1. MILLIONS and this is just the the surface he’s been around a long time and people have been following his money a long time wait till they find out he has Tens if not Hundreds of millions in CCP stock investments … Oh that should be funny.

  1. McCarthy? That weasel? 🙄 We all saw what they said right after their lives were in danger, and how they cowardly changed their own story – including pence and graham and McConnell- this is ridiculous..

    1. @Cory C If you look really really hard, you’ll see a “Show more replies” under the last one you see. If you click that link, you’ll see more replies.

    2. @Sandi Harris If you look really really hard, you’ll see a “Show more replies” under the last one you see. If you click that link, you’ll see more replies.

  2. Thank you #RepLizCheney, #RepKinzinger, #RepAdamSchiff, #RepRaskin, #BennieGThompson and other committee members. Never give up friends!

    1. Thanks for them hashtags. You just highlighted some of the most biggest wackos in Washington DC.

  3. “Absolutely the case”
    And yet, they haven’t made a decision on a referral…..
    -everything wrong with this country.

  4. I have never identified nor agreed with Liz Cheney about anything until January 6, 2020. It’s an important for me to recognize that someone whose politics are so antithetical to mine can still believe in democracy. Thanks Liz. I needed that.

    1. @charles caldwell I would think unemployment would be better then working for CNN or MSNBC…She’s used to speaking to A large audience (435 members of Congress) both networks don’t get that many viewers combined.

  5. As for his first question, she answered yes. Will DOJ act on this? If they do not, say bye-bye to our democracy.

  6. liz you are such a beautiful and intelligent person . is sure wish at least half of the republican party would have 1/ 100th the patriotic duty to the constitution that you have. thank you for your service.

  7. There’s a split decision? Why are they afraid to just do it? Dangling the carrot with all of these evidences and not take action is frustrating and BS!

    1. @BJB And yet not one of them was told to do a damn thing by Trump. Just trying to keep you informed, as though that’s remotely possible.

  8. This lady put everything on the line for our country. Her job, her reputation, and not to mention these Trump nutcases will most likely find her and kill her and her family. They’re THAT crazy. Thank you Liz.

  9. The fact that even one of them is even remotely “conflicted” about this is shocking. And it *stinks.*

    1. He is…
      It’s just as soon as it’s in court and evidence is needed all fails.
      Seems like you need something more than just accussations.

  10. Thank You 🙏
    GOD BLESS EVERYONE Working on the COMMITTEE 🙏…..

  11. Gonna love hearing the GOP’s “witch hunt” excuses for defending this criminal. Jim Jordan- better start working your talking points!

  12. I love she said they havent decided to refer but then went onto say he is “clearly” guilty. Dont be cowards!

    1. And she’s a republican, not a spinless democrat. No matter the evidence, nothing will come of this. It’s just another way to waste tax payer money.

  13. “Will Trump face a criminal referral? See Liz Cheney’s response” so let’s #ConvinceItForward

  14. We are in a recession, waiting for a depression. Regardless what economic phase we are in, retail stores are closing in mass, evictions and homelessness are increasing, unemployment is a serious plague and inflation of everything is a huge problem that is going to cause a lot collateral damage.

  15. “What happend in Ukraine shows us that democracy is fragile”
    Getting invaded by a foreign country says nothing about the democracy, BUT having NATO and the EU meddle with who the president is in Ukraine sure does haha.

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