Will Obama’s Twitter endorsement of Trudeau sway potential voters?

The War Room panel discusses the endorsement for Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau on Twitter from former U.S. president Barack Obama.

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Will Obama's Twitter endorsement of Trudeau sway potential voters?


  1. An endorsement from a corrupt fraud like Obama isn’t going to do justin any favours…LOL ~🎵 lovin’ every minute of it 🎵~ 😄😄😄

    1. He meddled in the last one too. Dead Syrian boy was a staged photo shoot. Canada didn’t cause his death, his human trafficking father did.

    1. I find comment sections tend to be more informative on any news channel. So I do exactly that, but to all of them.

  2. Yes they are starting to realize we are sick of trudeau. They are panicking and pulling out all the stops. Foreign interference from from Obama and thunbergs handlers. What’s next? Kim kardasians endorsment? Liberals out.

    1. big l it’s called meddling. He is a person of influence, and really ought to keep his opinions to himself, unless his aim IS to influence…

  3. We need a Prime Minister that can speak on a public stage without stuttering for five minutes first. We have been embarrassed enough.

  4. Collusion!!!! Foreign interference!!! SOUND THE ALARM!!!! Wait, Obamas a Democrat. They can do that.

  5. A better question would be why doesn’t he give his endorsement and support to Joe Biden… 🤔

    lol 😅

    1. Because Biden was/is an embarrassment to him…Just like himself. Obama was the worse and most destructive President!

  6. Justin should have alerted Obama about the climate emergency before he spent all that lobbyist money on his little seaside cabin.

  7. I find it odd that Obama endorses blackface Trudeau “woke” and all, but has not endorsed any democrat as of yet. Who is he waiting for?

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