Will Trump Publicly Condemn Bounty Plot? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The White House and top National Security Council officials learned about intelligence indicating Russia was offering bounties on U.S. and coalition troops in early 2019, a person with direct knowledge of the intelligence confirms to NBC News. Aired on 7/1/2020.
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Will Trump Publicly Condemn Bounty Plot? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Will Trump Publicly Condemn Bounty Plot? | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Of course he’s going to cower to Putin, he’s talking about taking troops out of Germany!
    Putin asked him to do that.

    1. @CmC RR100 Your ABSOLUTELY one hundred percent correct with your assumption 👍👍👍👍👍👍

    2. @Sehrmer Russian elites have sent their children to Europe since before the US became a country.
      Many Russians went to England to learn about shipbuilding.
      Russians used to be the pariahs of Europe.

  2. In my estimation anyone who votes for Trump in November is a traitor to the US constitution!

    1. He has always been in Putin’s pocket. I have been a lifetime Republican but I’m voting for Joe Biden this fall. He is a caring man and Trump is a selfish man. Biden is an honest man, and Trump is a pathological liar. He has now lied over 20,000 times in his 3 1/2 years as President. I won’t vote for Trump. No way.

    2. @Don Hill U absolutely right.Vote for him it is death to America and whole world.Looks like America now becoming colony of Russia,worth dictatorship since Hitler.Do u know Putin in Europe called Putler/Putin+Hitler/!

  3. Trump just thought he’d take pictures, sign some stuff, wave his hands, play golf, etc! How difficult could it be to be president? Actually work and have intelligence!

  4. His little hands are tied, there is no way he is ordering sanctions against his comrade Putin.

  5. Y’all should have listened to Pelosi. She’s been saying all roads lead to Putin since day one

    1. Michael Biggins , Romney takes campaign contributions from voting machine manufacturers. See Hart InterCivic.

    2. @Michael Biggins there are only 3 types of trump supporters, the greedy, the ignorant and the racist. And the ignorant are on a spectrum from lacking basic knowledge to too stupid to exist. They all fall into at least one of those 3 categories

  6. No, because he doesn’t know anything about it. LOL
    Here is a president who was told about the crap in 2019 and didn’t do anything about it. Talks a treason all the time as he commits it. Hummmmm? 🤔

    1. @Jarry Sciligo, “getting” old? It’s got whiskers on it as long as Rip Van Winkle’s!

  7. When Phat Donnie says he wasn’t briefed, it means he didn’t see it on TV. If that screaming shrew of a “Judge” on Fox had mentioned it, Phat Donnie would’ve been properly briefed.

    1. @Chris Morrison I agree that Trump knew, which explains all the leaks. The degree of disregard for our troops is disgusting. And of course lying is Trump’s only option. What is the alternative? To say he knew, but did not want to upset Putin?

  8. Remember even if Trump is voted out, he still has a couple more months in the oval office as president. Imagine what Trump and the GOP will do to stay in power..

    1. Li pov Yaj
      The main reason Trump wants to stay in power is to avoid criminal charges on his financial crimes and other crimes.
      My concern is that he’ll intentionally create some more disasters for Biden to clean up, then Trump, the GOP and Putin will begin working to make sure that Biden’s presidency fails.
      Like people who are ordered to vacate a house and they trash the house on their way out as revenge.
      I’m confident that once he loses in November, he’ll do less work than he does now, if that’s even possible. He’s just going to coast until the day he leaves the White House. Documents will also be destroyed.

    2. They must be stopped. Not only the end of Trump but Trumpism. That is the current Republican Party. Off with their heads

  9. “President Putin has assured me tremendously, hugely and beautifully that he has nothing to do with those bounty payments, that Russia is not involved in that matter, and I have no reason to doubt him”. Wait and watch for him to say that (clock ticking).
    Once again, betraying his own country; he could care less about our troops getting killed as long as he doesn’t upset Vladimir. Trump is a traitor and Russia’s puppet.

  10. when the parents tell their kids not to lie and own up to their mistakes, kids will reply “why should we when the president doesn’t?”

  11. He doesn’t care about the military. He’s says he doesn’t like captured troops meaning he really doesn’t like the killed troops. I guess “they knew what they signed up for.” Trumps words.

    1. Ian Werden it’s old news but if you look up. “Trump says he knew what he signed up for to mother of dead soldier “ it will pop up

    2. Reggie Anderson don’t even reply to the jacka$$es. They know everything this orange pos says. Smh.

    3. Tim Davis What I have been saying. He only did this for future real estate opportunities. He doesn’t care about leading.

    4. “I could shoot someone on 5th Ave and they’d still vote for me.” And they’ll vote for me if I let Putin shoot our troops.

    5. He also said they were weak. He said as soon as a bullet flew past they turned and ran. Giving the Taliban all of our army vehicles.

  12. So he rather defend dead confederate traitors than living American Patriots sounds like the GOP

  13. Red Hat People, Do You care about The American Soldiers that might be your Daughter or Son?

    1. They love their cult leader more than their own family. Don’t expect anything from those brainwashed morons

  14. Hello-

    of course he won’t. as Hillary said shortly after Trump was sworn in “he’s Putin’s puppet”.

  15. He can’t – he traded his soul to Putin for a presidency that he really didn’t want just to get back at Obama for making fun of him. Now the whole world is making fun of his stupidly…

    1. Jane Powers we’re making fun at you , your insecure ignorance is pure entertainment , don’t worry that incompetent corrupt corpse your electing will make everyone forget about Trump , say goodbye to your paycheck

    2. @Wes Bernard you realize your baseless comment didn’t respond to anything she said? And just because someone discredits Trump doesn’t automatically make them on the Biden train. You’re only trying to instigate. Useless waste of time. Just saying. Be relevant.

      BLUE TSUNAMI, 2020!

    4. @Ellyn MacGregor I’m a Registered Democrat since I left the GOP in 2006.
      I’ve voted my whole life ( All locale & Presidental ellections)
      I’m proud to Support Joe Biden !
      Yes there are more Progresive members of the party ….
      Sanders , Warren , AOC, Porter ,
      etc….But Biden is committed to working with what he knows is the future of the Blue Party.
      He is the right man for this moment in time.
      Liz Warren for VP !
      ( or Attorney General 😁)
      I hear ya loud & clear !

  16. trump “I asked putin and he said he didn’t do it and I believe him. Why would he lie?”

    1. @Kristine, while I agree with you, I have said for a long time that he was never fit to hold office in the first place!

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