Actor Will Smith walked on stage and hit comedian Chris Rock after he made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith's shaved head during the Oscars Awards Ceremony in Los Angeles. Pinkett Smith has been open about her struggle with alopecia, an autoimmune disorder that leads to hair loss. CNN's Rosemary Church discusses the incident with journalist Sandro Monetti.
#CNN #News
“Everybody will forget a bad joke.
Nobody will forget a bad attitude”
– Arsenio Hall
@Chad Taylor violence? You ok?
She has been with short or bald here for such a very long time, many years, that the joke itself should not have been as big a deal as everybody is making it out to be.
@Slique Vic so it’s okay to commit violence against a man if a woman’s feelings are hurt? If it was a woman making that joke, would it still be okay to hit her?

@Slique Vic sick?? She simply losing the ability to grow and keep hair
WHATS THE MEANING OF Life.. ? ? ? People ask me all the time -What is the meaning of life? Is it about having a fancy car, a big house, a great job or even being famous? No.! – Ok. Then it’s about being in love having a wife, kids– family and the white picked fence ya-ya…thats it.! No.!.. Ok. Then GOOD HEALTH —NO..! -Tel that to someone who’s on there death bed-NO..! Life is all about realizing that this is just a temporary stop in our journey to Heaven… All the highs life has to offer does Not compare with what God has planned for us and the Lows in life only strengthens our desire for Heaven…. So Please….. TURN TO JESUS– life is to short-and tomorrow my be to late…. Pastor Johnny
Will’s all like “only my wife’s boyfriend can make those jokes”
@アダム 【登録者700人突破で顔出し】 we all will die
Will Smith was good with Chris’s joke up until his son’s friends girlfriend started crying.
If it wasn’t for this incident, I wouldn’t had even known the Oscars was going on.
Me too
@J is that whats up
That’s tells you how bad the ratings are.
WHATS THE MEANING OF Life.. ? ? ? People ask me all the time -What is the meaning of life? Is it about having a fancy car, a big house, a great job or even being famous? No.! – Ok. Then it’s about being in love having a wife, kids– family and the white picked fence ya-ya…thats it.! No.!.. Ok. Then GOOD HEALTH —NO..! -Tel that to someone who’s on there death bed-NO..! Life is all about realizing that this is just a temporary stop in our journey to Heaven… All the highs life has to offer does Not compare with what God has planned for us and the Lows in life only strengthens our desire for Heaven…. So Please….. TURN TO JESUS– life is to short-and tomorrow my be to late…. Pastor Johnny
So true. And remember these guys do this for a living. What’s to say this was Smiths Opus Magnus lol
crying on the spot and who does that, walking up to someone in broad daylight in front of all the cameras of the world and media and actually attack someone. lol. Remember smith is a ‘loud’ type of guy. He’s not shy and says and does things at a whim, where as me and you would cringe.
Another thing. If he did that at a school level. He’d be excluded out right. I don’t buy it. His tears at his speech itself deserves an Oscar. Lost some respect for the guy. Even if he was ‘defending’ his wife’s so called honour. Yet he’s happy his wife sleeps with his sons mate lol. Hahaha ok that makes sense.
Will Smith really took “Everybody Hates Chris” to heart.
Thats easily the best joke Ive heard on this subject. Imagine chris rock would have said it. Id still be crying on the floor.
Now that’s funny right there !
*”I got in one little fight and my mom got scared*
*She said, “You’re movin’ with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air”*
@Christine I don’t doubt it. it’s not Ukraine or Russia it’s individuals on both sides who can’t handle their emotions
@Jonathan Sanchez Emotions are one thing and war is inherently violent but war crimes like this are why Ukraine will lose big time.
“In the highest high of his glorious career, he takes the low ground. ” well said.
Will Smith was good with Chris’s joke up until his son’s friends girlfriend started crying.
Wtf! He laughed at the joke first then his wife’s look triggered him to act this madness!
It was an act
@Mira i think you mean staged
Jada should have slapped his oaf husband Will Smith!And he won as Best Actor!!!What a shame,Oscarssssss!!!!
Interesting how people making excuses for Will. When his wife is happier with other men and he is miserable with her. That’s just…if a word for it other than Entanglement exists, someone let me know.
Will Smith was good with Chris’s joke until his son’s friends girlfriend started crying.
Will thought the joke was funny until Jada changed his mind for him.
Yes, he lacked the Willpower.
Will Smith was good with Chris’s joke up until his son’s friends girlfriend started crying.
If it’s Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson, and not Chris Rock, those same lines are still funny with Will.
Had Will’s snap only been calling Chris Rock out “Keep my wife’s name out of your f*ing mouth” I would be on Will’s side here.
But no matter how offended you may feel, the moment you assault someone, you are at their same level, you become worse than them.
Chris Rock can makes jokes about anything or anybody he wants too…..I far as I know, free speech is still a thing in America. I know liberals want to shut it down….they haven’t quite done it yet though.
Will Smith has done himself no favors, Chris Rock meant no malice with his quip.
After decades of hard work, on the greatest and most important night of his career, Will Smith actually exposed how unhappy he really is inside.
Will said “ Love makes you do crazy things “…. Those are the words of a DOMESTIC VIOLENCE OFFENDER!! Will needs to be punished for his verbal and physical abuse ASAP!! Take that OSCAR away from him!!

Well said! Who knows what he’s like behind the scenes.
It will be okay, Karen.
Youve just assumed a crime and decided to punish him on the spot lol
Imagine reacting like this over someone who cheated on you and can’t even say sorry, will Smith no balls.
How not to get slapped by Will Smith, sleep with his wife.
Will Smith was good with Chris’s joke until his son’s friends girlfriend started crying.
She didn’t have to say it. He loves her enough to FORGIVE and you will be Forgiven. Try it. And, it’s not easy!!!
@B Boooooooooo!
He didn’t care about the joke, he was just defending his wife’s boyfriend’s honour.
I wish I would have come up with that one. Very funny.
Will Smith was good with Chris’s joke up until his son’s friends girlfriend started crying.
if u look close he was laughing till he saw his wife’s reaction ….
@Mike!Mike!Mike! Also the community has been clapping his wifes cheeks and blowing her back out, he even laughed at the joke but barked once his master gave him the look, so he decided to go after the guy he knew wouldn’t do anything back so clapped Chris Rock in the face.
Will’s a B I T C H
Will went from laughing to angry to crying in all under 5 minutes. I call that a good day
Scripted smackdown or actual physical assault, it doesn’t matter. I have lost all respect for Will Smith. Physical violence solves nothing. This was heinous and totally uncalled for.
I think Chris deserves an Oscar for acting so calm and controlled.
Imagine accepting an award then saying that your a vessel for love after less than an hour ago, he slapped the crap out of someone. Why he was still allowed to be there bewilders me.
*you’re a vessel….
Will Smith was good with Chris’s joke up until his son’s friends girlfriend started crying.
“Nobody was paying attention to this event” God damn this guy is savage