Campbell
They’re “Legal” now. So were machine guns until Americans got tired of idiots shooting up the Cities.
It’s time to put semiautomatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns in the same category as automatcs with the same associated licensing and fees.
@Ralph Boyd The problem is how would we define this. Basically, these products are semi automatic in nature. A semi automatic rifle covers a wide spectrum. We have BB guns that are semi automatic, we have shotguns that are semi automatic, we have hunting rifles that are semi automatic, we have hand guns that are semi automatic.
Someone to limit high-capacity magazines to10 rounds only. We might recall the Boulder shooter killed 10 people, so our 10 deaths acceptable?
So how would you define what is illegal?
The machine gun was a fairly easy definition which was multiple shots per one trigger pole. A semi automatic is one shot one trigger pole. So would you define all “black rifles” as being illegal? So obviously then the rifle manufacturers would repaint. How would you define what would be illegal?
NRA issuing ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ form letters as we speak. You realize how empty that is. While people may have faith about life in general … nobody expects or understands if God pulls your mom’s ticket while she’s shopping for lettuce.
yeah… random acts of violence so un-interpretable that a “god” is required to explain it. obv
Ralph York
you do realize God has your ticket. You also realize that words from anyone is empty when dealing with death? We could use atheist sentiments on a death.
Non Caring and No Hope. I am curious what do you say to someone that experiences a death in their family? If you think thoughts and prayer have no power do you just ignore
people who have to deal with a death? If you send flowers and a not of sadness for their loss, that is a thought. You wasted your money on an empty gesture.
@Alex Hamilton Thoughts and prayers are empty when people who utter them claim to be Christians but use the statement as cover for their unwillingness to do ANYTHING to stop the violence. They put the second amendment before everything.
@Alex Hamilton what Ralph York said!
The Trace: 102—America’s year-to-date total of mass shootings, defined as four or more victims. (Gun Violence Archive)
Couldn’t care less whose graves you stand on I’m still not turning in my rifles. Not my fault no one shot back.
Another argument for Mental Health Awareness and education for ALL. Freedom should not be given to those who terrorize, assault their spouse or child etc.
“Lock em up” is not going to help this sick society.
You can’t “give” freedom you can only impede it.
We need to get gun control so we can put a stop to this madness
@Alex Hamilton does he know how to make a bomb does he know how to use a knife and I mean in a combat probably not what is you’re point and do have a answer or are just talking bs
@John Wick does he know how to obey the laws? Do you know how to ask silly questions?
@Alex Hamilton gun controls would solve that problem.
The solution is not for everyone to drop their groceries and start shooting. Big talk no brains.
@I’ll comply with Gun Control one round at a time. ya perfect scenario, everybody drop your groceries and start shooting if you can tell who the actual shooter is…duh
@Jenny Gater it’s usually the guy randomly shooting instead of running.
The constitution needs to be Amended, it’s the biggest flaw in our Law. I’m sick and tired of this vicious cycle.
Couldn’t care less whose graves you stand on I’m still not turning in my rifles. Not my fault no one shot back.
What part of the constitution allows for murder?
So sad.
I lived in Boulder for 10 years and used to shop there all the time and eat at Tandori grill/ Under the Sun… really sad. Violent crime is luckily fairly uncommon in boulder. I’m sure this is a huge shock to the community.
Same. I live in Indiana now but spent my teenage years at Fairview HS and spent every lunch at that shopping center, usually at Abo’s. This just breaks my heart. It’s such a good community of people
Hate crime !
Message Here : Eight-Five-six II Three-Two-Four II Seven-Zero-Seven-Zero
Talking about what happened is so important to his own personal healing
And itll look good on his demo reel too
DIVERSITY strikes again !
Thanks, Hallie! Thanks, Ryan!
Normalize mental health check-ups like we do doctor visits. Your brain is part of your body. It’s not less important. Mind-body dualism can take a hike.
The numbers are very clear. Since 2000:
People shot by crazy person with a gun: *2,370,000*
People shot by crazy person without a gun: *0*
According to your logic we need to ban cars as well
@Boojyman no just guns. cars have utility value, guns are for killing.
@Jack Ophelott nature relies on killing and defending , thus the 2nd ammendment
@Boojyman youre desperate for a rationalization.
@Jack Ophelott k
Thank goodness ur safe, praying for U all

The wary product peripherally hug because existence histochemically jam than a symptomatic structure. fixed, nice hour
When will we see changes? How many have to needlessly die?
Someone knew that guy needed help but did nothing to him the help he needed. I’m praying for all of the families. Look to God he’s there with you now.
Where were all the GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS?
Every time I’m out in public, I’m aware that at any moment there could be an active shooter situation. I assume it’ll probably happen once in my life time. I can’t believe this is life in the greatest country on Earth.
I bet you Ryan wishes he had a gun in that situation… guns save lives