A Winnipeg mail carrier says Canada Post sent him home without pay after he wore an N95 mask on the job.
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Ah, bureaucracy. Ignore medical science experts and listen to the untrained suits in the boardroom. Sounds about right for Manitoba.
This is the bizzare thinking. The powers that be are militaristic and confusing.
But the government is constantly saying N95 masks offers the best protection against Omicron.
Canada Post really put their foot in it. Sending a guy home for wearing a more protective mask?
Bureaucratic insanity. it has never been about health. Only about compliance to your masters (the state).
@ Colin … you said “ more protective mask “…
The N95 is NOT for health protection. They are recommending it to the public because it has a TOXIC CHEMICAL concealed in it.
Hey, Colin, you do know that Germany has mandated N95s for months, and it had no impact on case counts, right?
Shame on Canada Post!! Is this how you treat ur employees? Terrible
I would take this further.
Indeed, Making them wear any type of mask at all is unnecessary pseudoscientific nonsense.
Wait…at the end of the story they say he can wear his mask with the Post provided mask on top. Why not just do that? Probably even safer than just the N95.
@Jack Sprat Not permanently. He was sent home without pay and now is taking some personal days “until he gets some answers”.
@Just G So, the answer is “no”…
@Ian Campbell A mini vacation; nothing wrong with that…
@Jack Sprat Yeah if you work at Canada Post you probably don’t mind a day off here and there.
@Ian Campbell I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t like a day off; isn’t retirement universally sought after?
What a smart country Canada is.
What one manager in one depot in one mail delivery port does is not reflective of an entire country and its choices!
@Just G ya thanks tips
You don’t need to be a mask expert! The recommendations are published by ANSI and recognized widely. He exceeded the basic requirement with a universally-known high-quality alternative, then they made him downgrade.
Please show the correlation in the real-world data between public masking and reduced case counts. Because the real -world data shows NO such correlation. In fact, the correlation is the opposite: public masking correlates to HIGHER case counts. Whoops.
@Primmakin Sofis I’m on your side, mask mandates don’t work. However, masks have a certain place in society, in confined workplaces or medical settings, and as a matter of personal choice. Doesn’t apply to mailmen though, if you ask me.
But the government is constantly saying N95 masks offers the best protection against Omicron.
Everyone tries to take full advantage of the new power they are granted lol.
Lol yea that story definitely doesn’t make any sense. Definitely more to the story
Why? Isn’t that what we are supposed to do????????
This is the bizzare thinking. The powers that be are militaristic and confusing.
You don’t need to be a mask expert! The recommendations are published by ANSI and recognized widely. He exceeded the basic requirement with a universally-known high-quality alternative, then they made him downgrade.
You don’t need to be a mask expert! The recommendations are published by ANSI and recognized widely. He exceeded the basic requirement with a universally-known high-quality alternative, then they made him downgrade.
You don’t need to be a mask expert! The recommendations are published by ANSI and recognized widely. He exceeded the basic requirement with a universally-known high-quality alternative, then they made him downgrade.
Exactly. Masking is not about health and safety, it’s about visible signs of submission.
Did this guy not stop to think for even a minute? There’s always the option of wearing one’s own mask on top of the one they provide.
Still feels like a dream each day I think of the fact that real flips still exist
made the difference. He is awesome
Still feels like a dream each day I think of the fact that real flips still exist
.made the difference. He is awesome