A Winnipeg homeowner is on the hook for damages after a stolen car crashed into his fence.
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typical insurance company
Home insurance today, is Not worth the mental anguish.
But they care about your health
Never pay for insurance
I don’t think you have a choice if you have a mortgage, but nice thought.
Clearly you live in your parents basement
@Jumbo Me says the guy that lives at home with his parents ….
Insurance is the only service where the provider won’t let you use.
Whats the point of insurance nowadays.
Should a fund for victim be established to cover incidents like this?
Guess he’ll think twice next time he puts a fence there ..
The interesting thing is that anyone who is convicted of a crime against another person, whether it be physical or property damage, is fined a victim surcharge
I highly doubt if the “victims” ever see any of this money.
The Insurance is suppose to pay out and recover the pay out from the perpetrator. The Insurance is caught up in wrongdoing here.
We throw the tax pool away like rubbish on Foreign Aid or in other words, roundabout Wealth Transfers to already rich individuals, if there’s anyone I would not hesitate to share my tax contributions through proxy with, it’s this individual. He’s definitely deserving of a pay cheque if all else fails, to reconcile him from the shortcoming of the general arrangement and expectations here. Otherwise intelligently expect your tax contributions to continue to be treated like a loose numbers lottery, if individuals like this continue to get abandoned by the system that is so inherently advertised to protect him and secure him from damage, that it’s anyways explicit between citizen and state. As he has incurred a visible loss here that only a material dishonest and malicious person or group could deny, to the extent that they are in essence criminals for doing so.
Name the Insurance Company. Tell the news. Stop acting as an extension of a private organization you are not suppose to be and be journalists, I know the nuances of Journalism. You could easily name the insurance company in the title, segment, info section and have them react to explain themselves and thus create further meaningful news for viewers. If you did not have suspiciously illiterate sympathy towards keeping them in anonymity.