NBC News Correspondent Tom Winter discusses the terms of Michael Cohen's at-home prison sentence during the pandemic and NBC News Producer Adam Reiss shares a tick tock of the scene as Cohen was remanded into custody and sent back to jail. Aired on 07/09/2020.
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Winter: Cohen 'Essentially Put A Big Target On His Back' Before Being Remanded | MSNBC
Is everyone associated with trump a ef up?
Yes every single one of them
@Reg U
42? Holy crap. We’re having an unusually cold wet summer. 19 high 10 low with a fair amount of rain.
But I’ll take that any day over 42C. Hope you have A/C. Good luck to ya sir. Stay safe.
@Sean D TY.
@Reg U
Im your loony tune, phukkbunny, wanna play in Bozos sandbox with all the serpent children?
Everyone associated with Trump, including Trump himself, thinks that laws do not apply to them.
so far they’ve been right….
@Dan Grassetti
In America you get the justice you can afford.
Ya think!!!
they never learn apparently
@John Watt most people don’t even realize cases are decided before they get to the court house.
Ha ha! Many of the people around Trump will be in similar situation very soon.
Doesn’t matter what you eat, where you eat, or how much you paid for it… it all goes to the toilet anyway.
If not worse!
From you mouth to Gods ears…………
Let’s hope so.
And on the bad side of a vindictive, desperate ex-client who can and will mess him-up. Poor guy, sorry for the kids. Should not have squandered freedom.
He shouldn’t have become Trump’s Attorney, the only good thing he did was, telling Congress what Trump was up to #Traitor45ForPrison2020
Should have wore a disguise . What a dope.
He should know that Satan Trump is the most vindictive creature
He just can’t grasp the fact that he’s a nobody. He’s just a criminal with no special rights or privileges. He doesn’t get to decide the rules. I look forward to the day when Trump joins him in jail. Maybe then he’ll get it.
Dam rte Pass u the blunt…

no disrespect if u don’t smoke
..no cap
They won’t ever “get it” but I don’t care. I’m not expecting redemption from any of them, prison is just fine!
He’s a fall guy for a dumb guy probably not a good place to be in.

Throw him back in prison and if Manafort is caught doing the same throw him back also. And add more time to their sentence.
Trump should be in jail along side with Cohen.
Exactly! That’s what makes my blood boil!

Cohen worked on behalf of Trump; yet, he’s in prison and Trump is not! Insane!
@S H as soon as ByeDon is President,tRUMP is getting life.
So agreed!!
@S H
*Go finish the Jail Term . . . Michael ‘Trump’s Fixer’ Cohen.*
You can’t trust ANYONE that has been associated with Donald Trump!
This is irrefutable evidence of percisley that!
And that’s the bottom line

That is so true
Say it LOUDER!!!!
Like his ” Boss” doesn’t learn from his mistakes!!! All his apologies were worth nothing…emotionally sick man.
Prison hasn’t taught him anything, Cohen is still a schmuck.
Prison does not fix stupid. Michael went all the way to Michigan to attend one of the worst law schools in the country,
What a great description of him
Agree 100%..
house arrest. no problem. got it. yep… understand perfectly.
just lemme stop here at this restaurant and pick up a couple hookers and some blow… do a couple interviews with the press… hit the gym… get my car washed… and catch a movie… and then i’ll head home and crash for a couple hours before i fly to oahu to do some marlin fishin. cya!!
@Neil H.G. You mean Hair Fuhrer? Silly of you to make the assumption that I am an appallingly ignorant MAGAmerican. You need to rein that impulse in, apparently you are lacking in perception, as well as originality.
Cohen and Trump, dumb and dumber.
and the average Joe rots in jail for smoking a little weed,
This is why this country is so Corrupt. Because the rich can get away with anything. Their pocketbooks give them a Get out of jail card.
Dude wanted a nice dinner. He has money, why not order a chef and waiter at home?
He Defintely has time to think about IT ALL… Again! I don’t think he’s going to be re released! Smh… He did THAT to himself! Beyond stupidity the arrogance to the POINT of IT ALL is staggering!
He just wants to move to a bigger house don’t know the room size though or the en suite
If he was still a Trump guy like Jeffy he could do whatever he wants to
I’m sure Bill Barr wants him in the hole for Trump
The arrogance of these people! Everyone released to home detention should have an ankle bracelet.
I’m more interested in seeing Trump being locked up. Along with the long list of co-conspirators. Waiting for it.
Me Too!! Praying every day, Let It Happen to Trump, Barr, McConnell, Graham, Paul, Pence, Miller, Mnuchin(without hiding the BiLLions), Ivanka, Jared….GOP!
Not happening…
God_Laughs _At_Atheists Says who? How do you know and why don’t you think so?
This guy could help put trump in jail, so for that reason I’m kinda rooting for him.
Q: How smart is “Trump’s Lawyer”?
A: Smarter than the guy that hired him.