Joe Biden won Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, _______ and _______, while Bernie Sanders struggled, even in counties he won handily in 2016. Some leading Democrats were ready to call it a primary and pronounce Biden the presumptive winner of the nomination, but that could alienate Sanders voters. Aired on 03/10/2020.
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With Biden's Big Wins, What's Next For Sanders? – Day That Was | MSNBC
Put our kids future into the hands of a flawed candidate. Great job dems.
Answer: Low-information Voters like you.
One foot in the nursing home Joe. Great choice.
@David Dennison oh , you wait and see, we are gonna vote trump. I prefer trump over biden.
@Snatcher Claus Dementia Joe capable of sound decisions with due deliberation verses the confidence man that robbed and cheated people all his life, blatantly lawless all his life. Tax cheat, bank fraud, contractor fraud labor fraud, thousands of lawsuits. He thinks he is God. Therefore he makes decisions on his gut instinct which he is wholly lacking in perspective. Does not take counsel to make sound decisions. So although I wanted Bernie it looks like Biden will win and I will be running to the polls to make sure that a con artist thief who lies by first nature has one more vote against him. I am 68 years old and sometimes forget what I went to get in my backyard sometimes having to contemplate 5 minutes or so to get my bearings. But I can assure you that I am probably more sound of mind with more common sense than many half my age. Occasional confusion in old age is not alarming. It is normal. We have Trump rambling all over the place repeating his ignorance over and over again and he sounds like a fool, often slurs his speech and is incoherent and illiterate. We don’t know for sure if he is just an imbecile or a drug abuser. So I don’t see the great disadvantage for Biden in the upstairs department..
“Welcome to the machine”
@Kevin NYC So Thomas Jefferson and Madison said limited Government . Nations got as big and powerful as fast as they could , Spain was a second rate power until Columbus found the new world .and Spain became the most powerful country for a time . Do you think the people who run this country . want small government ,to be unprepared for a major war with China and Russia . grow up .
@LUIS VELEZ wow. Grow up and embrace the decline. Got it.
@LUIS VELEZ you seem closed minded on the subject. Maybe another time.
@Kevin NYC I was grown up before you were born child .
@LUIS VELEZ I would cut spending. Eliminate waste and redundancy. Why you so hostile?
Because Bernie is losing…now you call the already corrupt system CORRUPT!! Don’t use that excuse!! Bernie is an INDEPENDENT DISGUISED AS A DEMOCRAT!! He filed to run as a Democrat for President 2020 but filed to run as an INDEPENDENT FOR SENATOR IN 2024…now that’s corruption to the DEM party
Bernie supporters are just as bad as trumpards are.
No want Bernie socialism
@Noiseless Sounds yes
Since the DNC has made it clear that progressives have no place in their corrupt party, I will simply be observing from this point on. Hope the Dems enjoy Trump’s second term.
@prav777 At this point, that’s becoming a distinct possibility.
You guys keep saying that but then you keep coming back. All you ever do, all you have ever done, is help Republicans win.
@Gail Em If it’s locked in, like the Earth is “locked in” to the Sun, what’s the point of complaining endlessly? It isn’t going to change….at least not anytime in the near future….
@Allan Burns I never claimed to be one. I’m hard right, politically.
As do I. It’s my hope dems will continue to put forth bad candidates, unelectable candidates, like Kamala H., like Pete B., Amy K., et al.
Senator Sanders should be given credit for reminding politicians they serve at the will of we the people.
Breaking news Bernie looking forward to buying another house ( his fourth) what a socialist!!!
@Andrew the millionaire with three houses soon will be four with All the extra cash! What a socialist!!
@Citizen EU like in 2016 Bernie helped trump!!so you want the same? It wouldn’t work this time Russians trolls!
@GH1618 It is what Joe Biden said, just before he challenged to voter to a fight outside. Just admit it, Joe Biden is the worst candidate the Democrats have, even Bloomberg would have been better, at least he was not senile.
@twzxaa Bernie helped Hillary more than Hillary helped Obama.
Yes, we do. Getting that disgrace out of the White House. If you’re not on board for that, you’re no progressive.
@Dan G Corruption breeds cynicism. Corruption has consequences. #NEVERBIDEN Never.
@Rodsuper 1213 Vote Blue is a terrible strategy as you hand over your leverage to change your life for the better to the Corrupt Establishment. Trump 2.0 is your fault.
@Allan Burns When you ignore/endorse Corruption, YOU give away your leverage to be Progressive. Shame on you.
TexUS Progressives — Biden was referring to the goal of defeating President Trump. If that isn’t one of the goals of Senator Sanders, why is he running in the primaries? Defeating Trump is the first priority of Democratic voters everywhere. That is what this election is about.
Whats next for Sanders, i dont know. But for the U.S its 4 more years of Trump. Congrats democrats on wasting time on “russian collusion”, impeachment, stoping the “socialist” and then choosing a dementing candidate who cares nothing about your healthcare, or education.
Bob Loblaw “ I’m quid pro Joe 30330 and I forgot this message.”
That impeachment sham is gonna backfire, just wait and watch.

I know what’s next for Bernie his already looking for his fourth house!! Ha what a socialist!!!
You Russians trolls isn’t going to work this time!!
@twzxaa russian trolls dont have to do anything. Because this time bernie voters arent going to vote for anyother democrat. Not like last time. Which was by the way the only reason Hillary got the popular vote.
Joe: We share a common goal.
Bernie: I wanna do away with a broken health care system that’s cheating everyday Americans.
