CNN's Ed Lavandera reports on the winter storms hitting Texas which prompted over a hundred traffic accidents and caused power outages that affected millions of people.
#CNN #News
Winter storms hammer Texas leaving millions without power

CNN's Ed Lavandera reports on the winter storms hitting Texas which prompted over a hundred traffic accidents and caused power outages that affected millions of people.
#CNN #News
So hell has froze over lol. On more serious note. Hope everyone is ok.. especially the homeless. I’m in Springfield. No snow at all. Stay safe everyone
@Ariel S. Perkins or Massachusetts? Or Ohio or Wisconsin
@j2times2006 You’re right. I’ve lived in Springfield (Western), Massachusetts imtermittently for m9re than a year.
As H.L. Mencken said. “If I owned Texas and Hell, I would live in Hell and rent out Texas” Once again H.L. has been proven to be so spot on.
@Firghtening Truth closer to an 18 year cycle, with every second or third spiking higher. but the spikes are getting worse and more consistant
That was a good one lol. But yes, politics aside it is pretty bad here. Our cities are not prepared for this. Especially here on the gulf coast. Still without power
“Rolling outage” off for 14 hours and counting.
All you have to do man just keep voting Democrat and things will be fine you think
@K.J. Paasche you guys go days without power in record low temptures and worried ur kids are going to freeze? Also no running water for almost 24 hours. Man if this is what you go through why do you pay insane state taxes to live there.
It’s still rolling for me.
Grean new deal can suck it
Wait until my fellow Californians arrive in your Paradise, Don’t send them back.
I pray fore the homeless and animals.

@Major Old Lady aka, Mom OK mom…. put your muzzle on and shhhhh.
@judgegixxer only for goats, the lost dead in heart youz
@P Score math is wracist and white Supremacist too. It suffer from cool.
@Diamante Perla how do you know there’s a God?
Hey, if you’re using propane heaters to cope, make sure they’re specifically designed for enclosed spaces. Easy but tragic mistakes get made, especially if you’re not used to roughing it in cold weather. Hang in there, Texas!
I suppose we could all get down off our high horses….or krakens as the case may be…lol
@Immortal Asirpa Agreed…krakens & karens are a turn-off!
Good advice man people can die really easy if they don’t know better.
Thanks dad!
I thought they buried the lines in Dallas ??
I feel bad for livestock owners & farmers who didn’t expect this
Why? He animals can have some water
@Topaz Yacht Charter Huh?
Interesting. And now what?
@christmastiger FAKE NEWS !!!
Open up those churches and heed the needy in this time, stay safe Texas
No need to open up churches. Thoughts and prayers will do it all.
I thought they buried the lines in Dallas ??
COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, twitter risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1 gene evidence reports, find a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right first since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!
PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?
Go to a mosque instead
@Dim You’re also not raking in tens of millions — if not hundreds of millions — a year calling yourself a preacher and telling people to be more like Jesus. Christian churches have an obligation to the poor and needy, especially in times like this. The poor, needy, and kindness to our neighbor are what Jesus talks the most about in the Bible — again and again. But, as usual, it’s evident Evangelicals only care about unborn fetuses, not the people those fetuses may one day grow to be. Being anti-abortion, pro-death penalty, ignoring the poor and needy… I don’t follow Jesus, but I reckon being anti-abortion doesn’t somehow just make up for the rest of the times Evangelicals knowingly choose to ignore the what their own Bible plainly states.
2020 started with fire
2021 starts with ice
COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, twitter risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1 gene evidence reports, find a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right first since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!
PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?
@Emmet Ray and so is seven decades of weather and climate engineering.
@Nigel Johnson global warming or climate change is the use of weather and climate engineering, after seven decades of that one would expect people to have an inkling, apparently one would be wrong since climate change / agw agenda gets all the eyes and ears, tragically.
hmn its not really surprising coz the darn groundhog showed his shadow meaning 6 more weeks of winter
2022? Dragons.
They wouldn’t have to tell me twice to stay at
Here’s a video of Trump saying the n word with a hard er:
Yeah, but some people = stupid
@Theire H some people are first responders
The power outage isn’t rolling. We’re in Houston and haven’t had power for 14 hours!!!
So Is everyone Enjoying the Paris Agreement yet?
I thought they buried the lines in Dallas ??
