Wind farms potentially killing thousands of bats

A survey of 29 wind farms showed 197 bats are killed each month in the UK. Bat ecology researcher Lia Gilmour, and the strategy director of a climate charity 10:10, Leo Murray, discussed what can be done to prevent bat deaths in wind farms.

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Wind farms potentially killing thousands of bats


    1. lol, yeah, look at all the benifits from fukushima, fukushimas 4 reactors
      caused 31 million 1 ton bags of contaminated soil, along with the death of
      the pacific… yep, completly safe–NOT

  1. still better than nuclear, which is killing the pacific… and either
    windfarms kill them or not, potentionally sounds like it could happen–more
    fake news-smh … its not climate change, its called solar cycles-jeez

  2. The Real News: Possible thousands of insects outsmart bats using wind farms
    as their most valuable weapons of death. No one knows if this is hurting
    the bat population at all, so many dead bats to count & collect we don’t
    have time for any video or imaged proof.

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