Joe: I wanna give you a public option that’s just as expensive is private insurance but hey it’s thorough the government.
Bernie: let’s invest in higher education and wave tuition for working families and struggling students.
Joe: eh…We’ll make Community College free. That only leave the average person with a 35 thousand dollar bill rather than a 50 thousand-dollar bill. Good luck guys!
Bernie: We need to get big money out of politics and make sure we hold our elected officials accountable for raising from corporations rather tharther from multinational corporations.
Joe: eh……sorry guys I’ve gotta cash this check from Mike Bloomberg. Did I mention that Mike has also funded George W Bush. Gee that was a swell time that was?
No Biden not the same. We need to finally FIX problems not soften them.
@Joe BlowMAGA hat
Fixing the problems means you have to go back and steal from your own people instead of stealing from white men
@Rodsuper 1213 No thanks. I don’t have stockholm syndrome. I won’t watch our one chance at winning with a powerful, non-corrupt grassroots movement get smothered by the wealthy donors & party elite and then bend the knee. Yall are joking yourselves if you think the democratic party has a real future in its current state.
@Peaches Williams There is no choice. Private health insurers make all the choices and that’s the problem.
Cameron Lopez
I see your point and agree. Both candidates would bankrupt America
Disappointed we let a good man down we didn’t show up for him thnx to the media
@Devin Smith all fair points I agree, it’s good that Bernie has started a movement and hopefully Biden will let that movement join his campaign, so far I have yet to hear what he is planning to do except to veto Med4All because it is a tax on the middle class, which btw polls highest in what Americans want. The real question is would most of these supporters show up in the general? There are some who already decided not to vote and others vote for Trump. I ask do you really think Biden can unite people to come and vote “blue no matter who” we’ll see, let’s hope I’m wrong.
@Paul Estrada
To answer you..I don’t know. The more passionate and hard fought the primary is the harder it can be to bring the various sub factions together. IMO as long as one agrees to let all factions be present at the table then that alone should be enough to unify all of the left…especially considering that more Trump and Trumpism represents a clear and present danger to all that is right and decent in American way of life.
So I guess I am saying that because the stakes are as high as they are and because the opponent is as extreme as he is…unification of the left shouldn’t be at all difficult. If it is and Trump wins again.. well that that just means that he is the president we deserve and the direction he and his yes men take the nation is what we all deserve. At a certain point the politicians can’t really be blamed anymore and the responsibility falls squarely on the people themselves. I think this is one of those points.
Don’t worry about him hi is already looking for his fourth House!!
@Chuck Thunder have you ever wondered what Epstein whisper to trump that made him laugh???
@blueseaview 22 yess look at the white house Ivanka, Jared trump! The most corrupt in history!!
The DNC has been vilifying the Bernie Sanders supporters and now they expect them to get in line and support a rambling candidate.
@Mary Miskanis Voting Blue no matter who will get you screwed. Corruption is corruption.
You still haven’t learned your lesson from 2016, when you vote for Biden’s corruption.
@Alex Hamilton DNC knows Alex too well. Blow the dog whistle and Alex throws away all his leverage and votes corrupt Republican-Democrat in every election.
blueseaview 22 what did Biden do that was corrupt?
Citizen EU I haven’t heard a word from the DNC in this campaign. Can you provide a link?
MSNBC: That way you might understand how much you undermined the well being of the American people!
The media has spoken as with the uk it will not go well.
Why? Because people are NOT voting for the millionaire with three houses??
We will not vote for Biden. Dearest Bernie, Do not drop out yet. Destroy dementia Biden in the debate.
It will make no difference, the people have spoken.
You’re just too arrogant and delusional to accept reality.
Trump 2020 baby.
Biden to a worker : I’m not working for you… Let that sink in.
I hope he isn’t. He should be working for all of us and not an individual.
SharpWelder65 — That guy deserved to be told off. I would have said the same thing. I think a lot of people respect others who won’t be bullied. Nobody likes a wimp.
Don’t misled anyone that worker is a fool hi thinks that the second amendment is going to disappear (fool)
Two jokers, the senile one wins. Biden will be torn to shreds in a debate with Trump. Get your popcorn
Trump is the true joke!
Robert O. Funny joke
BIDENs mind be gone …dementia joe
Not nearly as bad as Demented Donny the dimwit dotard.
He goes by many names but one stands out….
Bob Loblaw it’s an absolute disgrace. The establishment would rather keep the status quo and live with Trump for another four years. Biden’s brain is literally melting before our eyes.
Yay Joe; sniff sniff; old Joe, he’s our gif!
Biden’s big win translates to:
“I want to thank Bernie Sanders and his supporters”? Did I miss something? Has this guy won already.???. The level of ARROGANCE is astounding… Hey scooter, it ain’t over yet till Bernie kicks you out on the debate. You won’t remember what hit you…DNC already RIGGED the setting….
“Why am I? Who am I here?” Okey-dokey, Commiecrats. You’ve run this campaign like you ran your kangaroo court impeachment. & we’ve seen the result. Your top guy is doing an Admiral Stockdale impression. Your #2 is Karl Marx. Now, if you’d like to win the White House in 2020, you run Gabbard/Yang. A
beautiful, anti-war Prez and a hard-working mo-fo vice-prez. They run a strong campaign & they could even win. I don’t even vote Democrat. Wouldn’t at gunpoint. But watching your stunning incompetence is painful… painful.
“The future of the party.”
What party?
PUMA amirite Hillary people??