Wisconsin County Clerks React To Trump’s Recount Request | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC

President Trump is petitioning for a recount of votes in several Wisconsin counties after claiming fraud. Dane County Clerk Scott McDonnell reacted to the allegations and said he was prepared for disinformation to come from the Kremlin, but not from the U.S. Aired on 11/18/2020.
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Wisconsin County Clerks React To Trump’s Recount Request | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC


  1. Donald Trump is doing more to stop American votes from counting than helping Americans from catching Covid19. Let that sink in.. ☹️

    1. It hardly matters, since the DNC appointed the most vile POS they could find. They would not allow Sanders, or Gabbard, both exceptional candidates. Anyone voting for Biden just hasn’t been paying attention, and really shouldn’t be voting in the 1st place anyway.

    1. @MrGorgeouslyme by trying to stop citizens rights to vote by Mail! What planet are you living on? He wanted to stop the vote count in states he lost!

    2. @The Tweatles Has anyone ever noticed just how many trumpsters, females and males, swarm around with empty heads?

    1. @MissaRosa he clearly drives you crazy too. You’re weak if you let a moron like Trump have so much of your power and energy which he clearly does.

    1. @Mark T really?/ so trump and his team are all faking stories?/. All the interviews and their claimed witnesses. Two lawyers are just giving up their career for trump?/when they already said theres evidences and if nothings there, They lose their business too. Biden never came up and says there’s no fraud or he will go to jail. Did you even listen to the fraud statements?/. Every time when they catch something. Always favors Biden. Why is that?/

  2. What’s the difference between Trump and a cult leader?.. A cult leader actually understands their own lies!

  3. His campaign is broke, but sure, go ahead and waste another 3
    Mil so we can all watch you lose WI again!!! Hilarious!

    1. @Ebony Hayes trump lost the popular vote twice. Why can’t it be that the American public wanted a Democrat president in two separate elections?

    2. @Ebony Hayes
      What does thinking Trump would win in 2016 have anything to do with believing Biden won time? You’re grasping at straws.

      Donald Trump has done much more harm than good for this country. He’s literally trying to destroy it right now.

      Biden won because Donald has failed miserably in so many ways that people wanted to vote against Trump. Record voter turnout, especially among young people, won the election for Biden.

      There is no evidence of fraud. You lost, Trump is gone in January whether you like it or not

    3. @Ebony Hayes he has literally done NOTHING for America! There is NO wall, he gave a tax scam to the Uber rich, and now he’s a failed ONE TERM potus who got impeached and lost the popular vote BOTH times he ran for office! A complete and utter failure and in fact the WORST o it us in history! Bar none! And your little petulant attitude or this farce of a claim of election fraud will change that!

    4. @D1 T nah….he’s a paper tiger. The only thing he can do is rant and race for a while, file some bs legal claims that all get thrown out of court and a couple of recounts that will just show that he lost yet again. Once Jan 20th rolls around, he’ll slink off to FL awaiting the subpoenas and indictments to drop on his door step!

  4. Trump and his allies ignoring the outcome of an election and rejecting the will of the American people who overwhelmingly voted him out, is a blatant authoritarian tactic and the biggest political scandal in American history.

    1. Exactly. He’s trying to distract while he gears up to bomb Iran. The rethuglicons need to quit following the dictator.

    1. It isn’t Trump alone. He could not do anything without the Republican Party and the ignorance of their followers.

    2. Hmmm, he says he predicted President Trump would be victorious in 2016 but he unquestionably accepts the so-called landslide votes this year for Biden🤔
      Trump was an unknown in 2016 but for 4 years he’s done so much good for the United States People BUT….Beijing Biden wins by landslide?🤔 Got it!

    1. Hmmm, he says he predicted President Trump would be victorious in 2016 but he unquestionably accepts the so-called landslide votes this year for Biden🤔
      Trump was an unknown in 2016 but for 4 years he’s done so much good for the United States People BUT….Beijing Biden wins by landslide?🤔 Got it!👍🏽
      Well, while you all are salivating over the loss of Drump…..he will be your President for the next 4 years. AND THAT IS THE POWER OF DELUSION & you’ll see 1st hand how y’all are being played by MSNBC

    2. @William Jackson For some reason, they cant seem to understand why or that people would vote against their lord and savior trump.

