Attorney General Bill Barr says president’s tweets "make it impossible for me to do my job.” Aired on 2/13/2020.
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William Barr: President Trump's Tweets 'Make It Impossible For Me To Do My Job' | MTP Daily | MSNBC
You empowered him.
*. . .AND HE HAS.*
If Barr’s job is to french kiss trump’s butt with another republican cover-up, then barr DID his job.
How? Like Comey or Holder has already admitted too ? Or like Biden admitted to doing? Which is it?
I agree, but not only Schiff but Pelosi also
The Hamburglar still didn’t recuse himself.
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired
Lmao at you nickname for him. It is perfect.
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired how dare u insult the hamburglar. Lol
Perhaps getting thrown under the bus is preferable to being held accountable for corruption.
Really, this a man who said he serves the President, not the people so what’s the problem William
I see no problem
@Mine Finder you’re not Barr so back in your cave
@K Adams
You’re not sane, so vote for Bernie again.
Bully Barr the new CON is playing the media like a fiddle and these fools are letting him.
Thank you! I can’t believe people are giving this guy credit “for standing up to the president”. What a joke.
after all this the media is as guilty as trump or any of his cronies for getting moist over the volume of news rather than the affect of whats been done.
There are 100 hard questions to ask Barr, why is he on ABC without a hard question.
Nothing can change the fact that Barr twisted arms over the Stone sentencing, and has enabled Trump’s worst behavior.
Stone has not been sentenced.
@Francis Fulloffrenchpeople if their isnt Russian intrusion by Trump which was proven how can they still go after Stone?
Next he’ll be trying to sell a bridge in Brooklyn.
Dirty Don is making it hard for Barr to do his dirty work.
It’s certainly increasingly difficult for him to cover up and sweep all the corruption under the rug.
@LLC fall for deception again.
YA Right ! ! barr does Traitor trumps Dirty Work All The Time !
A : Trump makes it impossible for Barr to cover up Trump’s criminal tracks, what a disgrace!
“Stop tweeting”? tRump will never listen to Fred Flintstone…He will only watch him on the Cartoon Network, which pretty much sums up the current administration.
Ya ba da ba doo, Trump will win 2020 too
Everything seems to be right on track….everything is right on track. Trustme.
Speaking of which, I miss the old Cartoon Network
Please vote this orange clown show out in 2020…
we are the laughing stock of the world now…
this man has lost all credibility and needs to go
He never had any.
Barr and integrity don’t belong in the same sentence.
Like Holder and fast and furious gun running? What happened to holder again ?
chris richard I don’t know and don’t care. I don’t dwell on the past, Republican or Democrat.
@ntamny OK, so what has Barr done that is outside his job of attorney general? What has ruined his integrity ? Was it like Lynch meeting with the Clintons on a tarmac in what was supposed to be a secret meeting to discuss her investigation while she was investigating her? or was it like Holder smuggling guns to Mexican drug cartels and then trying to blame it on US straw purchasers in order to try and ban those type firearms? What did he do to destroy his integrity like they did?
@ntamny – Since c.r. *insists* on bringing up ‘gun-walking’, *we insist* he *educate himself.*
“W” *started it* …and GOTPers *happily continued it.*
The sentence he deserves is very different.
Now he talks, I don’t trust him because he got catch. He needs to resign.
It’s like he’s looking for sympathy, just be a man is it that hard.
How can so many people be so afraid of this old fart in the White House
They’re all afraid of finding their head on a pike, so they fall in line… “Yes sir. Wonderful sir. You’re a great president sir. Good decision sir.”. It’s all kinda gross and sad.
Someone forgot to tell him that the DOJ is an independent branch of the government
He is a liar
He is a spineless co conspirator
He is sell out
Barr remember all of this when your coworkers arrest you….
It is impossible for him to do his job, because he is a corrupt SOB. Impeach him and charge him with the crimes he has committed.
this is throwing everyone a bone, so he can carry on doing Trump’s work
Barr: No one believes your HalfAssedMealyMouthed disapproval.
You forgot fake disapproval.