COVID is CCP’s BioWeapon, twitter risk-life-flee-china virologist @DrLiMengYAN1 gene evidence reports, find a Gene guy you TRUST(not the famous ones on TV) to verify her reports, she has waken the right(she had to talk with the right first since the right was in power), help her waken the left!!
PS:why CCP didn’t allow wuhan people go anywhere in china, but allowed them to go overseas?
14 hours ? … & your already whining ? … Connecicut goes without power for a WEEK – every time it snows … Gas stations & whole towns in California ( on fire this past summer ) had power shut off for 3 weeks at a time. … You should have enough food & water to last … 14 hours ! … others had to go 3 weeks without food or fresh water … & no electricity at any gas stations to get gas … to drive to the EMPTY grocery store .. as no deliveries in 3 weeks … 14 hours !? – do what texans are good at – drink & passing out – it should be over before you wake up.
” Rolling” … ( according to federal defenition is ) … ON … for 24 hours … then … OFF … for 24 hours .. ( then repeat ) you have another 10 hours to go …stop whining over something so small – it just makes “AMERICANS” look weak.
yall need to realize that us texans aren’t used to snow or this weather so u guys saying “you need to toughen up” we weren’t prepared for this dont have the equipment, powers been out for 12 hours for me
Yeah I get that I have lived in the snow for 40yrs so I know how to cope but you guys aren’t prepared I hope they can fix the power grid.
@Matt Thacker just got a call from the Trump era, they want their mentality back.
@LSW bet you wont last a day outside in the texas summer heat
Been out off and on all morning. We’ve been cooking food when the power comes on, luckily we have propane heating so my son and I aren’t going to freeze to death but I feel very concerned for those who have central heat and air around here
Be safe and I hope the power comes on soon. And I know this will sound crazy, but it’s more important than what you think of me, so when possible please, do some research on weather and climate engineering, none of this is natural or nature, it’s not climate change it’s weather and climate technology ad It’s been on going for over seven decades.
@Meekseek Nah this is a benefit of rejoining the Paris Agreement.
please invite your friendly neighbors to come and camp in your house!
Stay warm and build a blanket fort! Seriously, it creates a microclimate when you and another person are inside it and it’ll keep you warm if you lose your heating for whatever reason
@Armastat first of all it takes years to get out of the Paris Accord the US wasn’t out of it , so to speak.
And as I said this is the use of weather and climate engineering.
“Storm’s coming.”
– Batman
People in the Mid West are used to this weather. Good Luck though guys.
I’m in texas almost 48 hrs no power going to 7 degrees tonight and we have a baby here… glad they are trying so hard
Praying for you all. Words sure Don’t
help but so sorry for you all.
@Jack Best ty!
You are on our hearts.
Texas: “This is a crisis! End of the world!”
States like North Dakota: “Is it Tuesday? Feels like a Tuesday.”
@Kevu Seth how do you design a road for snow and ice ?
Genuine question, do y’all get power outages that go 10+ hours and water shut offs, NOT DUE TO FROZEN PIPES? (Sorry for the all caps, but I wanted to be clear)
I’ve never been up north for longer than a trip, as I’ve lived in Texas all my life, so I genuinely have no idea if that’s just as normal at this weather is for y’all.
Our county alone has lost 13 percent of our electricity in the last hour, 40 percent in total so far, and water has been shut off where I am because the reservoir got drained due to everyone running their taps, dripping, to keep the pipes from freezing, cause that’s all we know about cold weather really.
Like I said, not trying to be snotty, just genuinely curious if that’s what y’all deal with every “Tuesday”.
@Kevu Seth : Boo hoo, you’re not getting enough snow to ruin your houses or your roads. Grow a pair.
@LSW cry me a river. you sound bitter that Alaska isn’t in the news.
May everyone be safe today! Please stay safe and warm TX!
It’s so weird watching this from Fargo, ND. It’s cold here, like always, but it’s been sunny for weeks now. Please listen to your local officials. Wind chills and icy roads are no joke, even in cities that are well equipped for it.
Forget this, I can’t take it anymore. Heading to bestie house 10min away, she has power for some darn reason.
@N Edwards lol not gonna be later
@John Elkins it will be in March
That’s to bad. I had shorts on today here in that socialist Marxist communist state of California. What’s next a tornado.? This has been a public announcement from our affiliate Tokyo Rose and
Lord HA HA.good night,
@oliver plantagenet bless your heart lol
They’re damned near as deadly
As Texans on ice….
James McMurtry.
Just shows we can’t rely on solar and wind for power.
My off grid system is working today now what ?