    1. @squareyellowpaper Warthog1950 yep… We already knew Trump was a swinger… sadly for him… Our states swung away from him 😀

    2. He doesn’t care, it’s not his money being wasted. All of the idiots that are following him are paying for it ! They know they have nothing but his little ego won’t allow him to say he lost. I hope they don’t drink the koolaid !

  5. Trump is just lookin’ for some issues to prolonged his stay (’til 2024) inside the White House bunker.😂🤣

  6. Not only is Trump the most corrupt and criminal President; he’s the weakest as well. He thinks he’s a strongman, but he’s just a baby.

    1. @Geetha Lakshminarayan , Only opinions which you approve of are welcome? you belong in a communist country with that attitude.

    2. @Roxy Tiger do you even know what is democracy??? Your country is facing tantrums of a wannabe dictator. Are your aware? Stop him before he kills you all

    3. @Roxy Tiger you can keep posting your opinions. Have tolerance to other’s opinion too.
      Any opinion other than yours is not communism or socialism. Learn the true meaning of these terms then develop your argument.

  7. Donald Trump is grasping at straws and throwing out the kitchen sink all to no avail. Soon he will begin to say illegal immigrants came to the US and somehow voted in this election, LMAO!!!!

    1. Anyone seeing trump I heard he’s hiding in the basement lol trump told his close friends that his supporters are suckers and losers lol this true?

    2. @poundu27 Yeah, Buchanan was pretty bad. I think a country runs on norms as much as laws. We’ll have to see how Trump has affected our norms long-term. For example, is refusal to concede going to become the norm now so that every 4 – 8 years we’re going to be wondering whether we’ll have a peaceful transfer of power? When we get a full view of that, we’ll know whether Trump ends up being worse than Buchanan.

    3. @Raptango_NA WRONG! He had a virtual handbook for dealing with a pandemic. Not only did he not use it but he got rid of the very office to monitor the situation and manage the response.

  8. How can people not see that Trump has lied about rigged elections forever. He has lied about almost everything what is the matter with people?

    1. The reason hes pushing it because he had Russia tamper in his. Thats the reason he doubts it. Everything he has done he accuses others. ITS LIKE HIS OWN CONFESSION

    2. @robert gilleland he is not even focused on live being lost everyday. The most hardest hit deaths are were he packed rallies

    3. Talk about your basic inept clowns… This time he rigged the election for himself, and still messed it up. What a pathetic loser.

    4. @Laurie Cardiel As usual you are right again. Anyone worth his/her salt should be making every effot to slow down the infection and death rates, if not stopping the virus in its tracks. Stay safe.

    5. Thank God Biden is giving free community College to people making less than. Hopefully some of these Trump supporters will take advantage of it. Oh wait theres no schools open. Thanks Trump. Trump said if Biden gets elected will have no holidays. Just curious am I the only one who noticed we couldn’t even have birthdays in the last year eat it up Trumpers that sure made alot of sense. I do not even remember even being able to go to church have 4th of July ,Easter , anyone else remember having any holidays since April. Lord have mercy and then they cheered its like seriously we can’t even go to a movie or a restraint in the past year. Shaking my head.

    1. Hmmm, he says he predicted President Trump would be victorious in 2016 but he unquestionably accepts the so-called landslide votes this year for Biden🤔
      Trump was an unknown in 2016 but for 4 years he’s done so much good for the United States People BUT….Beijing Biden wins by landslide?🤔 Got it!

    2. @Ebony Hayes You did not get it. Let me explain as it based on something in your reply. “For 4 years he’s done so much good for the United States people”. It’s all in the numbers. Almost 80 million people (almost 6 million more than trump) have voted for Biden because trump did not do so much good. The second lot of numbers: Well over 11 million cases of Covid and over 250,000 American deaths. The majority of American voters will tell you that trump is not a good man and he has not been good to the American people.

  9. Make no mistake – mud sticks. Trump knows this and that’s why he’s throwing so much of it. His intention is to undermine public confidence in the integrity of the electoral process.

  10. Trump is just trying his normal corruption that his base especially red state of hate want. What ever lie trump says they believe. Nazi’s is what Republican voters are.

    1. @Gwendolyn Alowolodu Did you not listen?
      They completed administrative data based on local knowledge, for Both parties, not the vote data!
      Both parties have been doing it, by legal agreement, for the last four elections.
      Pay attention!

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